10. That's My Girl.

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^Picture of Bailey^

"Yea, Mom. I'm perfectly fine. I promise. Ryder is taking care of me."

"That doesn't make me feel any better... Should I come down?"

"No! I mean, Mom... Ryder is taking care of me. Don't take time off of work to take care of your 19 year old daughter."

She sighs. "Fine, but if I hear that you're feeling any worse, I'm taking the first plane there. You hear me?"

I chuckle. "Yes, Mom. I hear you. How is Dory doing by the way?" I ask, trying to change to subject.

My mom chuckles. "She just misses you... That's all."

"Well, as soon as I feel better, I'll take my next break to come down and visit... How does that sound?"

My mom gasps. "That sounds perfect! I miss you so much, sweetie."

"I miss you too, Mom. Look, I got to go... It's time for me to take my medication."

"Okay, but don't take them with an empty stomach. Got it?"

"Yes, Mom. I got it. Love you!"

"I love you too, dear."

And with that, I hang up the phone and get out of my bed, walking towards the kitchen. A pair of strong arms wrap themselves around my waist.

"Where do you think you're going?" Ryder whispers huskily into my ear.

"To get some lunch and take my medicine." I squeak out.

"Not a chance, baby doll. Go lay back in bed. I'll get it for you." he demands, taking my hand and leading me back into my room.

I plop down onto my bed, defeated. "But Ryder, I've been in here all day. Can I please at least sit in the kitchen and eat?" I question, whining.

"No, Ave. You need to take it easy. You have a freaking fracture in your skull... So I don't want you even lifting a feather right now. If I let you move around, I wouldn't be doing my job in taking care of you." Ryder says, trying to reason with me.

I huff and lay down. "Fine."

Ryder chuckles and kisses my cheek. "That's my girl."

About 20 minutes later, Ryder comes waltzing into my room with a tray full of food and a glass of water for my medication.

"Here, my love." Ryder says sweetly, before placing the tray of food on my lap and taking a seat next to me on my bed.

I look down at the tray and find an arrangement of all different types of food. There was a bowl of Macaroni N' Cheese, with a small plate of French fries... There was also a small bowl of cucumber salad, and last but not least, a trail of Hershey Kisses making their way around the tray.

I chuckle and look at him. "I love it when a man can cook."

Ryder gives me a cute smile. "I love it when I can make my girl happy by doing the simplest things."

"You always make me happy."

"As do you." Ryder says, giving me a gentle kiss on my forehead.

• • •

"We're here!!" A voice screeches, slamming the front door open. I sit up in bed and whisper to Ryder.

"Babe, someone's here."

      His head perks up and he jumps out of bed, walking to the living room.

      A couple minutes later, Bailey and Danny come into my room, carrying a big pile of papers.

"You guys are coming back next week, right?" Danny asks.

"Yup!" I chirp.

"Well, you need to get all of this done. This is the class work and homework from the week... You need to get it done by Monday." Bailey says, wincing as she places it all down on my bed.

"Great!" I cheer sarcastically. 

"I have to do all that too?" Ryder asks, his eyes holding fear. 

Danny chuckles. "Yea, man."

"Well, we could work together." I suggest, looking up at Ryder. 

"Alright, babe. It's a date." Ryder winks. 

      I blush and look down, pretending to be occupied by looking through the big stack of papers. 

"How's Brooke doing?" I ask, taking the attention off me.

"She's doing fine.  She's actually at school right now.  From what I've heard, Connor is staying at her house and is doing his classes online... I don't know what he plans on doing for football... That's his business, not mine." Danny explains.

"Oh, wow. I hope he can figure everything out." I say, slightly frowning.

"Yea, same here." Ryder agrees.

Baileys jumps up and gasps. "I have an idea!"

Danny chuckles and wraps an arm around her waist. "What's your idea?"

Bailey's cheeks turn bright red. "I uh... I had the idea of uh... Watching a movie?" She stutters out.

We all chuckle and nod our heads. "A movie sounds like a good idea. Can I leave the room now, Ryder?" I tease, playfully hitting his arm.

"Of course, but there is no way in hell that you're walking there."

My eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. "What-"

Ryder scoops me up and has one arm looped under my legs, while the other arm is securely wrapped around my waist. I squeal and giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck while burying my face into his chest. We hear a click and turn our heads to see Bailey and Danny snapping a picture of us.

"Why do you guys keep doing that?" Ryder asks.

Bailey shrugs her shoulders and smiles. "It's for your future wedding."

      Ryder and I turn to look at each other, both of us blushing a deep crimson. He silently carries me to the couch and gently places me down. He takes a seat next to me and pulls me onto his lap.

"Why don't we watch 'The Conjuring?'" Danny asks.

Ryder laughs the same time I shout, "NO!"

Danny and Bailey give each other questioning looks.

Ryder calms his laughing down. "It's a long story." He says, wiping a stray tear from his eye.

I huff and cross my arms. "Put on whatever you want." I mutter.

Danny cheers. "'The Conjuring' it is!"

I groan and bury my head in Ryder's chest while hugging Munchkin close to me.

I should have just stayed in my room.


Hello my fellow fishies! Here's another chapter for ya! This is kind of a filler chapter, but no worries, Avery will be back in school soon. I love you all so much! Don't forget to fan, comment, and vote!

Xoxo - Batman

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