7. Life or Death.

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Cr-"Ryder, can you not eat that pineapple right now?"

He frowns. "But why?"

"Because, this is a moment of life or death, and you're sitting here eating a freaking pineapple." I scold.

"Pa-lease, a moment of life or death? That's like watching you pick out what shade of eyeshadow to wear. All we're doing is Skyping Connor." Ryder argues.

I sigh and shake my head. "Lord help me..." I mutter.

"Yup, they haven't changed." A voice mutters from the computer.

"Connor!" Ryder and I shout at the same time. We give each other side glares and turn back to look at the screen.

"Let me tell Brooke you answered. She is making us Ramen Noodles." I tell Connor.

Connor chuckles. "Ramen Noodles is all she can make anyways, so I'm not surprised."

I smile and walk out of Brooke's room, heading down to the kitchen. Before I leave, I hear Ryder mumble, "Hey man, we gotta talk about what you told Avery. Something about the University of Florida?"

I shake my head and walk into the kitchen. I find Brooke stirring noodles in a pot.

"Hey, Connor answered. I can take over for you while you talk to him." I offer.

She turns around to face me. I notice her eyes are bloodshot, and she has tears streaming down her face. I rush over to her.

"Oh my god! What happened?"

"Ave, it's only been a couple days and I can't handle not seeing him. If I see his face on that screen, I might just pack everything up and take the day trip back to Florida. I can't do this anymore..." Brooke breaks down into a sob.

I pull her into a hug. "Shhh, it's going to be okay." I coo, rubbing her back.

"What's going on..." Ryder's voice breaks out behind us. I turn around and see him holding Brooke's laptop.

"Is that Brooke?" Connor asks.

"Yea..." Ryder answers.

"Let me see her." Connor demands.

"That's not a good idea right now." I say, loud enough for him to hear.

"Goddammit guys, let me see her!" Connor shouts.

"Connor..." Brooke sobs.

"Brooke? Baby is that you? Are you alright?" Connors voice rambles from the laptop. Brooke just cries even harder, probably from hearing the high level of concern coming from Connor's voice.

"Ryder, let me see her!" Connor shouts.

"I can't man."

"Screw you!" Connor screams, ending the Skype call.

Brooke continues to cry into my lap, and the grout on the floor tile starts making a mark on my leg. I continue to rub her back, trying to get her to calm down. All of a sudden, the pot of Ramen Noodles burst into flames, causing the water spouts above us to go off. We all scream as I try to help Brooke stand up. Ryder rushes over and grabs the fire hydrant, spraying it over the pot, putting out the fire. We are all soaked from head to toe.

The door flies open. "Hey guys I'm back!" Bailey shouts walking into the apartment. She gets a good look around, starting to get drenched with us. Soon enough, the water spouts turn off, and we are all left shivering.

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