3. Ms. Stare-A-Lot.

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Bailey and I are currently sitting in Biology, listening to the teacher drone on about something. Biology is my worst nightmare... Cue the cringe. I look next to me and notice Bailey staring at something. I look in the direction she's staring and notice her looking at a guy with brown hair. I smirk and think, those two should totally go out.

Right when the bell rings, I pull Bailey with me and we head towards our next class.

"So... Who were you staring at?" I ask, nudging her shoulder playfully.

"Psh... No one..." She quickly denies.

"That's not what the drool said while it was dripping from your mouth." I joke, walking into the classroom.

"Oh shush." She scolds.

We take a seat right before the teacher walks in. Why are all the college professors so creepy? Are they supposed to scare us? Cause it's working. My eyes scan the room and I see Ryder sitting in the front row. Hm, maybe if I stare long enough he'll turn around. I continue to stare at the back of his head until I hear a nasally voice erupt in front of me.

"Ms. Stare-A-Lot, what's the answer?" the teacher asks, staring right at me. Everyone turns to stare, all of them erupting into a fit of giggles. My cheeks turn bright red, and I try to mumble a response.

"Um... Negative t-twelve?" I stutter.

"Miss, if you haven't noticed, we are in Language Arts. Why don't you get your head out of the clouds and focus." The teacher scolds harshly and stomps away to the front of the room. I hang my head low for the rest of the class.


I slam my lunch tray down on the table and place my head in my hands.

"You okay?" Bailey asks, taking a seat next to me.

"Yea I'm fine..." I mumble under my breath.

I lift my head up and take a bite of the school food. I decided not to bring my own lunch anymore because I didn't want to carry it around all day.

"Do you have a dorm here?" I ask Bailey.

"No, I share an apartment with someone. She doesn't move in until next week though." Bailey tells me.

"Oh that's cool. I'm guessing she doesn't go to our college."

"Yea she's going to FIT."

I nearly choke on my noodle.

"Is her name Brooke?"

Bailey slowly nods her head.

"You know her?" She asks.

"Yea! She's my best friend!" I shout. I probably should have said it a little quieter though because everyone starts giving me weird stares.

"But I thought I was your best friend." A deep voice whines from behind me.

I chuckle and turn around. "Babe, there is a difference between boyfriend and best friend."

He just shoots me a toothy grin and sits next to me.

"Can my friend sit with us too?" Ryder asks Bailey and I.

"Sure." We both shrug.

      We watch as Ryder waves someone over. He starts walking towards us and I notice that it was the same guy Bailey was staring at this morning.

"Hey Bailey!!" The guy says, taking a seat next to Bailey.

"Oh, hey Danny." Bailey greets, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

"You guys know each other?" I ask.

"Yea, we went to the same high school. We both lived in Boston." Danny tells us.

"Oh, I see." I say, raising my eyebrow towards Bailey.

      She glares at me and I chuckle, continuing to eat my food.

"We should all do something this weekend." I suggest.

      Everyone gives some sort of agreement and I smile in accomplishment.

"Why don't we all go and see a movie?" Ryder asks.

"Yea, that sounds good. What movie?" Bailey questions.

"How about... Lights out?" Danny suggests, raising his eyebrow.

"Sure. What's it about?" I ask.

Ryder gives him a look. "It's about a storm that wipes the power out, love." Ryder tells me.

"Sure, I guess we could see that."

Everyone around me chuckles.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing." They all say at the same time.

"Weirdos..." I mutter, finishing my food.


      I sigh in content as I plop down on my couch, pulling Munchkin onto my lap. Ryder walks into the room with a towel hanging loosely around his waist and his hair is glistening from water. I screech and pull Munchkin in front of my eyes, blocking the view.

"Ryder!" I hiss, still covering my eyes.

"Yea love?" He asks, completely unfazed by the situation.

"Can you put some clothes on?"


"Please?" I beg.

"Not gonna ha-"


I chuckle. "See? Even Munch wants you to put clothes on." 

Ryder sighs in defeat. "Fine..."

      I hear Ryder walk back down the hallway and shut his bedroom door. I turn the TV on, and watch as a scary movie trailer plays. I scream and watch as the title says, Lights Out.

Ryder comes rushing into the room. "What? What happened? Was there a robber?!" Ryder frantically asks.

"Uh... It was just a spider, my bad." I give him a sickly sweet smile.

      As soon as he goes back into his room, I call up the movie theater and get us tickets. But not for Lights Out.


Hello my fellow fishies! Sorry this chapter is kind of short. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. There are definitely more to come!

Xoxo - Batman

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