Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I snuggle deeper into my bed, thinking for a moment I was back to when I was three and dad loved me and Max like a father should.

"Hey Kels wake up." Max said, shaking me. The only problem was, that wasn't Max's voice. Come to think of it, it wasn't his hands on my arm either. It wasn't dad either, I would know. I slowly opened my eyes to see who it was. Anthony stood beside me, his hands on my arm. That's when I remembered what was going on.

I closed my eyes, trying to go back to my dream land. It was nicer there. There I was a little, innocent three year old with a loving dad, lots friends and a caring big brother. Not a dying, screwed up sixteen year old with a dad who hated and beats him, no friends at all except for people he's not sure about, and a big brother who's in a coma from a suicide attempt. I wanted to go back there. It's better. Much better.

"Kels come on wake up. It's one in the afternoon, you need to get up. I would let you sleep in longer but Sam's over and Taylor's begging me to wake you up so you can meet him in person." I groaned and opened my eyes to look at him.

"Do I have to?" I mumble. He laughs.

"Yes you have to." I groaned again and sat up.

"Fine." He smiles at me.

"Good. Taylor's driving Emily and I crazy." I stood up, stretching a bit. He walks out of the room, me closely following behind him. I didn't really know where I was supposed to go. He walked into the living room and sat down beside Emily, so I followed him and sat down beside him. Emily cuddled into Anthony's side, then whispered something to him, making him frown and look at me from the corner of his eye. I pulled my knees to my chest, feeling self conscious right away.

"There's food in the kitchen if you're hungry." Anthony said, looking at me with his arm around Emily. I looked up at him and nodded.

"Sam and Taylor are in the kitchen too." I nodded again and got up, suddenly feeling unwelcome. The worse part was that I didn't know rather I really was unwelcome or if it was just me. It always seemed work like that. As soon as I walked into the kitchen, Taylor jumped on me with a hug.

"Kellin!" I faked smiled and looked up a bit at him.

"Hey Tay." He giggled and looked at me.

"Look this is Sam!" he said, letting me go from his hug and pointing at Sam while bouncing on his heels. Sam chuckled at him, a smirk planted on his lips. He was sitting up on the island, swinging his feet a bit. I smiled at him a nodded.

"Hi." He nodded back, reaching up to fix his reddish colored beanie. He was wearing an old man sweater (a tan one with red stripes on it) with a pair of skinny jeans and red toms. He had his snakebites in, and Pokémon gauges in his ears. I found it kinda funny that he had them, and kinda nerdy. I used to love Pokémon though. Max used to buy cards for me all the time and play with them with me. He always lost, mainly because he didn't know how to play, but he always played when I asked. After his attempt, I'd sit in our room and play by myself, making the same stupid mistakes he did on purpose. I still do it every now and then. As stupid as it may sound, I feel that, when I do, he's there with me, laughing and smiling at me.

"Oh Kellin guess what!" Taylor yelled, still bouncing. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him.

"What?" His smile grew bigger, if that was possible.

"Sam's going to buy snakebites for me!" I smiled.

"That's awesome. When are you getting them?"

"Today! I can't wait!" he said, giggling. Snakebites would look good on him. I always wanted a pair, but could never get them. Max had a lip ring that mom bought him for his fourteenth birthday. They promised me that, as soon as I was fourteen, they'd buy me any piercing that I wanted. When my fourteenth birthday came up, mom was going to buy me a pair, but I insisted that it went to pay Max life support. Sam laughed.

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