11. I Could Always Find Some Other Guy.

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        I wake up bright and early on Monday morning, eager to finally be back in school; and out of the house. Getting out of bed, I walk over to my desk and collect all the work Ryder and I finished over the weekend. Putting it in a folder, I place it in my backpack, and walk over to my closet, looking for something pretty to wear. I want to be able to be back in school and look like I won a pageant, not like I just got hit by car.

  I want to be able to be back in school and look like I won a pageant, not like I just got hit by car

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      I straighten my hair and tie a pretty black lace bow in the back.  Walking out of my room with my bag in my hands, I tip-toe across the hall and sneak into Ryder's room.  I silently put my bag down and climb onto his bed, straddling him. 

"Psst... Ryder, it's time to wake up, we have school." I whisper into his ear.  Ryder groans and pulls me down, hugging me close to his chest. 

I start to giggle. "Please, Ryder get up!! I can finally get out of this apartment, and I want to spend my first day back with the best boyfriend in the world."

Ryder stays silent. 

I sigh dramatically. "I mean, I guess if you're not up for it, I could always find some other guy."

      Right after I said that, Ryder was up in a second.  I chuckle and get out of his bed, walking to the kitchen so he could get ready, and so I could make some breakfast.  I pull out a waffle maker, and pour the batter into it once I finished stirring it up.  After the waffles cook, I placed two on each plate and decorate it with some blueberry's and a few strawberries.  I top off the waffle with whipped cream. 

      Ryder walks into the kitchen wearing a comfy looking outfit.

      I bite my lip and look away

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I bite my lip and look away. Damn, he looks good in a beanie. He presses a gentle kiss to my temple and takes a seat. I sit next to him and we both eat our delicious breakfast together. Once we finish we fill Munchkin's bowl with some food and water, leaving the apartment in a hurry, afraid to be late for our classes.

We pull up to the school and park in one of the many parking lots the school has. Ryder opens my door for me and takes my hand, leading me inside the school. He pulls me in for a hug and kisses my forehead gently.

"If you need anything, please, just text me and I'll be by your side in a second... I promise." Ryder whispers into my hair.

I sigh and hug him before pulling away. "I'll be fine. I got Bailey and Danny anyways. Plus, you've been taking care of me all week... Go take a break and learn." I tease, pushing him down the hallway.

He chuckles. "It's my job to take care of you!" He shouts laughing, but I soon hear it fade away as he makes his way through the crowded, long hallway.

      I tighten my hold on my shoulder bag, and slowly make my way to the classroom. Walking in, I take a seat next to Bailey, who was too busy drooling over Danny to notice my presence. I clear my throat and their heads whip towards me.

Bailey squeals, earning herself strange looks from our fellow classmates. "You're back!!"

I nod my head, chuckling. "I said I was coming back the following week. It's the following week so... Here I am!"

Danny chuckles. "Welcome back!"

I smile. "Thanks."

      The teacher walks in and I grab all my work that I had to do and I bring it up to her desk.

"Ma'am, I have all my missed work. I finished it all while I was recovering." I explain, placing it on her desk in front of her.

She gives me a surprised look; As if she didn't expect me to actually get it done. "Um, good work. Take a seat. I'll check this all later."

      I nod my head and sit back down in my seat.  The rest of the class the teacher drones on about God-knows- what. The bell rings and I stand up, walking to my next class, eager to see Ryder. Bailey and Danny are in a different class, so they head the opposite way.

      Being short can have its disadvantages, kind of like right now, since I'm being shoved by the giant people. One person actually shoved me to the floor, and I winced. No one seemed to notice though, since they either went around me, or walked on top of me. I whimper and grab my bag, standing up. I look down and notice a cut on my arm. 

      I walk into my next class and take a seat next to Ryder. Once he sees me, he takes a sigh of relief.

"Hey, babe. How are you- wait, what the hell happened to your arm?"

Overprotective boyfriend mode: On

I chuckle. "Ryder, it's fine. I was accidentally shoved to the floor by the big crowd of people." I try and explain.

      Ryder just shakes his head and turns back to face the front of the room. I frown and pay attention as the teacher starts speaking about the lesson.

      About halfway through the lesson, I feel a hand grab mine and rub their thumb against my knuckles comfortingly. I look next to me and see Ryder giving me a small smile. I missed this.

• • •

"We should all go to a party." Danny suggest, taking a sip of his Pepsi.

"Yes!" I agree in excitement.

"No!" Ryder shouts, his eyebrows furrowed together.

"Awe, why not?"

Ryder laughs, unamused. "Ave, you just got hit by a freaking car about a week ago-"

I giggle. "About a week ago..." I sing, cutting him off.

Ryder looks at me, and breaks into a smile. "I can't stay serious when I'm with you... Ugh what are you doing to me woman?"

I wiggle my eyebrows. "Many things."

Bailey and Danny start laughing. "I think we should go to the party. Is Avery off her medication?"

I nod my head. "Yea, yesterday was my last day with it. My skull should be funny healed!" I cheer.

"What about that date I was going to take you on?" Ryder asks, taking my hand in his.

I smile and look up at him. "You can take me out whenever you want too."

"How about tomorrow? Ya know, since the party's tonight."

I grin. "Sure, love."


Hello my fellow fishies!! Here's anotha chapter for ya'll. What do you thinks gonna happen at that party? Will Avery find another pineapple? Or will something else happen! *wiggles eyebrows*

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Xoxo - Batman

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