Train Heist

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After Alice and James finish eating they go outside with Mason and James to wait while Rixton pays. Alice stands a few feet away from James and the others. She watches as people walk by on the street, lost in thought. She has no idea what she's going to do now, or where she's going to go.

She is so deep in thought she doesn't notice the boys had stopped talking until one of them clears their throat. She turns around to find them staring at her.

"What?" She asks.

James gives Rixton a shove and reluctantly he steps forward. He looks as if he's being forced to eat something he hates.

"The boys..." Rixton looks over his shoulder and glares at James. James gives him a smile and nods, signaling him to continue. Rixton sighs and turns back to Alice. She notices that his fists are clenched at his sides. "The boys and I were wondering if you would like to join us." He struggles to get the words out.

Alice crosses her arms. "Where are you going?"

"Kansas City then New York." Rixton says flatly.

Alice tilts her head to the side, pretending to think. She enjoys annoying Rixton. He taps his foot impatiently.

"Okay." Alice says after a minute.

"Great." Rixton says shortly, not sounding happy. He spins around and walks down the porch steps. Mason and Jackson follow him, leaving Alice and James alone on the porch.

Alice looks at James and he takes a step towards her. "So what did you have to do to get him to agree to me coming along?" She asks.

"I told him he owed me. And if he didn't let you come I'd shave off his curly hair while he was sleeping." James says with a mischievous grin.

Alice laughs. "You two really are best friends, aren't you?"

James nods his head. "Yeah."

"And he's really full of himself isn't he?" Alice asks.

"Oh, yeah." James nods his head.

"James you ready?" Mason calls from the bottom of the steps.

"Yeah. We're coming." James yells over his shoulder. He steps back to let Alice pass, and together they walk down the porch steps.


James walks next to Alice down the street. Jackson walks a few steps behind them, Rixton and Mason walk a few feet in front. James catches bits of their conversation. They're going over the plan for the train heist again.

"We're not taking the horses?" Alice asks beside him.

James glances at her. "No. We're taking the train."


"We have a job to do." James explains.

"Wait. You're not contract wanderers are you?" Alice asks, disappointment tinging her words. Contract is the name given to the wanderers that work for crime bosses full time.

"No." James says. He shakes his head which causes his hair to fall in his eyes. "We have debt we need to pay off."

Alice bites her lip. "The chips you got from Snake isn't enough?"

"No." He runs a hand through his hair, pushing the stray strands out of his face.

"Wow." Alice says dryly. "That must be some debt. How'd you guys manage that?"

"It's not our debt exactly." James says tilting his head to the side.

Alice rolls her eyes. "If I'm really a part of the group, like you say I am, you better start telling me stuff."

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