4- Teasing, Pranking, and Knock, Knock Jokes

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Sorry for the wait, non-existant readers! I had writer's block! :[

Our first competition was Friday. Mr. Kein has made us work all week long, just to get the drill down. The drum line was fine, the brass was fine, and the woodwinds were solid. The guard had a dramatic routine worked out, to where Veronica, one of the guard girls, would do some ballet-like things while falling in love with music and Shane, one of our guys in guard. It was magnificent.

I was standing at my locker after practice on Thursday, grabbing clothes out of my locker. I walked into the empty percussion room to change, closing the door behind me. I stood in front of a stack of drum cases and began to change. As soon as I had removed all of the sweaty band clothes from my body, someone busted through the door. Screaming bloody murder, I jumped behind the cases, in hopes of hiding my bare body from the intruder. "Who the heck is in here?!" I shouted, only to get a chuckle in response. "It's Chase." I rolled my eyes like I always did whenever I heard his name. "Well can you make yourself useful and throw those clothes to me." I spoke from behind the stacked cases. He laughed again. "No, how about you come out and get them?" I could hear the smirk in his voice. Looking around the dusty room, I felt a chill run through me. Why does the percussion room always have to be so cold?! Feeling desperate, I glanced around for my lost phone. Sweeping a glance around where I could see I saw my phone laying a little bit farther from arm's length. Since I was desperate and Chase wouldn't help me, I laid flat on my stomach, causing my skin to turn to ice, and began to army crawl towards my phone. I grasped it tightly, then began to crawl backwards. Back against the cases, I called Ryan. "RYAN. GET YOUR BUTT INTO THE PERCUSSION ROOM AND GRAB MY CLOTHES!'' Click. After hanging up, I took a few deep breaths then, called out to Chase. "Are you still here?" No answer. "Chase?" Silence. Shakily, I stood. Peeking out from behind the cases, I looked around the percussion room. I was alone. I let out a sigh and walked in front of the cases to grab my clothes. A loud eruption of laugher came from the back of the percussion room. I whipped my head in the direction of the laughter to see Chase. I screamed, then ran behind the cases. Throwing on my clothes, I stepped back in the open. Chase frowned. "Aww. Why the clothes?" I laughed, stepping closer and closer to him. Finally, I plopped down on his lap. Throwing my arms behind his head, I leaned closer. His eyes widened and he leaned in. I watched him close his eyes, then I whispered, "You're dead to me." With that, I got off his lap and exited the room.


"So where were you when I was in desperate need?" I questioned Ryan during Algebra, the only class I had without Chase. She had asked about my crazy call, and I had to reluctantly tell her the story. Chase had been bugging me all day about my body. I hate the attention in the first place, and now I get it from someone who I don't want to be around in the first place.

"You should prank him!" Will said from beside me. I thought about that for a moment. "How?" He was quiet for a second then he said, "You should put itching power in his uniform!" I giggled at the thought of Chase scratching himself silly for a whole day. "Alright, but you gotta help me get the stuff." Will agreed and turned his attention back to our old and mean teacher.

After that class ended, I headed towards Science, my last class. I had my eyes on my feet, when someone bumped into me. "Hey cutie." He said. I looked up to see Chase smirking at me. "Oh my Lord, leave me alone!" He smirked again, but continued to bump my hip until I made it through the doorway of Science. Like the jerk he is, Chase decided to take the seat next to me. I payed close attention to the teacher in this class to avoid making eye contact with Chase. With ten minutes left in class, a note landed on my desk. Sighing, I opened it. "Hey cutie, wanna grab some food before the competition with me? ;)" I rolled my eyes, but jotted down a quick answer. "Sorry Winchester. I can't. Got friends to see and places to be." I flung the paper in his direction and watched  it hit him in the eye. "SCORE." I whispered towards him. He scowled and I smiled back. The bell rang. I hopped out of my seat and slipped my bag onto my shoulder. "See you tonight, Winchester." I gave him a small wave and headed out the door. As I was leaving I heard a whisper. "Wait, are they dating?" Goodness, a rumor about me and Chase? Wonderful.

I sauntered towards my SUV to see Ryan and Will leaning against it. "Hey guys." They nodded and I unlocked my car. Will took the passenger seat and Ryan took the back. "So, to the pharmacy?" I questioned Will. He nodded again, and I started driving in that direction.

Reaching the pharmacy, I entered the store and told Will to get the stuff while Ryan and I got some deodorant and hair bands for the girls. Someone always needed this stuff. After everything was paid for, we all headed in the direction of the band room.


"Ayy, drum line! I got your uniforms! Just grab some equipment and load it!" I instructed before leaving to go get the uniforms. I found Ryan and Will also in the uniform room. Will was already opening the powder. "Okay, this has to be quick. If anyone else comes in, he'll know it’s us." Will nodded and handed the powder to me. I lightly shook it all over the inside of the uniform. He had already joked about only wearing shorts under his uniforms because he got hot, I knew that he'd he super itchy. After that was finished, we put his uniform back into its bag and grabbed the others. I loaded them onto the truck and then found the line. "Okay guys, I hope you're ready for your first competition! It's gonna be a new experience for those of you who have never done it before." They nodded and then walked onto the bus. "Hey Hope, you have to sit by Chase on the way there. I'm making you guys sit with your sections." I groaned. Trudging down the aisle, I shot Will a hopeless glance. He snickered but makes an itching motion. Wow, I hope it'll be worth it.

"You have to sit by me? Sweet! But, you know, what happens on the band bus, stays on the band bus." I narrowed my eyes at Chase's perverted comment and pulled out my IPhone.  Plugging my headphones in, I started to listen to music. "Can I listen?" Chase said annoyingly. "If it'll shut you up." I snapped back. He grinned and grabbed the ear bud from my outstretched hand. "Taylor Swift?!" He complained when the first song came on. I smirked. "Oh I'm sorry! Would you prefer Justin Bieber?" His jaw dropped. He then grabbed my phone from my hands and picked a song. "What about this one? It describes me." He said with a smirk. I waited for the song to start. "BedRock? Seriously?" He laughed and said, "Seriously." I made a face and said, "Sorry Winchester but, this does not describe you." He made a pouty face.

"Knock, knock!'' Chase blurted.

"Who's there?" I muttered.

"Imma!" He shouted childishly. "Imma who?" I asked.

"Imma big kid now!" He squealed.

I put my hands to my face and groaned. This was gonna be a LOOOOONNNNGGGG ride.

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