Chapter 6

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We left to our classes. I went with Cassy. We took our seats. It was no surprise when Jake sat next to me. He likes to annoying, doesn’t he? Cassy for once didn’t make a comment. Instead she was listening to the teacher. I, on the other hand was distracted by Jake.

“What now Jake?” I whispered.

“Nothing. I wanted to hear your sexy voice, beautiful”, Jake said.

“Why must you insist?” I said.

“Because, it is you I’m after”, Jake said.

“I’m not going to be yours. When will you understand”, I said.

“Never. I like a challenge and I promised you that you will be mine. Sooner or later beautiful”, he said.

“Whatever makes you feel better”, I said rolling my eyes at him.

“Yes because it’s the truth, beautiful”, he said.

“Right”, I said sarcastically.

“You offend my player abilities”, he said faking hurt.

“I can’t offend what you don’t have”, I said smirking.

“Oh baby you hurt me”, he said keeping his act.

“Good”, I said.

We argued for the rest of the class not paying attention. Jake will not win. By the end of the class I had no idea what today’s lesson was about. When the bell rang I left with Cassy leaving Jake. Now I’m reminded why I shouldn’t like him. The annoying jerk has two faces.

“Are you sure that you and Jake have nothing going on?” Cassy asked.

What is up with people today? Everyone keeps asking me the same question.

“Yes, I’m sure. He just likes to annoy me because I’m his victim”, I explained.

“You make him sound like an animal”, Cassy said.

“He is. I’m not going to lie”, I said.

“Oh Les. When will you learn?” Cassy said laughing.

The rest of the day was a breeze. At the end of the school day we met up. The girls and I planned a girl day today. It’s been some time since we have had one. After talking we left and said we would call each other. While walking I thought about Jake. Lately that’s mostly all I have been thinking about. I saw Jake’s car parked a little bit ahead. When I passed by I saw him and a girl from school making out. I guess he’ll always be a player. There’s my answer. I felt fury wash over me. I wanted to hurt that girl but instead I walked away.  If he tried to talk to me I would show no mercy. He deserved to die in a hole. Why should I care? It’s not like I’m with him. I felt a bit hurt. I thought there was something but I guess I was wrong.  I didn’t go straight home. I walked longer. My eyes were stinging. No. I will not waste my tears on him. He isn’t worth it. I went to the place where I could feel calm and relaxed. There is this bridge over a semi-large pond. It was always peaceful and quiet there. All I could feel was anger and sadness. I laid my stuff on the ground and rested my arms on the bridge’s rails. I looked at the murky water, watching the fishes. I slowly felt peace take over me. I could hear running water and wild life.

My eyes didn’t sting anymore. He isn’t worth it. I knew he was playing with me. It still hurt to see it. I’m glad we didn’t kiss but at the same time I felt regret. I thought there was something between us. I won’t fall for his tricks anymore. I cleared my mind. All I could think about was nature. Soon night crept up in the sky. It snapped me out of it. Oh no. I forgot about our girls’ day. I got my phone and checked my messages. There were the ones my friends had sent me. I messaged them back telling them that I was sorry and I didn’t make it because I was sick.

I got my stuff and left. It was dark and I was alone. Yeah. Not the best choice. I risked it anyways. When I got home I had a discussion with my parents. After that I went to my room and slept.


*Sigh* Problems between them. There’s still a long way to go. *VOTE, COMMENT, FAN* :)

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