just trying to go home

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Octavia had finally gathered the strength to get up. She stood and located south. Then she started walking, being careful not to make to much noise knowing Julian and Shane could be anywhere. She had walked for two hours before it got dark again so she climbed a tree and went to sleep knowing she needed the energy tomorrow she should make it to town and she wanted to be able to make it there even if she had to run to get there.
Her dreams that night were of the tree House, that she had been stabbed, and dragged all the way there and left for dead.
Then she woke up on the ground at about 2:30 in the afternoon
"Damn I over slept." She cursed "I must have fell out of the tree"
She slowly comes to her feet and begins to walk. A few more hours go by and she can see lights from the old bait shop. She can hear the chattering of a couple outside.
But she also hears a crunch she turns around just in time to see Julian jump on top of her. She freaks out and scrambles on the ground. He is to heavy, and he started to choke her, but just as she thought it was a gonner Julian cuts himself on some broken glass giving Octavia just enough time to get out from under him. She starts running towards town and she would have made it if Shane wasnt there to tackle her.

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