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A/N I just noticed that people are actually reading this and commenting on it ahhhhhhhh that makes me happy thank you guys so much.❤❤❤

Dan p.o.v

I came home and phil wasn't anywhere. He probably left to go to the bar.

I then saw his keys on the counter and his coat still here. He didn't leave so where is he?

I checked the entire flat and no trace of him. I remember a while back he used to go up on the roof and sit and think or watch the stars maybe he's up there. God I hope he isn't drunk.

I walked up the stairs and opened the roof door I then saw something that made me go numb and feel as if I died on the spot.

There stood Phil. On the edge of the building tears streaming down his face.

Then he did it. He put a foot over the side and leaned forward.

Every single memory flooded into my brain. Every video, every small touch that made me go mad, every time his eyes lit up when he talked and when he laughed his tongue poked out from the side of his mouth. Every Phil is not on fire video. Every whisker every "hey guys" and "hello internet" every plant he hoarded and every stuffed animal he kept. Every game we played and random thing we baked. Phil Lester, amazing Phil, dan Howells other half was plummeting off the side of a building to his death.

But then I saw he didn't do it.

Phil p.o.v

I couldnt bring myself to jump. I couldn't fall I couldn't do it. I stared at the ground far below me and cried. Im not brave enough.

I stepped off the ledge and crumbled to the ground sobbing.

Dan ran over to me and held me so tight. He held me like I was sand about to slip away in his hands. He held me like I was the only thing keeping him alive and he had to hold on to that.

I cried into his shoulder and he ran his hands through my hair and held me as close as was physically possible.

I don't feel alone anymore.


He carried me inside and laid me on the couch. I held him so close we just sat there tangled up in a warm embrace tears streaming down our cheeks and small sobs and soft words escaping our lips. We stayed like this for a whole hour until he broke apart the hug and just stared at me. (This paragraph sounds sexual I hate myself)

I couldn't do it anymore, I couldn't hide myself or control my feelings. I closed the space between our lips and smashed my lips onto his.

We kissed with so much emotion and feeling so much lost time.

Our lips moved in sync, our tounges battled for dominance. This kiss was what we had been waiting for for far to long. The kiss wasn't hungry or full of lust it was passionate but loving, sweet and not rough.

Dan p.o.v

Me and phil kissed for way to long.

When we pulled apart our lips were purple and we were both gasping for air.

We went to my bed and I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him as close as possible. He buried his head in my chest and I ran my fingers through his hair. We continued to kiss passionately.

He fell asleep in my arms and I soon drifted off to sleep as well.

Everything was perfect at that moment. All we had struggled through slipped away.

Phil was mine and I was his.

(1 week later)

I took Phil to see a doctor about his suicide attempt and he was getting better.

He stared to smile more and the doctor prohibited him from any alcohol.

We're happily together now. I finally have Phil Lester as my amazing boyfriend.

Hes started his YouTube videos again and hes so happy now I'm so very proud of him.

We haven't come out yet to anyone except PJ and Chris, Louise, Tyler, Connor, and Felix some of our closest YouTube friends. We're still a bit worried about posting an official coming out video but we're getting there.

Today is the day were telling my parents. Phil's parents were very accepting and hugged both of us tightly. I hope my parents will feel the same.

We arrived at my parents house not showing any signs of affection not even holding hands we were saving that for later.

My mom opened the door and hugged us both.

"Dan, Phil I'm so happy to see you guys"

"Hello mum. I've missed you so much."

"Hello Mrs Howell." Phil said politely.

"Dad will be home soon he's out buying some things for dinner tonight. Come inside you guys can put your things upstairs."

"Ok mum. Thanks"

My dad finally arrived after about an hour. After hugs and dinner preparation we were all sat at the table talking about me and Phil's YouTube careers.

We finished dinner and went to sit in the living room to catch up some more.

Me and phil were ready to tell them everything.

I ran upstairs and grabbed my bag so we could carry out the plan.

"Mum, dad, I have a present for you."

"Oh dan why did you get us a gift what's the occasion?"

"Just open it"

They pulled out the tissue paper and pulled out a gay pride flag from the bag and just when they looked away I pulled Phil into a warm kiss.

We broke away and looked at them. My mom started crying and my dad just looked at me. He then stood up and walked toward us. I was very worried of what he was about to do.

He then started to jump around the room. My 50 year old father is fangirling in our living room. He smiled and yelled "PHAN IS REAL" What even is my family? I'm so glad they were accepting though.

My mother pulled us into a gigantic hug and continued crying.

"Honey we love you and phil so much were so glad you're finally together."

We've told our friends and family and they were all accepting. Now we just have to tell the world.

A/N this chapter made me feel so many feels. I love and hate it AHHHHHHHHHHHHGHH I'm so happy. I hope you're enjoying the story. Leave comments telling me anything I should change or improve. Goodbye my crackers.

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