Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Is there a right way for how this goes?

You've got your friends

and you got your foes.

They want a piece of something hot

forget your name like they forgot.

Oh, ain't that something?" I listened to Kellin and thousands of other people sing. Out of all of Sleeping With Sirens' songs, Rodger Rabbit was one of my favorites. The concert had just started with A Day To Remember opening for them. They were both doing amazing. Taylor, of course, clung close to me the whole time. Emily went off to buy a t shirt. We lost Anthony somewhere. All I knew is when he left, he yelled that he was going to join a few mosh pits. That left me and Taylor standing in the middle of a very large crowd. I could barely see any of the band members but I didn't care. This was the most fun I've ever had.

"Hey Kellin? Should we go try to find Anthony? I mean, he may seem tough but he's practically a baby kitten." I laugh. It was true though. I've only know him for maybe a week or two and I already know he's soft-hearted and couldn't hurt a fly. But that doesn't mean he couldn't throw a punch. Ever since he came around, Jason and Rodger stopped picking on me. But for some of the other jocks, well, they didn't get the message. And Anthony made the message clear.

"Nah. He'll be okay. He's tall enough." Taylor laughs.

"Point." I smile and nod, turning back to the stage.

"How's it going guys?" Kellin's high pitched voice asked. The crowd cheered in response.

"Marry me!!' some girl in the crowd yells. Kellin laughs.

"I can't!! I'm married!! I have a daughter! She's here tonight. You guys wanna see her?" The crowd cheers louder and Kellin smiles.

"Alright. Give me a second, I'll go get her." He puts his microphone on it's stand then runs backstage, coming back out with Copeland in his arms. The crowd starts to go crazy, making Kellin smile.

"Say hi Copeland!" She waves to the crowd, Kellin waving too. You could tell by the look on his face that he loved her and was proud. I always wanted Dad to look at me like that, but I knew he never would. Even though, I wanted him to be proud of me. No matter how many times he beat me, no matter how many times he said he hated me, no matter how many times he called me worthless, I still longed for him to smile at me and say he was proud. I knew that would never happen though. It could never happen to me. I didn't know why it matter so much to me though. It's just something that I really wanted.

"Hey guys!" Anthony yells, running over to Taylor and I and throwing his arm around our shoulders, causing pain to ripple though my body. I had a bruise from Dad there, a pretty big one. I bite my lip, trying to keep in my cry of pain.

"Have fun in your mosh pit?" Taylor asks. He laughs and nods.

"It was fun!" He looks around. "Where's Em?"

"She went to buy a t shirt. We should probably go check on her. She's been gone a while." Anthony nods and looks down at me, making my head snap down. I still haven't forgiven myself for snapping at him. He keeps telling me it was fine but...I just couldn't get the pain in his eyes out of my head. I wanted to let him in, but I knew I couldn't. It would just hurt me.

"Well, let's go try to find her. Wanna come with Kellin?" Taylor asks. I look around. I could either go with them, or I could stay alone in the crowd. It's kind of easy to tell what I was going to do.

"I-I'll come with." I said, looking up a bit. They both nod.

"Come on let's go find her!" Taylor yells, running off into the crowd. Anthony smiles and laughs, removing his arm from my shoulder. The pain slowly went away when he did. We walked to where they were selling the band merch in silence, Anthony looking over at me a few times, but never said anything. I kept my eyes down the whole time, until Anthony's voice made me look up a bit.

"You know that it was fine right; what happened back at the restaurant?" he asked, digging his hands into his pocket. I shrug, not saying anything back. He sighs.

"I don't know why you're taking that so hard. You just snapped. Everyone does that. Plus you're the one who did it. I mean, I'd get it if I snapped at you but...." He trailed off. I looked back down, not knowing what to say. What could I say? All I could think of saying was I'm sorry.

"Look Kellin, don't be sorry. Please. It was my fault either way." I shook my head, looking back up.

"No it wasn't. It was mine. I could've controlled myself but I didn't. Don't blame yourself." He stopped, looking at me. I stopped too, afraid of the looks people may give me.

"Kellin you have nothing to be sorry for. I pushed you to do something you didn't want to." I sighed, looking down once again and letting my hair fall into my eyes. I feel his arms rap around me, causing me to tense up a bit. I stood there, letting him hug me. He sighs and let go once he realized I wasn't going to hug back.

"Come on. We need to find Taylor and Emily." he said with frustration in his voice, beginning to walk off. I didn't move though. I was having mixed emotions. Part of me wanted to just walk away and never talk to Anthony again so he wouldn't have to put up with me any more and the other half wanted to run to him and break down. I've never told anyone about my problems. I always felt like they thought I was complaining too much, even though I wasn't complaining. I looked up, expecting to see his warm caramel eye, but just seeing a bunch of people. That's when I felt the panic.

He left me.

I looked around frantically for him but didn't see him. I felt like breaking down and crying. He left me alone. He's gone.

'Did he mean for me to follow him? Or was he so mad at me that he left? its probably the second. I'm sure it's the second. I knew he'd get annoyed at me and leave.' As soon as all these thoughts rushed through my mind, I felt a hand grip mine tightly and guide me out of the crowd. I keep looking down the whole time and followed. To be honest, I didn't care who was dragging me through the crowd. I just wanted to die.

"Kellin tell me what's wrong." I looked around and realized I was away from the crowd. I look up and see Anthony standing there. That's when I lost it.

I broke down crying, falling into him and sobbing into his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and hugged me close to him. I gripped his t shirt tightly.

"A-Anth?" I whisper softly.

"Yea Kel?" I take a deep breath, making yet another decision I may end up regretting.

"I-I want to tell you something...But y-you can't tell a-a-anyone." I whisper, my voice barely audible.

"Okay. I won't." I take another deep breath, trying to keep in a sob. I was about to tell him something I've never told anyone.

I was about to tell him about Max.

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