5. So Much for Trying to be Like James Bond.

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"Ugh, I don't want to do this..." I whine to myself. I am currently sitting in my room trying to get my homework finished before my "afternoon classes" start. My heart leaps out of its chest as I hear the front door slam shut and feet stomping closer and closer to my room. I frantically look around and try to find something I could use to defend myself. I pick up a ruler and shrug as I sneakily peek out my door, looking for any sign of life. I plop to the ground and try to do a ninja roll, but end up rolling into the wall across the small hallway.

"Ouch." I whisper, rubbing my head. So much for trying to be like James Bond. I hear shuffling in the living room. Oh my gosh, what if the robber is going to take Munchkin?!

I let out some sort of battle cry. "NEVERRR!! THAT CAT IS MINE YOU FOUL CREATURE!" I run straight into the living room with the ruler pointed out to anyone who dared to go near me. I look and find Ryder giving me a weird look as he continues to make a sandwich.

"It was you this whole time?!" I shriek.

"Yea. Whatever." He grumbles as he picks up his sandwich and walks to his room.

"No, 'Yea. Whatever.' You nearly gave me a heart attack Ryder! First I heard the door slam shut, and then the stomping... And then the shuffling around." I explain, following him into his room. Well, I tried too... I approach his doorway, and I was about to step in, but the door slammed shut on my face. The door whacked onto my nose and I hissed in pain and fell.

"Ouch!!" I scream as I clutch my nose. I remove my hand from my nose and find out that it's bleeding.

"Ow..." I mumble, trying to stand up. Ryder's door opens and I feel an arm wrap around my waist and help me stand up.

"Don't touch me, you dipshit." I hiss, pulling away from him.

Ryder sighs and runs his hands through his hair. "Avery, I'm sorry. It's just, I'm in a bad mood, okay?"

"No, it's not okay. You slammed your door in my face which may have broken my- ouch!!" I ramble, trying to explain but a wave of pain shot through my face.

"Let me help you." Ryder offers, his eyes holding nothing but guilt.

"Well that's the least you could do." I grumble, walking away to the bathroom. When I get there I sit up on the counter and hang my head low.

A gentle hand lifts my chin up. "I'm so sorry, Ave." Ryder whispers as he cleans up my nose.

"It's fine. What happened though?" I ask.

Ryder let's out a shaky breath. "I'm failing my class... I can't figure out the stupid math they're teaching me. The class goes by so fast. Too fast. I don't have time to process what's going on." Ryder explains.

"Ryder, you know that I'm always here to help you."

"I know. I felt too embarrassed." He confesses.

"Look, I know that you didn't want to go to this school. I know that you wanted to go to the University of Florida. It's my fault you're here. Let me at least make sure you succeed." I confess.

"Who told you that?" Ryder asks as his eyes narrow.

"Connor..." I mumble.

"Ugh. Goddammit! Look Ave, I will go wherever you go. I don't want to be any other place if you're not there. Do you hear me?" Ryder asks, looking into my eyes.

I nod my head, unable to get words to come out of my mouth.

I smirk. "Does that mean you're going to my afternoon classes with me?"

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