20. Breakfast In Bed.

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I wake up the next morning with a strong arm steadily wrapped around my waist. My eyes crack open and I'm met with gorgeous blue ones staring at me.

"How long have you been staring?" I ask.

Ryder chuckles. "I don't think you'd wanna know the answer to that."

I groan and shove my face into one of Ryder's pillows, my cheeks flushed a bright red. 

      Ryder chuckles and places a gentle kiss on my shoulder. 

"How does breakfast in bed sound, love?" He asks.

"Fabulous." I mumble into the pillow.

"Consider it done."

      I lift my head up to see Ryder smile down at me and hop off the bed, walking out into the hallway. I giggle and snuggle into the blankets, grateful to have a man like him in my life.

About ten minutes later, the smell of toast and bacon wafts through the room. My head perks up and I see Ryder walk in with a tray of food for us to share. He sits down next to me, causing me to sit up and rest my head against the headboard. Ryder places the tray across both of our laps and I turn towards him.

"Thank you."

"Not a problem." Ryder says with a smile.

I grab the remote and turn on a movie as Ryder and I stay cuddled together and eat our breakfast in bed.

• • •

"Ave, are you almost done with your dress? The gala is tomorrow night!!" Brooke screeches, pacing around my room. Bailey and I roll our eyes at Brooke's frantic state.

"Yes, I'm done with it, actually."

"Let me see it." She demands.

I shake my head. "I can't. I want it to be a surprise."

Brooke snorts. "C'mon, Ave. Just let us see it."

"No... Please, Brooke?"

She huffs. "Fine."

Bailey wiggles her eyebrows, "So, Brooke... How are you and Connor?"

Brooke turns bright red. "We are uh... Doing good... How about you and Danny?" Brooke mutters, changing the subject quickly.

Bailey chuckles. "As good as we can get. Danny almost said the 'L word' but he caught himself and just ran off blushing."

"Awwwww." I coo.

Bailey just shakes her head and her cheeks turn a bright pink.

"How about you and Ryder?" Bailey asks, nudging my shoulder.

I shrug. "Same old, same old. He's still the romantic dimwit that I love. He made me breakfast this morning, it was great."

     Brooke and Bailey just sit there and gush over what I told them while I sit on my bed and think. Honestly, I guess I could see me spending the rest of my life with him. It's scary, but true. I just hope he meant it when he said he wanted to marry me and he would replace my promise ring with an engagement one.

The door opening slams me out of my thoughts.

"Hello ladies, the names Slade. Ryder Slade."

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