8. Boom... Crash!

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      I wake up with the waves crashing down onto my feet. I groggily stand up and forget how I even got here. I look down and find my shoes missing. My eyes well up with tears as I make my way up the shore and closer to the street. I pull out my phone and call Ryder, hoping he'll answer at such a late time. It's 2 AM.



R-"Holy shit. Ave, Ave?!"


"Look, Ave. I'm so sorry baby girl. Where are you?" He asks frantically into the phone.

My lip wobbles. "I-I don't know... Wait, I think I see the car."

"Avery, don't you dare cross the street. You aren't in your right set of mind right now. Just tell me where you are. I'll come get you!" Ryder screams into the phone.

"It's okay, I can do this."

I start walking across the street, not noticing the car that was coming closer to me. The headlights block my vision and I scream, forgetting that Ryder was on the other end of the phone.

"Ahhhh!!" I scream as the car hits me and drives off, leaving me thrown to the ground in a pained mess.

"AVERY?! AVERY ANSWER ME! God why?" I hear Ryder sob through the phone before the pain is too much, causing me to black out.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

What's going on?

Where am I?

Why can't I move?

      Questions flood through my head as I hear the beeps go off. I try to move but it feels as if I'm glued to a soft cloud. I try to open my eyes but it feels as if they weigh a hundred pounds.

"Let me see her!" A deep voice shouts.

"Sir, we can't let you in, she needs her rest."

"I don't give a shit! I-I need to see her!" The man shouts again, his voice cracking at the end.

      I hear the door bust open and footsteps run their way towards me. A warm hand clasps mine.

"Call security!" A harsh voice shouts.

The warm hand is forcefully pulled away from mine. I try to hold on, but no strength is left in me. I start to panic, missing the warmth and safety that came with the hand. The heart monitor starts to beep frantically, and I find myself getting lost in the beat.

"No! Let go of me!" The deep voice growls. "She needs me!"

"Let me see her!" The voice screams. The man repeats that until the voice slowly starts to fade. My mind clicks as the memories rush back into my head.


      My mind goes into overdrive and I find myself getting lost in my thoughts, and the frantic beating of the heart monitor. I soon black out.



"Guys is she dead?!"

Her Prince (A Sequel to "His Princess")Where stories live. Discover now