I Am Over Everybody And Their Shit. Chapter 17

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Monsters arent born , they are created.

I lean down in her face and look her dead in her eyes, stop your shit or I am going to whoop your ass for real, I am tired of this shit! I did nothing to you, hell I was just as shocked as you when Whispers said he was your grandfather! I didnt know anything about this shit! I would never betray you like that, hell when Chauncey asked me what happened the night we went to his place, I didnt even tell him, and he was your fucking friend! So why would you think I would tell Whispers? Think Storm damn, I have been here with you through it all and I havent said shit, so why would I now? Calm the fuck down, I am going to let your hands go and I swear before God if you swing on me again, I am going to forget youre a female and beat the shit out of you! Do you understand me? she shakes her head, yes. I ease off her hands, she laid there for a minute or two and just when I was about to get off her, she reaches up and grabs me by the back of my head by my hair. When I say she grabbed the shit out of my hair, she bent me all the way back until I was off her, she snatches her hand away before I could grab it and she roll out of my reach, she goes and grabs her piece and aims it right at me. If you ever threaten to beat me or put your hands on me again, you will be the next fucking life I take! Now do I make myself fucking clear? I get up and I back away from Storm and I go sit in the chair. Why Storm? How did we get to this place? Talk to me.

Wait, wait I know this motherfucker didnt just WWF my ass on the bed, oh he got me all the way fucked up, just cause I am a female means nothing, I may not be able to fully beat his ass but he damn sure is going to know I was here. I bring my left hand all the way back while he isnt looking, and I punch him dead in his jaw. Bow, how about that for your ass. He tackles my ass, and we roll onto the floor, he straddles me and holds my hands, so I cant hit him again. Get the fuck off me Chris! he didnt move quick enough, so I bit the shit out of his hand and clawed at his face. Fuck Storm, what the fuck is wrong with you? He lost his balance, and I took that moment and anchored myself and levied his ass off me and I hoped on his ass and started to wail on him. He might have blocked a few but a couple got thru. He gets his balance, and he drops my ass on the floor, and he hops on top of me and uses his weight to stop me. Ok fucker, how about this, I wrap my legs around his mid-section, and I start to squeeze the hell out of his ribs. Fuck, Storm! Stop it! please explain to me why in the mist of us fighting, this motherfuckers dick is a hard as hell, only his nasty ass would be turned on right now. Sick fuck! He has my hands up by my head pinned down. If he knows right, he better keep me this way cause as soon as he lets me go, its on. He tells me to calm down and he will let me go but if I swing on him, he is going to beat my ass. Welp, he told me not to swing on him, he never said I couldnt pull his hair until he got off me and that is exactly what the fuck I did. He let my hands go and I played the role, as soon as he put his guard down, I reached around to the back of his head, grabbed his hair to the roots and dragged his ass off me. When he was off me, I snatched my hand out of his reach and rolled and grabbed my piece. I pointed that motherfucker dead at him. If you ever threaten to beat me or put your hands on me again, you will be the next fucking life I take! Now do I make myself fucking clear? If he thought, I was playing before he doesnt think I am playing now. I keep my piece on him as he gets up and walks to the chair to sit down.

He is sitting there staring at me and then he asked me why I left. You no longer have the right to ask me anything, you made your choice between me and him, so now deal with it. I never tell anyone my business and the one time I do; its used as a weapon. Yeah, I wont lie. You got my ass, you got me to believe that you were serious about me, you got me to let down my guard, you got me to reveal myself and all my dark secrets. You even convinced me to share my body with you. But now that I see, you are no different than the rest, I also know how to deal with your snake ass. I hope this game you played was well worth it, I hope you got everything that you wanted out of it. I know now, so you can take your act somewhere else.

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