Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Cody. Cody was standing in the doorway, giving me a small, sad smile. I nodded slowly and looked down, a sob escaping my lips. I didn't want to talk to him. I wanted to cut. I wanted to cut so deep and so many times that I'd die. That wouldn't happen to me though. I wasn't lucky enough. He walked in, sitting down in the chair Anthony was just sitting in and slouched down. I looked at him from under my lashes, wishing he'd go away so I could cry. He looked at me and sighed, standing up. This was it. He was leaving too. I knew it. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing though.

"Move over." I looked at him, surprised. I thought he was supposed to leave me. Why was he telling me to move over?


"Move over." he said, gesturing with his hands. I did as he said and he laid down beside me, pulling me down to him. I didn't fight him, I just moved as close as I could to him. He rubbed my arm softly, surprisingly not bringing me any pain. His hand eventually moved up to my hair and he started to play with it. It was all very relaxing. It felt nice to have someone pet me again. I closed my eyes and moved closer to him, resting my head on his chest. He chuckled a bit, continuing to stroke my hair.

"Do you like that?" I didn't have to open my eyes to know he was smirking. I slowly nodded. It reminded me of mom a bit. She used to do this all the time when I couldn't sleep. It was starting to make me a bit sleepy. All the sudden what he said to me cams back.

'You'll have to excuse Anthony. He's going through some hard times right now.' My eyes snapped open and I looked up at him. Was I the reason Anthony was going through hard times? What had happened?

"How long was I out?" He looked down at me, still playing with my hair.

"I'm not sure. I'd say about ten hours. I'm not sure though." The shaking came back. Ten hours? A lot could've happened in ten hours. What happened in those ten hours?

"W-what happened to Anth?..." I whispered. He looked down, sighing a bit.

"You know his girlfriend? Emily? Yea well the bad word broke up with him. And he just found out his dad was shot during war. They don't know when or if he'll be back home. Plus," he pauses for a moment, then mumbles something. My heart bear picked up. What had happened? Was Anthony okay? What had happen? Did it have to do with me?

"W-what happened?" He looked at me and smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well....I maybe sorta kinda kissed him...." he said, his voice getting a bit high pitched at the end. He sucked in a breath and dropped his hand. I look at him, giving him a blank stare.

"You kissed him?" He slowly nodded. After a few minutes of silence, he smirks a bit.

"His lips are soft." I shake my head.

"Why?" He raises his eyebrow.

"I don't know. He probably uses a lot of chap stick or something. You should probably try that. You're lips look dry." he says, running his finger over my bottom lip. I shake my head, pushing his hand away.

"What? Wait no. No I didn't mean why are his lips soft. I don't care about that. I mean why did you kiss him?" He shrugs.

"His lips looked soft." he says seriously. I look at him, glaring. He chuckles a bit and shrugs again.

"I really don't know why I did. That chick broke up with him and he looked so sad and he was crying...So I kissed him. He seemed to like it at first. He pinned me to the wall. It was pretty hot. I was get-"

"You're giving me a bit too much information here Cody." He smirks.

"He's a really good kisser. You should try kissing him one day. He uses t-"

"Cody I don't care!" I said quickly, covering my ears. He chuckles and ruffles my hair up. I closed my eyes as he does and fixed my hair back once he was done, glaring at him. He chuckled again, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me back to my side. So I guess Cody didn't leave.

For now that is.

"Why did you even kiss him? I mean, he doesn't even like boys, does he?" I ask. I didn't know if Anthony had told Cody he was bi. And, if he had, Cody probably asked who all he's told. I'm definitely not on that list. I should probably act like I didn't know. He shrugs.

"He kissed back. That means something right? Oh I forgot to tell you, Anna said she'd be here around 6:30, so in about thirty minutes. She wanted to be here when you woke up but her brother came home and she has to be there for some reason. But she'll be here soon. Until then you have me." he said, putting his face into my hair and changing the topic. He probably didn't know then. I smiled a bit at him.

"What should we do until then?" He shrugs and smirks a bit, pulling me closer to his chest and putting on of his legs over mine.

"We can cuddle." he says in a weird, high pitched voice. I laughed nervously, trying to move away from him. He closes his eyes and smiles, gripping me closer. I knew he knew it was annoying me and making me uncomfortable; that was probably his goal. I wiggle away from him eventually though. He looks at me and pouts.

"Do you not like me or something?" I shrug.

"You'll alright." He frowns and pouts at me.

"But Kellinnnnnn." I give him a small smile and go back to his side. I was comfortable there for some reason. Something about him relaxed me. Maybe it was the fact that he was making me smile and laugh for once. It felt nice to be happy. I wish I could be happy more. Cody rematches over to a desk beside the bed I had been put in and grabbed something, turning on a TV I didn't realize was in the room. He put it onto some TV show. I never get a chance to watch TV so I don't know what it was. I sit there uncomfortably as he laughs about something someone said. After a few minutes, he looks down at me. His face was suddenly serious.

"Hey could I ask you a question?" I look up at him and nod slowly. It worried me that he looked serious. I may have only known him for a few days, but I knew he wasn't the serious type.

"Why'd you do that to yourself?" I tensed up a bit. Was he talking about the suicide attempt? Or maybe cutting? No he can't know about the cutting. Can he? I dig my fingernails into my hand, trying to stop the panic attack I knew was going to happen.

"D-do what?" He frowns.

"The bruises. Why did you do that. That was you who did it right?"

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