16. I Still Ship It.

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My eyes flutter open and I frantically sit up in the motel bed, confused as to why I'm here. The memories crash back into my head, feeling just as painful as getting hit by a truck a million times. I try and figure out what day it is. So... Friday was the Nerd "party," Saturday was the date, and Sunday was the "incident."

Wait... That means today is Monday. School.

Oh shit.

I race to the duffel bag and frantically pull out an outfit. I really don't want to be noticed by Ryder... Or anyone for that matter.

            I throw my hair into a messy, (yet cute) ponytail, and groan once I realize that I don't have any of my school supplies

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      I throw my hair into a messy, (yet cute) ponytail, and groan once I realize that I don't have any of my school supplies. That concludes to the fact that I'll have to sneak into the apartment. 

      I leave my clothes in the motel room, considering the fact that I'll probably be staying here again. I walk outside and call a taxi over. Telling him the address, I pay him as he drives over to the apartment.  Once we arrive, I head up to the room and quietly unlock the door. Knowing Ryder, he'd most likely be asleep. I shut the door behind me and tip-toe down the hallway and into my room, making sure not to make any noise.  In a hurry, I grab all my things and sling my backpack across my back. I speed walk out of the apartment, and quietly shut the door behind me.  I heave a sigh of relief and make my way back downstairs.

      On the taxi ride to school, I finally have a chance to open up my phone. Turning it on, I find that I have 17 missed calls from Ryder, 24 texts from him, and a bunch of missed calls from Bailey, Brooke, and the guys. I just shake my head and shut my phone off, putting it in my bag.

      Arriving at the school, I pay the driver and start to head inside. I keep a low profile and make my way to my first class. However, instead of sitting in my usual seat with Bailey and Danny, I take a seat in the back corner of the room.  Taking a quick glance next to me, I see Bailey and Danny walk into the room. I drop my head low, not wanting them to see my face.  Mission accomplished, they just sat down and spoke together... I still ship it.

• • •

      Lunch time... Me being the dumbass I am, I couldn't really pack a lunch. I have to buy one... Great.

      Once I buy the gross, overpriced food I walk around the cafeteria, not knowing where to sit. Having not much of a choice, I walk up to Paris's table and smile weakly at her.

"Hey Paris, can I sit with you guys?" I ask.

"Sorry, we don't sit with cheaters." Paris sneers.

Everyone at her table erupted into a bunch of, "ohhhh, roasted!"

The whole cafeteria went silent and they all stare over here.

Her Prince (A Sequel to "His Princess")Where stories live. Discover now