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* italics and underlined is characters speaking telepathically * *Bold Is characters thoughts*. *and regular text is monologue or actions*

Rosi POV

"Should we tell them everything brother? And I mean everything. " I asked
"I don't know Ro." John said looking at me
" we don't have to tell them anything John and you know that." I said looking at my brother
"Let's not tell them everything. For now let's just tell them about our link" John said offering me a weak smile.

"My brother and I share a telepathic link and we can astral project as well" I said as everyone stared at us in shock.
"John why didn't you tell us?" Monk asked my brother.
"Why would I? And even if I did it's not like I would have used my powers anyway. They were locked away. Dormant. For three years. I had no reason to use them. I didn't need them so why use them." John said smiling weakly at the monk.
" Did you lock your powers away on purpose John?" Lin asked as everyone stared at my brother for the answer that I knew the answer to.
"Yes. I did. And now I can control them and not be pulled into a different plane every time I close my eyes." John said staring straight at Lin seeming to challenge him to say anything more about the subject.
"John I think it's time we head back to the hotel we have to get up early tomorrow." I said placing a hand on my brothers shoulder.
"Yea you're right Ro. Goodnight everyone." John said as we walked out the door.

- five minutes later-

"Huh?" John said turning around only to have Mai slam into him with full force while Masako stopped to catch her breath beside me.
"Ouch what the heck Mai?" John said rubbing the back of his head Mai sitting almost completely on top of him.
" sorry sorry." Mai said jumping up and bowing over and over again.
"It's alright Mai what'd y'all need?" John said getting up and standing beside me with Masako.
"Well I had a dream and I... Um well I was wondering if you would fill in the missing pieces of the story because well it was about you and Rosi." Mai said looking at John and then at me.
"Sure Mai we can talk at the hotel." I said as I started walking
"Ok hey Rosi would it be alright if me and Masako stayed with you guys at the hotel tonight?" Mai asked me with hope in her eyes
"Yea that'd be fine mate besides we wouldn't want you two to walk out here alone at night. Of course you can stay with us we will have to set up the couch bed" John said smiling a real smile. I've missed that smile.

-at the hotel-
"So Mai what happened in your dream?"
"Well like I said you and John were in it and so was your brother and you guys looked around eleven or twelve and your brother looked maybe fifteen or so and you guys were all watching some movie the movie looked weird it was called the Babbadook or something like that and Rosi you didn't want to watch it but you did anyway because it was Joey's birthday. In the dream neither of you ever mentioned how old he was though. I saw a little bit of the dream through your eyes Rosi. And I well um during that part I was you but anyway after the scene changed I was just watching again and you guys were at a lake. Joey was fishing and you and John had your feet in the water. It was a very pretty lake. And you all seemed so happy and then Rosi you slipped and went under." Mai said pausing to look up at me
"And I didn't know how to swim so John and Joey jumped in after me and had to call an ambulance. I was out for a week. During that week our father came back and Joey was with me while John was at home. Alone. Yes I remember that. I remember waking up and being told I was asleep for an entire week and when I asked where John was Joey started crying telling me he should have been there. Our father put my brother in a coma for half a month. It hurts to remember that. You know I was terrified that I was never going to be able to talk to him again but the past is the past. Mai I'm sorry if there is more to your dream I don't want to hear it at the moment." I said unclenching my fists and sending her a small weak smile. Masako looks sad and John looks mad I shouldn't have brought it up Mai might not have even saw that part in her dream.
"It's alright you actually filled in the part I was missing" Mai said with a sad smile
"You didn't know why he was in a coma right? That's the part you were missing?" I asked her

So this chapter took me awhile and I might go back and edit it later I'm not sure if I like it like it is. I'm working on the next chapter now and I swear the case is coming up I know I've said that like every other chapter but the case is coming up soon. Sorry for the cliffhanger. Anyway vote, comment, let me know what you think so far I would appreciate it 😁

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