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Two lone figures traveled up to the city gates on horseback. The guards posting at the gates let the two travelers through and into the city. The first traveler put down her hood to her cloak, letting her long fiery red hair flow down to her shoulders. She kept her sharp green eyes and in motioned as they rode through. Her companion kept his hood up, not wanting to draw any attention.

The sun began to set just over the valley, beyond the city. The cool crisp air cut through the city and children ran around their horses playing, a small dog barked and chased the children. The woman would have smiled if it weren't for the important business that brought her back to this world again. She watched as shops began to close and the streetlights began to glow.

The travelers stopped by a nearby stable and paid the stable boy four coins. They slowly made their way toward the castle, where their business brought them. Upon reaching the castle doors, two guards stopped them. "Name and business." The guard on the left said.

"I would not think name would matter to me," the woman said. "And my business is with your king." The guards stared at them for a moment, then as if a wagon had run them over, they began to stutter.

"Creator!" The right guard said.

"My apologies!" The left guard stumbled as he let the two travelers into the building. The main hall of the castle was long and narrow with a red carpet out lining the floor and tapestries hanging on the walls. Statues of armored knights were placed every so often and portraits hung after every armored knight. The hallway eventually turned into a four-way intersection, the travelers banked a right and then a left then another right until they reached the throne room doors where two more guards stood.

"Open up!" She demanded the guards, who stumbled to get the heavy doors open. The throne room was the largest room in the whole castle. The same red carpet led up the center of the room, where a small pair of stairs led up the throne chair. Chandeliers hung from the tall ceiling, lighting up the room. Servants did their job as they cleaned various statues that lined the outer walls of the room. And finally, one man sat on the throne, staring at his new visitors. He was tall laky man, with long black hair that stopped at his jaw, vicious blue eyes that watched your every move, and a nose that hooked down.

He stood up from his throne and spread his arms out wide with a big smile. "Ah, Creator! What a special day it is!" He declared loud and clear. "What did I do to receive such tremendous visit!"

"You know what you did, Termis." The Creator growled. She was in no mood to play his games. It had been almost five years since her last visit to her world, and she thought nothing bad would ever come, until her companion had sent her word otherwise. Termis shrugged and shook his head.

"I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about, Creator." He said clucking his tongue.

"You know what you did!" The creator's companion said, and hands were tightening around his bow. Termis cocked his head to side as he gazed at the companion.

"Omar?" He asked, and Omar's eyes remain steady. "Oh, it is! It has been such a long time, Omar." Termis smiled evilly as he gazed at Omar. "So, tell me what I did?" When Omar remained silent, the Creator spoke.

"You've completely broken the treaty with the Human Kingdom and the Clans. You allowed hunts and enslavements. You broke any trading routes from either end of Arula. No elf, dwarf, sprite, or any innocent Clan member can safely cross the borders without being shunned or even killed!" The creator's eyes were on fire with rage. Everything she worked so hard for was going to crumble down on her feet.

"Oh, Creator," Termis said. "I'm doing what is best for Arula. These so called 'innocent creatures' that you are trying to defend are the ones causing the trouble, I'm just putting a stop to it. Don't you believe me?" When the Creator didn't answer, Termis blue eyes grew dark. "Fine, have it your way. Guards! Guards! This is an imposter! She's here to kill me! She's even brought an elf to do the job for her! Stop them!" Just like that, guards from all sides came and rushed them. Unsheathing her sword, the Creator slashed at the nearest guard.

Omar grabbed the Creator by her forearm and pulled her safety. Soon the two were fleeing the castle and ran through the town. They grabbed their horses and rode out of the gates just before they slammed shut down on them.


The night stars shined down on them as they rode through the woods and eventually stopping at a small pond with a little waterfall. Omar dismounted his mare guiding it to the pond, he said, "Well that was eventful." His hood had fallen off his head revealing his pointed ears and long white hair that reached down to his hips. His hazel eyes wondered every inch of the area. The Creator jumped off her own mare and guided it to the water. She bent down, cupping her hands, she put them in the water and drank from her hands. Then she leaned back on the soft grass, thinking. Omar joined her, balancing on his hunches. He looked at her as she thought. "Now what?"

The Creator sat there for a moment before she answered. "As of right now, I'll go back home, get through the rest of day there. Then I'll pack and meet you by the old oak tree. Then we'll figure out what to do from there." Omar nodded. That sounded like an agreeable plan. He helped the Creator to her feet as she rummaged through her satchel and brought out a glowing orb. It glowed different colors of the rainbow as she held it. "Earth," she whispered to it and threw it to the ground. The orb exploded into colors as it hit the ground, then it slowly became small oval floating inches above the ground. "Remember, sundown. Tomorrow. By the old oak tree." She said, and Omar nodded.

"Safe travels, Karma." He said as the Creator, Karma, stepped into the portal and disappeared.

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