Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I was woken up by movement beside me. My eyes slowly opened and adjusted enough to see someone sitting up with something in their lap, holding a pencil. Taylor. I sat up slowly, looking at him. When I did, I hit the bed post with my arm, making his head snap towards me. He quickly closed the book, dropping the pencil in it.

"Uh...Hi." he said, looking down. I look at the clock beside his bed then back at him.

"Why are you up at one in the morning?" He looked down more, shrugging.

"I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep..." I nodded.

"What's that?" I ask, nodding my head to a notebook in his lap. He blushes a bit.

"Oh i-i-it's my.....It's my song book...." he answers shyly.

"You write songs?" I ask, smiling. He nods.


"Could I maybe read?" He nods shyly, handing me the book. I take it, flipping to the first page and reading.

"You sit alone in your room at night

telling yourself you can't handle this plight.

Only the razor blade knows how you feel

and slowly you sit to lose your will.

You feel alone and afraid,

like no one would bother to come to your aid." I look up and see Taylor still looking down.

"I-I'm sorry.....I know it's bad....Don't judge okay? I'm working on it. I'm hoping it'll be better once I work on it more." I look back down at it.

"What are you talking about? I loved it." I said. It was really good. But it worried me. Taylor did dress in the emo style, which gets a lot of people's attention, mostly being negative. Was it possible that people were bulling him and making him cut? I was hoping I was wrong by that. He looks back up.

"R-really?" I nod and look back down at it.

"It's perfect. Taylor don't take offense to this but have you ever s-self harmed?" I asked, my voice breaking out of fear. I didn't want Taylor to self harm. He was to young, only fourteen. I didn't want him to end up like me. I started when I was nine, only to fight off the memories of Max's attempt at suicide at first. But then, it became what made pain go away. Now, I was tapped in a world where the only way to stop pain, memories or any feeling in general was the razor. Taylor doesn't deserve that. He was so bright and had a great personality, it shouldn't be brought down by an addiction to cutting. He shakes his head, looking down.

"No. But I know someone who did...." Even though he was looking down, I could see the sadness in his eyes. I leaned towards him, pulling him to me and hugging him.

"What was their name?" He shook his head, putting it on my chest.

"I-I-I don't know if they'd want me to tell...."

"I can keep a secret Taylor." I whispered.

"You promise?" I nodded. He took a deep breath.

"Anthony used to self harm." At that moment, my heart stopped.

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