Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

"Kellin? Hey Kellin? You need to get up if you're going to school." someone says while shaking me. My eyes snap open. I look up to see Anna smiling at me. I look around for a moment, then shake my head.

"No. I don't want to go to school." I say, closing my eyes back.

"Won't your friends miss you?" I shake my head, opening my eyes to look at her.

"No." She sighs and leans against the bed post.

"Whatever you say Kellin." Her face light up. "Let's make pancakes!" Before I can reply, she pulls me out of her bed and drags me downstairs, me tripping and stumbling after her. She pulls me to the kitchen, giggling. She turns around to face me.

"Will you help? Please?" I shrug.

"I've never made pancakes before. I've never really had pancakes really...." Her eyes widen as she looks at me in shock.

"Really?" I nod. She giggles and smiles.

"Well you're about to." she says, spinning around and grabbing two bowls out of the cabinet. She lays them do on the counter, looking at me.

"Could you get the flour?" I nod and look around awkwardly as she opens the fridge. She grabs something then closes it, looking at me. She giggles and points to a cabinet.

"In there." I nod, walking over to the cabinet and opening it. Shifting around in it for a few moments, I found it and pulled it out.

"Hey there should be some salt in there too. Get it please?" I nod and put the flour on the counter, looking through the cabinet again. I found it in the back. I had to stand up on my toes to be able to reach it. Once I got it, I put it beside the flour on the counter. I look over at Anna to see her looking at me. She blushes a bit once she realizes I was looking, pouring something into a bowl. I pick up the flour and salt, bringing it to her and putting it with the other ingredients she's already put out. She smiles at me.

"Can I play some music maybe?" I nod.

"Yea sure. Why not?" She smiles and takes out her iPhone, putting it on a stand and pressing the play button.

"Make a wish on our sorry little heart.

Have a smoke, pour a drink, steal a kiss in the dark.

Fingernails on my back like the teeth of a shark.

I'm intoxicated by the lie." She smiles and looks at me.

"All Time Low okay?" I nod.

"Yea. I love them." She smiles.

"I love Jack. He's so funny and cute and oh my gosh him and Alex! Jalex is real; it has to be. Friends don't look at each other like Jack and Alex look at each other." I laugh a bit and nod. She giggles and looks back at me from over her shoulder, pouring one bowl into the other and smiling. She had the cutest smile. Her teeth were so white. She giggled again, walking over to the stove and putting a pan on the stove.

"Do you know how to flip pancakes?" I shake my head. She nods.

"Do you want to try?" I quickly shake my head, my stomach tightening. Doing things in front of people always made me nervous. It wasn't just stuff like giving presentations either, it was also stuff like tying my shoes and walking. I was always afraid people would judge me for anything and everything I do. I hated it, but I couldn't really help it. She frowns, but then her smile comes back.

"Could you go get Princess? She's upstairs." I nod and walk out of the kitchen and to her room. Princess was sitting in her cat bed, asleep. I kneel down and pet her head softly. She yawns and looks up at me, meowing and rubbing her head against my hand. I smile and laugh a bit, picking her up and cradling her in my arms. I stood there for a few minutes, petting and playing with her, She kept trying to catch my finger and bite it, which I found adorable. Once she caught my finger, she continued to bite it as I walked down the stairs and back to the kitchen. When I got down there, Anna already had a stack of pancakes. She looked at me from over her shoulder, smiling at Princess biting me. I give her a small smile back.

"Ready to eat?" I shrug. I wasn't even close to being hungry. She smiles a grabs two plates, sitting them on the counter.

"Just put Princess down and wash your hands. Maybe we can watch Home Alone? Do you want syrup?" I shrug, putting Princess down. She looked up at me and meowed, rubbing her head against my leg. I smiled lightly, walking over to the sink and washing my hands. When I turned around, Anna shoved a plate full of pancakes into my face, giggling. I take it, giving her a small smile and a thank you. She giggles again, skipping off into the living room. I follow after her and sit down on the floor beside her. I wasn't sure if I needed to sit on the floor or couch, but I didn't want to sit anywhere I wasn't supposed to. The movie was already on. She looked over at me and smiled.

"Tried them yet?" I shake my head and look down at my plate. I felt like throwing up when I saw how much she gave me. I doubted that I'd even eat half of one. She gave me a confused look.

"Are they okay? You look kinda sick..." she said, sounding kinda sad. I quickly shake my hair, looking at her.

"No no no it's just that I don't really eat much.....I'm not really hungry either." She nodded.

"It's fine if you think they don't look like they would taste good. I'm not the best cook." I shook my head, looking back down at the plate. I fought back the sick feeling and cut off a piece, putting it in my mouth and chewing slowly, forcing myself to swallow. They didn't taste too bad. They were actually really good. I could tell Anna was starting to think that maybe there was a reason I wasn't eating, so I forced myself to finish off one whole pancake and half of another one. When I was done, I felt like throwing up. I'm not sure how I manged to keep it down while I was eating them. I put my plate one the table shyly, looking over at Anna. She was focused on the movie, her plate already sitting on the table. I kinda found it funny that, in tge time she was able to eat a plate of pancakes, I almost ate two. She leans her head on my shoulder and cuddles into my side. I look down at her and see her smiling up at me. I look back up at the TV screen. I almost jumped when I felt her lift my arm and put it around her. My head snaps down to look at her, my heart racing. She looks up at me and giggles, hiding her face in my shoulder. She peaks up and looks at me, giving me a smile. I nervously smile back at her as she snuggles closer to me, taking my hand and starting to play with it. I tried to force myself to relax, but I couldn't. She looks up at me.

"So Kellin...Tell me something about yourself." I look down at our hands. Our hands. Not something I ever thought I'd say. Since Max left, I never really thought I'd ever use the word our again.

"I don't have anything I can tell you..." She puts her head on my chest, looking up at me.

"How old are you?" I look down at her, wondering if she knew how fast my heart was beating.

"Sixteen." She smile.

"Koolio. Same here." I force myself to smile back.

"Yea. That's cool." She sighs, putting her head back down. I wanted to run away from her sighing. She was annoyed by me. The thought made me want to cry. I actually thought she liked me for a moment.

'Why would she like you? You're noting more than an emotionally unstable teenager who self harms and hates him self. A girl like her could do so much better.' I bit my tongue, trying to hold back tears. I should've known she wouldn't stay. Why was I so stupid to think that?

"Kellin what's wrong?" Anna asks softly, wiping off a tear that I didn't know I had shed. I shook my head, looking down.

"Nothing. I'm fine." She shook her head.

"No you're not Kellin. I can tell. I knew from the moment I met you that you weren't alright. I can tell." sh whispers, rubbing her thumb across my hands. I looked over at her.

"How can you tell?" I whispered. She looked into my eyes.

"Your eyes. They're so sad...I hate that they're so sad...." I shrug.

"It's not like you can help it."

"What if I can?"

"You can't?"

"What if I can?" I looked down then back at her.

"How can you?"

She didn't say anything for an answer. Instead, she leaned forward and kissed me.

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