I don't know about this. Trust me you will be fine.

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* italics and underlined is characters speaking telepathically  *     *Bold Is characters thoughts*.       *and regular text is monologue or actions*

Rosi POV

We are currently on our way to an amusement park and we borrowed the van after hours (30 minutes) of begging and pleading with Lin to let us borrow it. Yasu is so excited he said that we have to ride the swings that go very high up in the air first and then we can go on all of the rollercoasters! I have to admit I'm scared. I've never went on the swings and I'm feeling nervous about that. I told Yasu about it but he has decided that I absolutely have to go on the swings. He keeps insisting that I'll absolutely love it. I don't know about that.
"Hey Rosi can you see spirits like John and Sarah?"
"No. John and I may be twins but we don't both have all of the same abilities. One of John's abilities is psychokinesis or PK he can manipulate objects. He has more powers than I do. My main ability though is psychometry. I can see stuff about people or objects if I touch or concentrate on an object that relates to the person or object." I told him
"That's so cool! So you and John can communicate telepathically right?"
"That sounds fun." He said
"It can actually be very annoying."
"John? Or just telepathy in general?" He asked
"Both!" I exclaimed
"What does John do to annoy you?" Yasu asked curiously
"Well he's my brother so he likes to tease me and make fun of me but he doesn't mean it and most of the time if I'm upset and forget to block him out he will start speaking in gibberish or mentally singing a song to make me laugh. I actually don't know if he is speaking a real language when he does that because he's bilingual I mean I am too but I don't know as much as he does and he sings the most annoying, random, and funny songs and sometimes I want to punch him in the face." I told him laughing
"Wait John sings?"
"Yea we both do...did. John is actually a very good singer."
"Can you sing me a song?" Yasu asked
"Um I..I don't know I haven't sung since Joey died"
"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know. You don't have too." Yasu said looking sad
"Maybe one day." I told him
"So what do you think Australia is going to be like? Do you think you'll like it? I think you will. You've never been have you?" I asked changing the subject
"Ok! And I don't know I have a weird feeling about this case though. I've never been I think seeing Australia will be great. We're staying in your grandfather's house right?"
"Yeah we are you'll like it. I honestly think Ayako will enjoy grandfather's manor more than everyone else though" I told him
"So how do you think John and Masako are doing?" Yasu asked smirking
"I don't know." I replied smiling at the thought of my awkward brother on a date.
"Hey brother how's the date going?"
"Hey sister. Wouldn't you like to know?" John replied mentally smirking
"John!!!! Tell me!!!!!" I whined
"So how's the date going?" He asked mimicking me
"Great we're on our way to an amusement park." I told him happily
"Please tell me." I begged
"Bye Ro!"
"He blocked me!" I exclaimed
"I asked him how his date was going and he blocked me!"
"We're at the movies by the way so sorry! Can't talk. Bye!" John exclaimed through our link before he blocked me again
"They're at the movies that's why he blocked me." I said calming down a little from my little outburst

"What are you doing" Yasu asked me
"Shh. I have to concentrate. I'm trying to talk to you with my telepathy I've never did it before with anyone else except my siblings and mother and my cousin Sebby." I told him
"Let me know if you can hear what I'm saying" I said
"Woah this is so cool!" Yasu yelled causing me to wince
"I know."
"So this is how you and John talk?" Yasu asked
"Yea sometimes." I told him
"Oh look! There's the amusement park!" Yasu exclaimed
"Rosi are you hungry?"
"Yea a lil." I told him
"Well what would you like they have a little bit of everything in the park."
"Um I don't know." I said
"Well we will decide once we get in." Yasu told me parking the van.
••••••••••about 10 minutes later••••••••
"That was a long line." Yasu said
"Yea it was. Do we have to go on all of the rides Yasu?" Rosi asked as they entered the park
"Yup because I know you'll love them. Just trust me okay?"
"Okay." Rosi said
"Okay good lets go!" Yasu yelled pulling Rosi along with him to the swings that go up high in the air.

"I...I don't know about this."
"You will be just fine you're with me and I won't let you do anything to dangerous!" Yasu exclaimed as they took their place in line.
"Um Rosi are you ok?" Yasu asked
"I think I'm going to be sick. They're too high up Yasu!" She exclaimed
"It's going to be fine. Just try it. I promise it'll be fine when we get up there your going to sit beside me and you can hold my hand. When the ride starts just close your eyes until we get up there okay?"
"Okay." She said

"Next!" The operator called
"Yasu!" Rosi yelled on the verge of tears
"Come on it's okay." Yasu said pulling a scared Rosi with him to an empty swing and helping her buckle.
"See not so bad right?"
"The ride hasn't even started yet! Yasu I want to get off. Please." Rosi replied
"I'm sorry it's too late we are going up."  Yasu said taking Rosi's hand in his own

Rosi POV
"John I'm probably about to die I just wanted you to know I love you."
"Ro? What's wrong?!?"  John asked
"Well me and Yasu are at the amusement park on the swings and they're really scary and we are to high off the ground I don't know how Yasu thinks that this is fun!
"You had me worried! I thought something was really wrong! Relax and lighten up your fine you're going to have a blast. Tell Yasu I said hello! Love you sister!" John exclaimed
"Yasu when is it going to stop getting higher? Oh and John said hello."
"Well it should be starting soon and tell him I said hi!" Yasu told me lifting his and our hands in the air just as the swings started swinging.

••••••••time skip brought to you by I need a ship name for Yasu and Rosi•••••••••••••••

Yasu POV

Rosi loved the swings! We ended up going on the swings two more times before we could go eat or ride anything else.
I've never seen her smile like that. She loved it. She liked the other rides but she still likes the swings the most which is why we are currently running back to the swings before they close the park for a final ride.
"Come on Yasu we will miss the final go around!"
"I'm coming Rosi!" I exclaimed
"Last call for a ride on the swings!" The operator of the ride yelled out
"We're coming one second please sir!" I yelled running faster
"Alright so only two?" He asked smiling at us
"Yes sir. Come on Rosi." I said smiling
As we were sitting down on the swing the operator was smiling at us.
"You guys are my last riders today so I'm gonna let you guys ride longer than usual that alright?" The operator
"Yes sir! That's perfectly fine." I exclaimed taking Rosi's hand
"You two are such a cute couple! Have fun!" The operator exclaimed checking one last time to make sure we're securely buckled
"Oh we're not a..."
"Thank you!" Rosi yelled as we started getting higher
"I have to say it."
"Go ahead Yasu" Rosi said narrowing her eyes at me smirking
"I told you so."
"I know." She said smiling
"So are we like a uh I mean"
"I don't know are we?" Rosi asked grinning
"Rosi would you um like to um be my girlfriend?" I asked awkwardly
"Hmmm I don't know let me think ." She said
"Yes?" I asked
"Yes that's what I said! Yes!" She said smiling at me

So I don't know if I rushed their relationship but I feel it's for the best I was going to go into a lot more detail but it was taking to long. John and Masako's date is going to be in the next chapter. I need a ship name for Rosi and Yasu but my brain has literally died. So I tried making this detailed but it was just to much. I have very bad writers block right now so I'm going to try and put a little more detail into John's and Masako's date. So let me know what you think! :)

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