Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"H-h-he did?" I stutter out. Taylor nods sadly.

"After Annabeath died he lost it....He wouldn't do anything, just stay in his room all day. He never came out really. He wouldn't really let anyone in either. He stayed in there for mouths. A few times he'd let me go in, but that barely happened. It hurt to see him. He just looked so broken. Annabeth and him were so close...I don't think it help any that he's the one who found her....I-I guess he just couldn't take it....He started cutting. His scars are so bad...." he whimpered out. So I was right. Anthony did cut.

"Did he stop?...." I whisper. Taylor nods.

"Yea...One day I came into his room and he was laying on the floor with a big cut on his wrist." I dug my fingernails into my arms, trying to keep Max's memory away. "I-I didn't know what to do. All I did was stop the blood. When he woke up, he made me swear not to tell mom or dad. So I didn't. They didn't find out until mom walked in one day when he was wearing a short sleeved shirt and saw his scars. They made him go to therapy, but it didn't help. Instead of cutting on his wrist, he did it on his waist. They didn't think to check there. It went on for a year until they found out. That's why we moved here. They though that maybe, if they changed his scenery and got him away from where Annabeath used to live, he'd stop." A tear rolled down his cheek as he finished talking, but he quickly reached up and whipped it away.

"Did he stop?" He shrugs.

"I haven't seen anymore scars." I knew that meant nothing. When Max was cutting, I saw the scars on the wrist. I remember how I begged him to stop. And he did. The scars on his wrist starts to fade away. But I didn't know until the night he tried suicide that he started on his thighs. The doctors said that he had self made scars all over them. I pulled Taylor closer to me.

"Wait, did you say he found her?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yea....She wasn't answering any of his calls or texts so he went to check on her. The next thing we knew, we were getting a call from him saying to go to the hospital. We could barely hear what he was saying because he was crying so hard. When the doctor said she was dead, he just broke down. He blamed himself." Taylor looked up at me.

"Don't tell him I told you." I shook my head.

"I won't." He nodded, putting his head back on my chest and yawning. I looked at the clock. 1:30.

"You should try to go back to sleep. You need your rest." He nodded, yawning again. I laid him down and laid down beside him, but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. Too many memories were in my head. I had to get them out. I was planing that, as soon as Taylor went to sleep, to sneak out of bed and cut. But that plan was ruined when Taylor rapped his arms around my waist in a death grip, making it to where I couldn't get up.

"Night Kellin." I look down at him.

"Night Tay...." His eyes fluttered shut. I waited until I was 110 percent sure he was asleep, then I careful moved my hand and started to scratch my arm, digging my nails into my arm. I was careful not to do it too hard, then there'd be blood.

"Kellin what are you doing?..." Taylor's voice asks. I stopped. It was enough either way. I had done it enough to make the memories go away. I move my hand and look at him.

"Nothing buddy. Go back to sleep." He shakes his head.

"I can't. I was asleep for a few minutes but then I had a nightmare and it's hard for me to go back to sleep after that...." I look down at him, seeing a bit of myself. And that scared me. He shouldn't be like me. He should be happy. But, now that I look closer at him, he is a lot like me. Just happier. At least, if he's going to be like me, he's happier. I brush his bangs out of his face and pull him closer into my side. He lays his head on chest and looks at me. His phone vibrated, making his head snap to it.

"Will you hand it to me? It's probably Sam." I nodded and unplugged his phone, handing it to him. He looks at the screen and smiled.

"Is it him?" He nodded.

"Yea." He showed me his phone.

'Hey baby. I'm guessing you're not awake but I love you. xx' I smiled.

"How long have you been dating?" I ask. Taylor smiles.

"Six months tomorrow. He lives a bit away but we find ways o see each other." he said, texting him back as he did. I nodded. I thought it was kinda weird for Sam to say I love you after only six months but that's something all couples do I guess. He giggles.

"Would it be okay if I FaceTimed him? He wants to talk." I nod.

"Yea. Fine by me." He smiles and touches something on his phone. The screen lights up with someone's face.

"Hey baby." Taylor giggles at him.

"Hey boo." Sam brushes his hair back and smiles, making Taylor blush.

"How was the concert?"

"It was the best!! Kellin took a picture with me and so did the rest of the guys and Kellin had Cope so she's in the picture with us!" I smile at him. He was so happy that he got to take a picture with Copeland. Anthony had to force me into the picture. I really didn't want to take one. I've never really had picture token of me. Only at school picture day. I always hated it. I got to the point of where I just skipped it and the make up day. The school never said anything about it. Mom always told me I took the best pictures when I was little, she still does sometimes, but I never believed her.

"Oh Sam!! This is Kellin!" Taylor shoved his phone at me, smiling like crazy. I leaned back, surprised by his sudden action.

"Um...Hi." I say, awkwardly waving at Sam. He smiles and waves back.

"Hey Kellin. Taylor's been telling me about you." I smile and look at Taylor, wondering what he's told him. That made my mind wonder to what Anthony may have told him. They were really close. What if Anthony told him how he found me? Did he? I'm not very sure. Taylor probably wouldn't be following me around and wanting to do things with me as much if he did. I relaxed a bit, fairly sure that Anthony hadn't told anyone.Taylor flipped his phone back to him and started talking to Sam, giggling and blushing every now and then. I laid back down, yawning. I hadn't slept very good for the past few days, which meant something very rare happened to me.

As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.

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