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-JJ P.O.V-

Brian held his Geography notebook in his hand whilst JJ had his stuffed away at the bottom of his school bag. They walked into their quiet geography class and took their seat at the table in the middle of the room.

"Right, Everyone, I've a letter to hand out before we start the lesson" The geography teacher announced to his pupils.

Brian looked at JJ. "So, heard you've been hanging out with that blue haired kid?" Brian stated rather bitterly making JJ's head snap to attention.

"What's that all about?" Brian asked.

JJ shrugged. "He's a mate, is all," JJ told him nonchalantly. It wasn't true. JJ wasn't sure how he felt with Blue, he liked Blue, that's for sure but he didn't know whether their deep conversation last night at the local pub made them friends or not. Brian nodded letting out a small sigh as he did so.

"Claire isn't happy about that you know," He informed JJ, who in return rolled his eyes.

JJ looked up at Brian, his eyes sharp almost hostile, Brian flinched slightly, faltering his glance. "I don't care what Claire thinks," JJ spoke strong, making sure each syllable gave a hidden message one that said: 'Fuck you'.

The geography teacher came to their desk and put a sheet of paper in front of them both.

JJ picked his up and read it thoroughly. "Camping trip?" Brian asked with a frown on his face. "That's lame" He commented bitterly before putting the letter down again.

JJ smiled. "I wanna go," He told Brian.

"That's fine, it's just not gonna be as epic as they make it out to be," He told JJ whilst pointing to the letter. "Water feature," he read, eyes scanning the paper. "They mean kiddy pool."

JJ shrugged. "I'll see what my dad says," He said after folding up the letter and putting it in his black school bag.

It wasn't so much the camping that he wanted to do, it was more the fact that he'd be away from his parents for a couple nights. It would be a nice way to grasp a breath of fresh air, along with sometime in the outside world. He'd gone camping before, but years before, he enjoyed it. For some reason the air just seemed so much lighter once he was away from his house.

Brian and Claire were deep in their own conversation about one thing or the other but JJ wasn't listening. He was too busy watching Blue, who is sat at the other side of the canteen. JJ debated going over there but he fears that his friends will disown him if he does.

He thought up a lie .He really wanted to see Blue. "Guys, I need to go talk to Eddie about a basketball thing," He told them.

Brian nodded but Claire raised an eyebrow in mild suspicion. "Really? You want to talk to her? Look at her she's got a horrible nose," Claire remarked snidely, snorting at her own repulsive insult before shovelling another large piece of lettuce in to her mouth.

She really was a snake. "Claire, there is no need to be jealous," Brian said sarcastically, sending her a side glare causing her mouth to drop open in shock, cheeks blemished of pink.

JJ stood up from the table and headed over to where Blue and his friend were sat. Ignoring Claire's puffs and groans as he did so. They were both laughing at something. JJ couldn't help but notice the way Blue's eyes crinkle slightly when he laughs. "Hi guys!" JJ spoke as he pulled out a chair and sat down next to Blue. Eddie smiled but Blue stayed still, seemingly glued to the spot, his eyes held stagnant in front of him as his neck shrunk into his shoulders.. There was an uncomfortable silence that loomed over the table. JJ shifted in his chair. Maybe coming over wasn't one of his brightest ideas.

"May I ask what you're doing here?" Blue's sharp tone made JJ blush in embarrassment.

"I just wanted to talk, I guess," JJ spoke as he looked Blue in the eyes.

"And get away from that bitch? I could see the way she was looking at us you know. Like we're below her, or something," Eddie said blandly, taking a sip of her drink.

JJ looked to his table to see Claire leaving over the table towards Brain and soon giggling afterwards sending an eye towards the table he was stationed at. He sighed, "yeah, she's your classical mean girl. I'm sorry, but if you get to know he-"

"Don't give us that bull shit JJ, she's horrible and you know it." Eddie cut in, glaring with a set of strong irises, her pupil having taken up almost the majority of her eye. She looked demonic, toxic even.

JJ gulped and looked to Blue, who was nodding at him, "I know it's hard to let go of someone you consider a friend, but she'll hurt you. And you'll be forced to let her go." He said in a sorrowful tone.

JJ let out a small sigh; he didn't want to acknowledge the fact that Claire was a nasty piece of work, nor did he want to leave her side. He enjoyed her company, but he didn't enjoy her attitude sometimes.

Eddie let out a small sight, leaning towards JJ with a soft smile on her futures, "sorry, I just get a little bit emotional sometimes." She said sincerely, getting up and throwing her bag over her shoulder. JJ didn't say anything only smiled back at her, glancing back over to the table seeing Claire still sniggering about something he couldn't care about.

"I'll be right back you two, do whatever the fuck you want, give each other head, make out, deal some meth, doesn't bother me." She said cockily sending them a side glance and smirk before walking off to a nearby vending machine.

JJ felt his stomach churn in a way he couldn't fully describe, and he was suddenly overwhelmed with this wave of confidence. He looked over to Blue to see him red faced and even stiller then before, he chuckled darkly moving over not so subtly so that their shoulders touched.

"So, we have three options, what one do you wanna do first?" Blue let out a small sound of confusion, shocked that he even had the balls to say something so flirtatious.

"Shut up." He said quickly, slamming his shoulder into JJ's before scooting away, a mortified blush scribbled on his cheeks.

JJ let out a crude laugh, gently rubbing his shoulder and unconsciously looking back over to the table where Claire sat. To see her staring bullets into JJ, her face one of anger, disgust, jealousy. The last thing JJ wanted was for her to become a problem.



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