21. Gala Galour.

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"Avery!! Change into your dress!" Brooke shouts from down the hall.

"Fine, fine!" I yell back.

      After the incident at the apartment, Brooke let Ryder and I crash at her house until we felt comfortable enough to go back home. Although we sleep on couches, I'd rather have a stiff back in the morning than a bullet in my forehead. Before Ryder and I left last night, we grabbed all of the things we would need for the next week.  We weren't really comfortable going in there, so Connor and Danny said they would stop by and visit Munchkin.

I grab the protector bag that has my dress in it and walk into the bathroom. I did my makeup a while ago, I settled for this golden-bronze look to bring out the colors in my dress. Locking the door behind me, I hook the hanger into the towel rack and unzip the bag. I take a look at my dress and smile. It's perfect.

      I open the door a little bit and stick my head out, looking for any signs of a person

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      I open the door a little bit and stick my head out, looking for any signs of a person. Seeing that the coast is clear, I pick up the front part of the gown and run through the hallway, making sure I don't trip on the long dress.  I end up in the living room and see the cute photo-filled fireplace mantel. I walk my way over and look at all the photos. I smile when I realize that they all are pictures of everyone. Ryder, me, Danny... And of course Brooke and Bailey.  

      An arm snakes around my waist and I jump up in fright.  I turn around and see Ryder. He smiles at me.

"So beautiful." He whispers as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

I blush and look at his tuxedo. He has golden swirls dancing across the silky fabric, he did an amazing job.

"Your tux looks great!" I gush, running my hand down the shiny fabric on his arm

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"Your tux looks great!" I gush, running my hand down the shiny fabric on his arm.

Ryder smiles cheekily. "Thanks, your dress looks absolutely perfect on you."

I chuckle and curtsy. "Why thank you kind sir."

Ryder takes my hand. "We can wait a little bit for Bailey and everyone, and then we can all head out... Alright?"

Her Prince (A Sequel to "His Princess")Where stories live. Discover now