Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

'Why'd you unlock the door stupid?!?!' my mind yells at me. Before I could change my mind, lock the door back, it opens enough for me to see and boy standing there. He was around 6'8 with shaggy, strawberry blonde hair, pale skin, carmel colored eyes and was wearing a flannel shirt with skinny jeans, a grey beanie, tons of bracelets and black converses. He was kinda lanky too. I wondered why the jocks were hanging out with him. Maybe the plays basketball? He's tall enough. He smiled a bit and slowly approached me, like you'd approach a small, wounded, defenseless puppy. Which was what basically what I was. He stopped a few inches away from me, squatting down.

"Hey." His deep voice was still soft. "I'm Anthony. You?"

"K-Kellin." I whimpered out, instantly regretting it. The more he knew, the easier it was to hurt me. I looked down, my eyes hiding behind my fringe.

"Hey Kellin. Nice name by the way. Do you spell it like Kellin Quinn does?" My head snapped up.

"You listen to them?" He nods, his smile growing.

"Me and my little brother, Taylor, listen to them all the time. I love their cover of Iris."

"And King For A Day. I was so happy when Pierce The Veil said they were doing a song together. Plus the music video was awesome." I said before I released what I was doing. I quickly shut my mouth. I wasn't saying anything else. Anthony's smile falls into a frown.

"You don't have to be afraid of me you know? I can tell you are. I don't know who hurt you, but they shouldn't have." He looked down and rubbed his neck, his eyes falling on my bloody razor. Panic filled my body as I grabbed it and shoved it into my pocket, cleaning of the blood with my sleeve first.

"I-Is that yours?" he whispered.

"Why would you care?" I snapped. Pain filled his eyes as he looked down.

"Because my best friend used to do that. She did it until it killed her." he answered, voice barely above a whisper. I saw a tear slip down his cheek, to which he quickly wipes it off.

"Oh...I'm sorry....I shouldn't have snapped at you." I whispered. He shook his head and looked up, smiling. I could still still see the pain in his eyes though.

"It was none of my business either way. Don't be sorry." I nodded, even though I still felt guilty. He checked his phone.

"First period's almost over. What's your second?" he asked. I didn't answer. After a minute of me not answering, he sighs.

"I just want to know your next class. Where's the harm in that?" he asked. His voice didn't sound annoyed though. Not even a bit. It surprised me. I shrugged in response.

'You could follow me to my class then, before it starts drag me to another room and beat me.' My mind started to form a list of things he could do.

"I have Science next. I don't know where the room is, I'm new here. Can you show me where it is?" I froze. Science was my next class too.

"I-it's my next class too." I said, my eyes going back to hiding under my fringe. I didn't have to look up to know he was smiling though.

"That's great! You don't mind showing me do you?" I thought about it for a moment. Maybe having him with me while going to second period's a good idea. Rodger might stay off of me if he was there. But I doubted it. Rodger would beat me again and he'd stand there. He may not cheer him on, but he'd still watch and do nothing about it.

'That's why you can't trust him!' My mind reminded me. I looked at him from under my fringe.

'I guess I could show him around...I mean really, where's the harm in that?' Before I could think of how it would harm me, the bell rung, signaling the end of first period. I slowly nodded at him, knowing I had to give him an answer.

I stood up before he could say anything and walked past him. He quickly followed me, grabbing a backpack I didn't notice and slinging it over his shoulder. I looked down at my math binder, remembering that I had to go get my science one. I let out a sigh and made my way to my locker, throwing it in and replacing it with my science one after opening it. I looked over at Anthony, who was awkwardly shuffling his feet around with his head down.

"Do you need to go get your book or anything?" He jumped a bit and his head snapped up.

"What? Oh. No I have it in my bag." I nodded and started to walk to class, after closing my locker, with him following close behind me. That's when something hit me.

He knew I cut.

The thought almost made me stop dead in my tracks, but I kept walking to avoid attention.

'He knows you cut!!!'My mind screams out at me.

My Dad's the only one who knew about my nasty habit, something he found out by force. I dug my fingernails into the palm of my hands to keep from shaking.

'What if he tells someone? What if he black mails me with it? What if he uses it to abuse me like Dad? He wouldn't do that. Would he?' I dig my fingernails deeper into my hands. I couldn't have a panic attack. Pain was the only way I could stop them from coming.

"Um Kellin? Isn't this the science room?" Anthony asks. I turn around and see that, while I was caught up in all my thoughts, I had walked past the classroom. Without saying a word, I nod and walk in and to my seat in the back. No one sits beside me. I was glad. I was able to draw and write without worrying about anyone grabbing my notebook away and talking about how emo it was. I slip into my chair and take out my notebook, starting to draw. My pencil started to draw the picture in my mind of a girl with flowers weaved into her hair and a happy smile.

"You're really good at drawing." I jumped, my pencil jerking up and making a line across her nose. I glared at the line, then at the person who made it happen to see Anthony.

"Dude I'm so sorry!!" I shook my head.

"It's fine." I said is I erased the line, still glaring.

"It's still really good. Do y-" Before he could finish his sentence, someone yelled, "Yo Anthony! Why you hanging out with the emo?" Rodger. He made his way to where we were sitting, taking my notebook and flipping through it.

"Hey give that back!!" I yelled while standing up. I tried to grab it. He laughed.

"Why should I emo? Hey Jason look at this!!" He threw it across the room. I felt like crying. There was stuff in there no one should see. Private thoughts only I should know about. Things that, if the school found out about, would make me go to see the councilor. I hide my face, scared to see their reactions. I heard the sound of someone catching it and looked up, even though I know I shouldn't. It surprised me to see Anthony sanding in front of me, holding my notebook out to me.

"Here Kellin." Unsure, I took it out of his hand. He turns around to Rodger. "And you. I suggest you go sit down." Rodger was tall, but Anthony still toward over him. Rodger looked at him with something in his eyes I've never seen. Fear. He nodded and quickly went over to his seat. Anthony sat back down and looked at me, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"T-thanks." I mumble out. He just shrugged.

Somewhere in that moment, there was an unspoken agreement between Anthony and I.

That's when we became friends.

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