17. My Hero.

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^ Picture of Danny ^

"This is where you stayed?" Ryder asks, shuddering in disgust.

"Yup!" I chirp, popping the "p."

Ryder and I are currently getting my bags from the motel room. He said that since he was being a major butt hole, he would help me pack everything back up and come home. His words, not mine.

"Is that a... Oh em gee! It's a cockroach!" Ryder squeals, hopping on top of the bed. I just chuckle and kick it under the bed while picking up the rest of my things. 

"My hero..." I mutter, shaking my head as I watch Ryder jump on the bed.

"THIS. IS. SO. FUN!" He shouts after every jump.

"Well, let's go! I got everything packed." I say, picking up the bags.

Ryder hops down and stands in front of me. He takes my bags from me. "I got it, Princess." He says, kissing my lips lightly.

I blush. "Thanks."

He winks and starts heading out. "Anytime."

• • •

      I am currently sitting in my room, starting the process of making my dress for Brooke's gala.  After getting the things from the motel, Ryder took me to a fabric shop so we both could pick out the materials we needed. From there, we both headed home so we could start making our outfits. I had to tell Ryder the color of my dress so he could have a matching tie with it... Something like that.  My laptop starts buzzing and I look at the screen to find myself getting a Skype call from Bailey. I click the answer button.

"AVERY!" She shouts.





"Come right over!"

She hangs up the call.

      I sit back in my desk chair and raise my eyebrows in confusion... What the hell just happened. I hide my dress in the closet and tidy up my room before Bailey comes over.

"Babe!" I hear Ryder shout nervously.

"Yea?" I ask.

      My bedroom door flies open and a panicked Bailey comes barging into my room.

"What the hell?" I shout.

"DANNY ASKED ME OUT." She yells, plopping down on my bed and shoving her face into my pillow.

I squeal, "Oh my gosh! It's about time! When's the date?"

Bailey looks at the clock on my wall. "In about an hour and a half."

I stand up abruptly. "WHAT?!"

Bailey smiles sheepishly. "That's why I had to see you ASAP. I need a date outfit."

I groan. "Why didn't you go to Brooke?! I'm not good with these things..."

She huffs out a breath. "Well... Brooke is too busy figuring out her dress. She's been flipping out. All she does is go from her room, to school. I would've felt bad asking her."

Her Prince (A Sequel to "His Princess")Where stories live. Discover now