Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

"Oh um...I-I-I-" I stutter out. How do I explain this? He can't know about dad. Enough people already know; telling him would be a mistake. Besides, I wasn't sure if I trusted him. He was cocky and very full of himself. He wanted to empress people. I have a feeling he'd tell someone. He may not mean to, but he will tell someone.

"Kellin did you do this to yourself?" Slowly, I nodded. I didn't know what else to say. Why not just say I did it to myself? It makes sense, if you think about it. I technically did do it to myself by nit dying sooner. He shakes his head softly.

"Why Kellin?" I shrug. He bites his lip and hugs me closer to his side. I let him, putting my head onto his chest. He starts petting my hair again.

"I guess you know that you'll have to go to threapy." he says sadly, I sigh and nod slowly. He looks down at me. I felt so small next to him, even though we were around the same height. The way he acted made me feel so small. He sighs softly.

"I'm sorry dude. Therapy sucks. I know." I raise my eyebrow a bit.

"How do you know?" He looks down, then back up at me.

"I've had to go before." I sit up a bit and look up at him.

"Why?..." I ask, my voice soft. I would've never guessed that he had gone to therapy. He didn;t seem the type. He was strong, cocky, and speaks his mind. What would make him have to o to threrapy? He looks down, looking like he wanted to cry,

"M-my family....They died in a car wreck...." I nod and look down.

"Oh..." I didn't know what else to say. I didn't expect him to go on with the story, but he did.

"I was eight. I had a little brother, his name was Jacob, and we were coming back from his basketball game. I played too, I was actually in love with basketball, and I knew that, if they were playing for real, his team would've won by a long shot. I kept telling him that and mom got mad at me and said I'd make him think too highly of himself. I mean, she wasn't mad, she was laughing. So I guess mad isn't a good word for it. But, for lack of a better word, mad. I ignored her and kept telling him that. Dad looked back at me and told me what mom had said. He was smiling and laughing. The whole car was just filled with happiness....But the traffic light turned red. Dad didn't notice. He ran the red light. He noticed after he did and tried to stop the car, but a truck had slammed into the car. It was on Jacob and mom's side. The driver didn't mean to, I know he didn't. I had woken up three days later, according to the doctor. Mom and dad were already dead by then. Jacob, he was still alive. He was in a coma, but he was still alive. He died a week later though." He bites his lip, a singal tear falling down his cheek. "H-he was only six...He wasn't supposed to die then. He die at such a young age and it's my fault!" he yelled, covering his face with his hands.


"If I would've just shut up, dad would've been looking at the road. He would've stopped. The truck wouldn't have hit us. If I would've just shut up...." he whispered, running his hands down his face, He shook his head and laughed.

"That's why I'm here I guess. Even after that, I couldn't shut up. I went into foster care but I kept switching houses because I would get into fights and get arrested and stuff like that. I'm out next year; I'll pretty much be thrown out of the wolves or whatever it is. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do. I mean, I doubt I'll be able to get a job with my record." he says, looking over at me. I look down.

"I-I know how you feel...With your brother and all...." I whisper. Before he had a chance to ask what I meant, the door flies open and Anna runs in. She runs straight to me and hugs me tightly. I bite my lip to keep in a whimper from the pain and hug back. She looks up at me and smiles softly.

"If you wanted to get away from me, you could've just said so. You didn't have to do that." I quickly shake my head.

"No no no I-" She cuts me off by pecking my lip.

"I'm just kidding sweetie. I know why." she says. Her smiled staied on her lips, but it seemed to be more of a sad smile. I nod slowly as she looks around.

"Where;s Anthony?" I winced at his name. I wish he was here. I missed him already. I didn't deserve him at all, I knew that, but I still wanted him. His hugs were nice. I wish I could hug him now, I wish I could hug Max now. I wish I could hug both of them now. I didn't get why everything good that happened to me ended badly. I just wished that I could have one good thing in life. I guess I did have something though. I had my razor. I guess that's as close to having something good I could get. I Cody shakes his head.

"He's being a girl right now. He'll be back sooner or later though." Anna nods and smiles, handing my a box I hadn't even noticed she brought in. I take it hesitantly, not sure if it was for me or not. It was a medium sized box. She giggles slightly and sits down on the bed, looking at me. I look down at the box, then back at her.

"What's this?" I whisper. She giggles again.

"You're supposed to open it to find out silly." I raise an eyebrow slightly at her, making her roll her eyes.

"It's almost Christmas! Where's your spirit?" Her words take me by surprise. I had almost forgotten that. Christmas was only two weeks away. I guess I've been too depressed to even notice that. I shrug.

"Must've left it at home." She frowns.

"Just open it Ebenezer." I smile a bit at her comet, but it was mostly fake. Carefully, I take the lid off the box. I looked down into it and saw a small, white kitten with a signal black dot on it's nose. I looked back up at her, confused.

"Y-you got me a cat?...." I barely ever got any kind of presents. If I ever did, it was nothing big. Maybe a necklace of shirt, but never a cat. She nods, smiling.

"I read somewhere animals help with depression. I figured, hey, why not buy you a cat? You need one either way. I mean, Princess loved you. I got this one from the same place I got Princess. They're always sweet. I just kinda figured that-" As she was talking, I picked the cat up out of the box and looked at her. She was cute, but I couldn't keep her. If dad found her....

"I know what you're thinking. You can keep her at my house. It'll be no big deal. Sound good?" I look up at her and slowly nod, looking back at the cat. Cody retches over a scratches her chin, making her purr.

"What do you want to name her?" he asks, laughing a bit at her. I look down at her. The whole time I've held her, I could only think of one name I would want for her.


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