Chapter 7

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Groggily, I woke up. I felt shitty. I got read and did the morning routine. At breakfast I was quiet. As soon as I got to school I hanged out with my friends.

“Is something wrong? Do you feel better?” Jane asked.

“Nothing is wrong. I still feel a little ill but it’s nothing serious. I’m okay”, I said.

My friends looked relieved. We planned a new girls’ day. Hearing the bell ring brought a sense of dread in me. I had to leave them and go to my class. I didn’t want to see him. I don’t know why him being with her affected me so much. I saw Jake. He gave me a smile but I glared at him. Jacey and Jake came to me. We still have a project to do. During our reading Jake tried to get my attention but I ignored him. The tension was so thick that a scary clown could have come and it would not have changed anything. That’s how serious it was. At the end of class I left. Jake followed me.

“Talk to me Leslie. What’s wrong?” Jake said.

I kept ignoring him. He grabbed my arm and made me face him.

“Let me go”, I said in a cold voice.

“No. Tell me what’s wrong” Jake said.

I noticed we were alone in the hallway. Just my luck.

“It’s none of your business”, I spat venomously.

“Why are you like this today?” Jake asked.

“Leave me alone”, I said angrily.

He was ticking me off.

“I won’t leave you alone. You’re going to tell me what’s wrong. I don’t like seeing you like this”, Jake said.

I saw concern in his eyes but I don’t care. I didn’t answer him. He took me inside an empty classroom. So cliché. He pushed me against the wall gently but firmly. He stared into my eyes. I felt vulnerable. He seemed to stare straight through me. This feeling scared the Jesus out of me. His face was too close. I was almost forgetting why I was mad at him. I said almost.

“Let me go, please”, I whispered.

I didn’t dare use a loud voice.

“No. Tell me now what is wrong”, Jake said.

If I didn’t tell him I was afraid he would kiss me. He would steal my first kiss. I guess I’m going to tell him.

“I got angry with you”, I said.

“Why?” Jake asked confused.

“Because you are a player. Why don’t you change?” I said.

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