Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

My tears were falling all over the ground, but I didn't care. My body was shaking from sobs and I had a sick feeling in my stomach. Almost all the guest were gone and, if they were still here, they were to caught up in conversation to notice me. I had stayed strong for the whole funeral, but I had to let it out now. They had already put mom into the ground, she was gone now. I was standing over her grave, looking down at the tombstone. Katie was standing beside me awkwardly. I could tell she didn't know what to do; I don't know why she doesn't just leave me alone. I quickly read over the tombstone for the millionth time.

"R.I.P. Melody Austins. Wife, Daughter, Mother, Sister, Friend." I took in a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I couldn't believe that was all dad put. Mom deserved so much more than that. She was my reason to live, she was my savior. She should have a whole book written about how great she was, not some measly tombstone.

"Kel I have to go now..." Katie says, awkwardly putting a hand on my shoulder. I resisted the urge to shrug off her hand and nod. I feel her lean forward and kiss my cheek, almost making me jump back. I didn't expect her to do that. I don't know why she did that. She dropped her hand and stepped back. I looked up at where she was standing, expecting to see her standing beside me but instead seeing her walk away. I let out a sob and looked back down. I almost jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder, spinning around to see Dave, mom's only brother.

I never really liked Dave, but then again I didn't really know him. He still lived in Texas. Mom used to live there, but, when she and dad got married, they moved to Baltimore. Since they live so far away, I haven't seen them since I was maybe six. Even though he and mom were related, the only thing they shared was their blue eyes. He had short brown hair and had a bread starting to form. He was also very tall, while mom was short. Their personalities were like night and day too. Mom was hard headed and a bit impatient at times. Dave, on the other hand, was willing to do whatever other people said and was very patient. He gave me a small, sad smile.

"Hey Kellin." I look back down at the grave.

"H-hey U-Uncl-e Da-ve." I somehow managed to get out. He sighs, looking down.

"Long time no see right? The last time I saw you, you weren't even tall enough to retch the cookie jar. I doubt if you're tall enough to do that now though." he teased, frowning and looking over my head. He laughed, his white teeth shining as he did. I offered him small smile.

"Yea. I'm not too tall. But I don't like cookies, so I'll be fine." He laughs and ruffles my hair. I just keep smiling, hoping he wouldn't see past it. There was a few minutes of silence until he broke it.

"You look so much like your mom..." he mumbles. I'm not sure if he's talking to me or if he was just talking to himself, but, either way, I nod. He retches up and brushes my bangs back, sighing.

"You know, Dona and I have been thinking about moving here, so we could be closer to you and all. I mean, now that Melody is gone you only have Chester. No offence to him or you, but I don't trust him. Did you see that girl he's with? She has a big diamond on her finger. He got over your mom way too quickly. I wanted to punch him when he introduced her. He never loved your mom, but she never saw that." He pauses for a moment, then shakes his head to clear his mind. "I figured that the kids would like being near you too, sense you're their only cousin now that Max isn't here. We're buy-"

"Max is still here." I interrupted, clinching my fist. My voice had, all the sudden, gotten stronger. I hated that people talked about Max like he was dead. He wasn't. A lot of people say I should just give up hope, that Max wasn't coming back, but, as long as his heart monitor was still beeping in a steady pace, I was holding onto a tiny thread of hope that he'd wake up from his coma. Dave sighs and nods.

"Well, I'm sure the kids would love living closer to you." I just nod. That was a lie though. They wouldn't. They didn't like me, or at least I don't think they do. I never really knew when people liked me because of my social anxiety; that's one of the reason I don't have many friends. I don't like talking to people because I always felt like I was annoying them or that they hated me, which I'm sure both of them are sure. Dave sighs and hugs me. I hesitantly hug back, leaning my head onto his chest and closing my eye. I needed some type of comfort, and this was as close as I could get to it right now.

We stood there for a few minutes, awkwardly hugging, until Uncle Dave pulled back and gave me a small, sad smile.

"We already bought a house. We've been thinking about it for a while. We'll live just one block away okay?" I nod, opening my eyes and looking back up at him.

"Okay..." He lets me go, smiling and patting my shoulder.

"Well be moving soon, maybe a week or so." I nod and look up at him.

"Listen, I've gotta get going. I'll see you around soon, okay?" I nodded. "I love you Kellin. I'll see you again soon." I nod again.

"Bye Uncle Dave." I said, quickly ducking my head so I couldn't see his hurt face. I felt bad for not returning his, "I love you," but I couldn't. I'm not very sure I was capable of feeling love anymore. With all the walls I had built up, hardly anyone would want to take the time to tear them down; the few people who did I would just end up pushing them away. Really, I don't think I believe in love anymore. No, I was positive that I didn't believe in love anymore. I mean, I believed that love existed, but I didn't believe I could feel it or that anyone would take the time to make me feel it. But that doesn't surprise me. No one could love a boy who doesn't even love himself.

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