What the hell is going on? Chapter 15

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"It's been too hard living. But I'm afraid to die. Cause I don't know what's on the other side."

Leela James, Long time Coming.

I'm really starting to believe someone in heaven, or the universe hates me! Now I have a perfect fucking stranger standing in my face claiming to be a lost grandfather! Like I couldn't make this shit up if I wanted to. Hell, Spike Lee couldn't have made this shit up and he makes some damn good movies. (Ok back to this bullshit at hand)

Chris is looking beside his self; Whispers is not a man that is use to being cussed out and his expression lets it be known but I dont care! I am tired of this shit. I can feel myself getting heated by the minute, I want the damn truth and not all this fictional shit folks keep feeding me. I am waiting, what you got to say to me? Hold up, us two? Storm, I know you dont think I had anything to do with this? Hell, I dont even believe what he is telling us right now! I look at Chris, shit right now, I dont know who to believe. I watched Chriss face drop, with hurt and disappointment, as quick as I seen it, the quicker he masked it. The replacement look is much darker and pissed. Right now, I just cant deal.

This must be a mistake, I have never had any contact with my birth mother and what my dad's says, once he got custody of me. He never heard from her again.

As far as what I know about my mother, what you are saying, couldn't possibly be true. That means my dad knows who you are and never said a word about you being here. I sit back, speechless and numb. I cant right now. I get up and walk to the bathroom. I go in and lock the door and turn the water on. I go to the opposite wall and just sink to the floor. I have Chaunceys services on Friday, telling my friend goodbye should be my main concern. I also got to help Chris get ready for his graduation, I must order his cap and gown, get his yearbook, make sure he is on top of turning his uniform in. That is the shit that should be plaguing my mind. Not the tragedy that is my life. I want to be normal and deal with normal shit. Now in the mist of everything, here comes some more family shit. I just rather they allow me to move on and live my life as if I'm dead to them. Hell, I don't need any of them if I was to be honest. I've made it this long without family, I damn sure don't need any now. I get up and look in the mirror, lets go hear this shit. I open the bathroom door and I walk out to see Whisper and Chris talking. Well, I hope you two got your story together. Now please let me hear what you two came up?

Storm walks off and goes into the bathroom, I hear the door lock, so I know she doesnt want me in there. Whispers, what the fuck is going on man? Let me see that picture again. He hands me the picture and I swear Storm is this womans twin, no doubt about it. the woman is beautiful, I cant deny that. I look at Whispers, man and be real with me, how long have you known that my girl could possibly be your granddaughter? Whispers just gives me this intense look, look Chris when I met her, I instantly thought I knew her, but I couldnt place her. I went around in my mind trying to remember where I could know this girl from. So, one night I went through a box, I havent looked at it in years because to be real, its too hard. I was looking at pictures of my life before I came here. They were pictures of my wife, my kids and just the family. I came across a picture of my daughter. She may have been younger or older then Storm in that picture, but the looks are uncanny. As soon as I seen my daughters eyes, I knew instantly who Stormy could be. Chris, I didnt take this lightly coming here and saying anything. Hell, I even thought about not saying anything at all. Then I thought, what if she knows who I am and I dont say anything at all. I never came here with the intention of destroying her life. I came to make some sense of this all. I even called my son, so I can get a hold of my daughter and ask her about all this. She has contacted me back but trust I will get to the bottom of this.

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