Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

I woke up, sweating and shaking from a nightmare. I sat up straight and looked around, trying to catch my breath. My hands go up to my hair and a thread my fingers through it, silently sobbing. I could hear my heart beat. The nightmare was just...horrible. My mind had managed to come up with the worse thing possible for it to come up with; I had dreamt that dad had killed all my friends in front of me, then killed me. He made me watch my friends die, then tortured me until I died. At least I died....I deserved it....

"Kellin? You alright?" I jumped at the voice and looked around until my eyes found Anthony. I could barely see him, but the light from the kitchen outlined his figure. He looked really fuzzy. He walked over to me and pushed me softly back onto the couch. The soft push felt more like a harsh shove and it made my head spin. I felt so light headed.....

"Do you need anything? Are you alright? Mom gave you a lot of pain killers last time you woke up. Do you need some more?" I closed my eyes and slowly shake my head.

"N-nooo I'm finee." I slur out, looking up at him. I'm pretty sure I was drugged up a little too much, but that didn't bother me. I liked the feeling. It's how I felt when I lost too much blood. Anthony nods and stands up, but I grab his hand.

"Don't gooo." He laughs a bit and pushes my hard back, making me jump. His hands were freezing against my skin. That's when I first noticed that I was burning up. I felt like I was on fire. I'm surprised I hadn't noticed that already. I kicked off the blanket that was around me, but all it did was tangle around my feet. I moaned and looked up at Anthony, closing my eyes. The little effort I put into that made the lightheartedness worse. Anthony carefully took the blanket off me and put it over the couch, moving my hair back again and feeling my forehead. I look up at him, moaning a bit from my head. Anthony frowns.

"I think your fever is starting to break, That's good." I blinked slowly and keep looking up at him.

"A-Anth..." I whimper softly, blinking again and keeping my eyes closed. I was tired, but I couldn't go back to sleep. I wanted to though. Sleeping felt nice....I couldn't sleep though. Nightmare would come. I don't want any more nightmares. My eyes snapped open and I look up at him, remembering the dream.

"Yea Kellin?"

"A-Anthonyy...." I slurred out again, grabbing his arm tightly. "Anthony d-don't leaavee." My words were barely coherent. I wasn't even sure what I was saying. Anthony shakes his head and carefully picks me up, sitting down then putting me in his lap. I groaned as he moved me, but hardly noticed any pain. I was so drugged up by the pain killers that I could barely make sense out of what I was doing. I leaned my head on his chest and look down, just now noticing what I was wearing. My clothing from earlier had been switched out for a plain T shirt that was a bit too big for me and a pair of sweatpants. I look up at Anthony.

"W-wh-wher-when did I put thesee on?..." I mumble, laying my head against his chest and closing my eyes a bit. Anthony looks down and blushes.

"Um...I-I-I-um-I..." I grip his shirt and move to where I was straddling him, putting my arms around his neck and putting my head under his chin. He lifts his head up and swallows hard, glancing down at me. I glance up at him with one eye, keeping the other one closed. I could hear his heart beat. It was going fast. I didn't understand why, but I didn't question it.

"I um....I changed you Kellin. Your other clothes were soaking wet from the rain and I was afraid you'd get pneumonia or something so I...I uh....I warmed you up the best I could and then changed your clothes for you....Mom offered to do it but I figured you'd be okay with it....You woke up half way through me bandaging your knife wounds and told me it was okay. You blacked out right after it though." I move closer to him and nod.

"K-knife wounds?...." I ask, opening my eyes and looking up at him. I don't remember any knifes....He nods slowly, moving back a bit into the couch.

"Yea. That jerk pulled a knife on you. The wounds aren't deep though; just flesh wounds. They're all over your chest." I frown and look down, pulling up the shirt. I couldn't see any marks. All there was was white with a lot of red. I poked on of the red spots and jumped back, whimpering.

"It hurts...." Anthony smirks a bit and puts his hands on my waist.

"Well it's a knife wound. It's gonna hurt buddy." I pout up at him, crossing my arms.

"But it looks like a pretty rose...." Anthony smiles and shakes his head, laughing.

"Even roses have thorns Kellin. Now lay down and I'll change your bandages. They're getting pretty bloody and won't make it through the night." I pout and shake my head, leaning on him.

"Noooo stay herrre." Anthony laughs nervously and shakes his head.

"N-no buddy I think I need to get in bed...." I move closer to him.

"Take me with youuu?" Anthony looks at me and sighs.

"It'll be better if you stay in here Kellin." I look st him and shake my head quickly, my eyes wide.

"N-n-n-no don't leave me here. He'll find me. He'll hurt me. Don't leave me alone please." He looks at me and shakes his head.

"Kellin your dad can't hurt you anymore. He's gone." I whimper and shake my head, hugging him close and shaking.

"N-no Anth! D-don't leave!" I was starting to panic. My mind was going crazy. The dizziness's got stronger. My heart beat picked up as well as my breathing. My head snapped around the room, looking for him. Looking for dad. He had to be here. He had to be here somewhere. I'd never get away from him. Anthony hugged me close to him and pet my hair softly.

"Shh shh shh shh Kellin you're fine. You're fine. I'm here and no one's gonna hurt you. I promise you okay? Come on ba-buddy you can sleep with me. I won't let anyone get you while you're sleeping Kellin. Okay?" I looked up at him and nodded, my heart beat and my breathing still fast. I looked around the room again, looking for him once more. I was safe here. This was my safe haven. I was safe here. Anthony picks me up and carries me up to his room. The whole time I played with his hair. It was soft and fluffy. I giggle and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Your hair is a bunny..." Anthony looks over at me and I giggle again, petting his hair.

"So soft...." I sing, looking up at him and giggling more. He smiles and lays me down on his bed, crawling in beside me. I giggle again and start petting his hair again, climbing on top of him. I nuzzle my face into his neck, making him tense up. 

"Kellin you're almost on top of me..." I look up at him a little.

"Yeaaa?" He opened his mouth, but didn't say anything back.

"Nothing, just go back to sleep." On cue, I closed my eyes and went back to sleep. Hopefully there wouldn't be any nightmares.

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