Chapter 15

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The morning sun gleamed through the window and right into Karma's eyes. Rubbing her palms over her eyes, she groaned. She really didn't want to get up. All Karma wanted to do was sleep and never wake up again. If only that was humanly possible. Sitting up on her cot, Karma glanced around her room. It was small with a wooden desk and chair, a small cot, a fox skin rug laid in the center and a coat stand that was near the door. There was even a small nightstand at the bottom end of the cot. Karma got out of bed, and since the ceiling was slightly lowered, she hunched her back, grabbed her satchel, her cloak and walked out the door.

The sun blared at her as Karma walked out. Resting her hand over her eyes, she went over to the wooden balcony and leaned over the side. Karma could clearly see the dwarves going about their businesses and going around doing their routines. Karma breathed in the fresh morning air. Oh, how great it felt to be here, in this wonderful world, in this place she had created in the last nine years. Wondering, she couldn't help but wonder. How did her world come together so fast? How did everything develop the way it did, in nine years? And with no answers, all Karma could do was wonder. Letting out a sigh, she placed her head on her crossed arms.

"You're up early." Karma heard Omar's voice from behind her. The elf came out of the small dwarf door, and being so tall, he had bend down a few feet. He joined Karma over by the railing. Quiet for a moment as he watched the scenery around him, he spoke. "Ready to go?"

"So soon?" She asked, glancing over at Omar, who shrugged.

"Dagner thinks it would be a good idea to leave as soon as we get up and eat. That way we can head to Abaddon as fast as possible," Omar said. "He also suggested that we ride wolves, but I denied him on that." Karma smiled and nodded.

After Karma and Omar ate a small breakfast, they met Dagner down by the stables. The dwarf was leaning against a beam drinking away from his flask filled with ale. "Tell me that you're not going to be drunk when go into battle with Termis?" Karma said.

"Bah ha-ha!" Dagner laughed. "My dear, Creator, if I don't have my ale then you might as well forget to count me in! Ha-ha!" Taking another swig of his drink, Dagner went over to the stable where he kept his wolf. The wolf was about five feet tall, taller than any wolf in the world. It had grey fur with black tips on its ears, feet, and front of the chest. A magnificent creature it was. The wolf was commonly known as a ryder-wolf. "Come now, girl. We got ourselves a big journey ahead of us." The wolf snorted in response. "Off to Abaddon then?" He turned toward his companions.

"Guess so," Karma said with a deep breath. "I'm just ready to get this over with."

"Aye," nodded the dwarf. "The quicker the better. That's what I always say." Dagner barked at the stable boy to get Karma's and Omar's horses and as soon as they saddled up, they left the village, heading toward Abaddon.

Dagner had to keep making his wolf slow down every now and then so that Karma and Omar could ride beside him. "I must apologize," Dagner said. "Old Hanley here loves to run. I just can't seem to get her to slow down." Karma smiled and patted her horse, Pepper, flank.

"It's all right, old friend." Omar said, rubbing Shari on his head. The saber-tooth ferret start to drool with happiness. Karma rolled her eyes at the creature.

"I don't know if this the right time to say this," Karma said, adjusting her grip on Pepper's reins. "But, after many months, I finally finished creating another species." Omar looked over at her with worried eyes. Ever since he found out about Karma's recent advents with her headaches, he knew she hadn't gotten much sleep. All because of that book.

"Have you now, Lass?" Dagner asked, eyes filled with mischief. Karma nodded, then she looked over at Omar.

"I was thinking when we make camp, I could bring it alive, only one though. I haven't decided where I want to put the species yet." Karma said, in deep thought. "Maybe in the Shurli Woods. There aren't many species that live there, just normal ones. The Umber Forest is already stocked up on so many species that I'm afraid that the forest with one day burst. Literally!" Dagner boomed out laughing. He laughed so hard that his wolf, Hanley, yelp and jumped, making the dwarf fall off and land on his bottom. Karma and Omar both shared a smile.

Later that night, after camp was set up, Karma brought out her book and opened to the page where the fox like creature was drawn. Taking a deep breath, she looked up at her companions. "Ready?" She asked them.

"Only if you are," Omar said, from his spot on the ground, sitting crisscrossed with Shari laying his lap. Nodding, Karma placed her hand on the page.

"Okay," Karma whispered. She began to sight the words that she one day found written on the first page of her book. "Ad animam quae fuerat I creata est," Karma began having the words memorized by heart. The book began to glow. "Da mettere in questo mondo, para que todas las testigo. Laat hierdie skepping toe, pour amener une nouvelle ere, der Welt Frieden bringen." Soon a bright light flashed on the pages of the book. It was so bright that Omar and Dagner had to shield their eyes from the blinding light. Shari had hissed and scurried away in fright, as did all nearby animals. Pepper and Jack whined and trotted their hooves nervously. And since they were tied up, they couldn't go anywhere. Hanley growled and her hairs stood up on edge, but she didn't move from her position behind Dagner.

Finally, the light died away, and Karma laid beside the book, feeling drained. And what stood before the companions was a magnificent fox. But this fox didn't look like any fox ever seen before. Though it had a head and body of a fox, its tail was long, and it ended with a fluff. It had a white body with blue spots. It had a long blue tongue that touched the ground and standing ears that folded on the ends. The fox-like creature's blue eyes scanned its surroundings. When it rested on Karma laying on the ground, breathless, it pounced right toward her.

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