22. Reunited and it Feels So Good!

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A deep snore awakens me from my slumber. My eyes shoot open and I see Ryder's peaceful face asleep next to me. I sit up and grab my phone off the nightstand. I think I should call Brooke. I click on her contact and wait.





Frowning, I look at the time. 10:47. She should be awake my now. However, we all did get back extremely late, maybe she wants to sleep in. I sigh and get out of bed, making my way into the kitchen.

      As I eat a bowl of Fruit Loops, Munchkin comes striding into the room and walks near me, making sure to rub against my leg. I just giggle as he takes a seat under my chair. I wonder how my mom will react when she sees Munchy. She'll adore him. 

      Ryder comes stumbling into the room and rubs his eyes drowsily. I skip over to him and place a loving kiss on his cheek.

"Morning handsome!" I chirp, guiding him over to the table and make him a bowl of cereal.

"What do you want?" He blatantly asks, confused by the sudden change of behavior.

I roll my eyes and chuckle. "Well..."

"Well..." He prompts, eating a spoonful of the cereal.

I sigh and give in. "Okay, I really want to go and see my mom."

Ryder shrugs. "Okay."

"-today." I add.

He spits out his cereal all over me. I jump up in surprise, causing my chair to tip over... With me on it. I scream as I fall backwards and groan when my head slams into the ground. I roll around in pain and hold the back of my head.

"Holy shit! I'm so stupid... I'm so freaking stupid! Avery, I am so sorry... Oh my God." Ryder screams, panicking as he leans over me and tries to pick me up.

I calm down and look up at him. "Does this mean you will take me to see my mom today?" I ask, making my eyes go wide while pouting my lip.

Ryder nods his head frantically. "Of course... Of course!"

I jump up and squeal. "Yay! Oh my goodness, I missed my mom so much!" I gush, running over to my room to get dressed. As soon as I step into my room, I pull out a suitcase and start packing clothes inside.  Once I finish that, I go over to my closet and find something pretty to wear.

      After getting all freshened up, I sling my duffel bag over my shoulder and head out into the living room

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      After getting all freshened up, I sling my duffel bag over my shoulder and head out into the living room. I grab the cat carrier from the laundry room and clean the inside before placing a fuzzy blanket in it so Munchkin could be comfortable. I place him inside and watch as he curls into a cute little ball and falls asleep. Ryder waltzes into the room with his bag in his hand and smiles when he sees me.

"Ready to go, gorgeous?" He asks.

I nod my head enthusiastically and pick up the bags.

"Here, let me help you with that." Ryder says, walking over and taking the cat carrier, making sure not to wake Munchy.

Once we get down to the car, we pack everything inside it. I take Munchy out of his crate and place him on my lap as I buckle up and watch as Ryder starts the car.

• • •

"We're here. We are really here." I whisper as we pull into my street.

      Ryder reaches over and places a comforting hand on my leg.  "I wonder what they're going to say when they see us." He whispers, looking at all these houses we pass.

"Yea, first we can surprise my mom, and then we can surprise yours. Gahhhh I'm so excited!" I exclaim as we pull into the driveway.

      Ryder parks the car and helps take out our things. I carry Munchkin while carrying my duffel bag over my shoulder.  We walk up to the front door and wait patiently after Ryder knocks on the door.

      The door opens and my heart stops when I see who it is.


The next thing I saw was the sky.

• • •

I wake up with a throbbing head. Looking around I see that I'm laying on my old bed in my old room.

"What the...?" My voice comes out scratchy. Munchkin lays fast asleep next to me and I smile softly.

"Ryder?" I call out, getting slightly nervous.

      His head pops up from next to the bed and I jump back in fright.

"Thank God you're awake." He breathes out.

I look down and see him wrapped inside a sleeping bag. "Why didn't you just climb in next to me?" I ask.

Ryder glares at the spot next to me. "Munchkin." He hisses out, causing me to chuckle.

I pat down on the spot in front of me, and he jumps up onto the bed and pulls me close.

"I had the weirdest dream." I tell him.

"Really?" He asks, playing with the ends of my hair.

"Yea, we were here, but so was my dad. Which was impossible because he's been gone since I was like eight." I explain, petting Munchkin gently.

Ryder coughs awkwardly as my door opens.

"How are you feeling, my little princess?"

My eyes widen in shock.

He's really back...


Hello my fellow fishies! This isn't my most favorite chapter, but I hope you liked the plot twist. If you didn't remember, her dad left for work once when she was eight, and he never came back. Well, he's back!! Just thought I'd clear that up for you. Schools been hectic, but I'll try and have another chapter done before the week starts again. I might update either Saturday or Sunday, I'm not sure. I'll try tho. College has been stressing me out so much... But I'm getting the hang of it :))

Love you all so much!

Xoxo - Batman


Her Prince (A Sequel to "His Princess")Where stories live. Discover now