Chapter 15

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The morning sun streamed through the window, landing directly in Karma's eyes. Groaning, she rubbed her face with both hands. She really didn't want to get up. All she wanted was to sleep—and never wake up again. If only that were humanly possible.
Sitting up on her cot, Karma glanced around her small room. The space was modest, containing only a wooden desk and chair, a fox-skin rug in the center, and a coat stand near the door. A tiny nightstand sat at the foot of her cot.
With a sigh, she stood, hunched slightly to avoid the low ceiling, grabbed her satchel and cloak, and stepped outside. The sunlight was blinding as she exited the hut. Shielding her eyes with a hand, she stepped onto the wooden balcony and leaned over the railing.
Below, the dwarves bustled about their morning routines—hauling supplies, sharpening weapons, exchanging trades. The village thrived with its usual energy.
Karma inhaled deeply, savoring the fresh morning air. It felt good to be here—in this world she had created. For nine years, she had watched it grow. But as she gazed out at Humbridge, she found herself wondering... How did it all come together so quickly?
How did everything evolve in just nine years? With no answers, all she could do was wonder. Letting out a slow breath, she rested her head on her crossed arms.
"You're up early." Omar's voice pulled her from her thoughts. The elf ducked through the small dwarf doorway, bending significantly to fit his tall frame. Joining her at the railing, he gazed out over the village.
After a quiet moment, he asked, "Ready to go?"
"So soon?" she replied, glancing at him.
Omar shrugged. "Dagner thinks it's best we leave after breakfast. The sooner we get to Abaddon, the better."
He smirked. "He also suggested we ride wolves—but I turned him down." Karma chuckled and nodded. After a small breakfast, they met Dagner at the stables. The dwarf was leaning against a wooden beam, flask in hand, drinking ale like it was water.
"Tell me you're not going to be drunk when we face Termis," Karma said flatly.
"Bah ha-ha!" Dagner let out a booming laugh. "My dear Creator, if I don't have my ale, then you might as well forget to count me in! Ha-ha!"
Taking another swig, he led them to his wolf's stable. The massive beast stood five feet tall, towering over any normal wolf. Its gray fur was tipped with black along its ears, paws, and chest. A ryder-wolf—a rare, powerful creature.
"Come now, girl," Dagner said, patting the wolf's thick neck. "We have a long journey ahead of us." The wolf snorted in response.
"Off to Abaddon, then?" he asked, turning to his companions.
"Guess so," Karma muttered, taking a deep breath. "I just want to get this over with."
"Aye," Dagner nodded. "The quicker, the better—that's what I always say." With a barked order, he had the stable boy fetch Pepper and Jack. Once the horses were saddled, the trio set off.
Dagner's wolf, Hanley, was fast. Too fast. Every so often, he had to rein her in to keep pace with the horses "My apologies," Dagner chuckled. "Old Hanley loves to run. Can't get her to slow down for the life of me." Karma smiled, patting Pepper's flank.
"It's all right, old friend," Omar said, absently stroking Shari's head. The saber-tooth ferret drooled with bliss, earning an eye roll from Karma.
After a while, she spoke. "I don't know if now is the best time to bring this up," she began, adjusting her grip on the reins, "but after months, I finally finished creating a new species."
Omar turned to her, concern flickering in his eyes. He knew how much the book's demands had drained her. How little she had slept. "Have you now, lass?" Dagner asked, eyes twinkling with mischief.
Karma nodded. She glanced at Omar before continuing. "I was thinking... When we make camp, I could bring one to life. I still haven't decided where they should live." She pondered for a moment. "Maybe Shurli Woods. Not much thrives there—just normal creatures. Umber Forest is already packed with species. If I add anything else, the whole place might burst!"
Dagner howled with laughter. He laughed so hard that Hanley yelped, leaping forward and throwing the dwarf off her back. Dagner landed hard on his backside. Karma and Omar shared a grin as the dwarf groaned.
Later that night, after setting up camp, Karma pulled out her book. Opening it, she flipped to the fox-like creature she had drawn. She looked up at her companions. "Ready?"
"Only if you are," Omar replied from where he sat cross-legged, Shari curled up in his lap.
Karma nodded. Taking a deep breath, she placed her hand on the page. "Okay."
Her voice dropped to a whisper as she began to recite the words she had memorized from the very first page of the book. "Ad animam quae fuerat I creata est..." The book began to glow. "Da mettere in questo mondo, para que todas las testigo..." The glow intensified. "Laat hierdie skepping toe, pour amener une nouvelle ère, der Welt Frieden bringen..."
A blinding light burst from the pages. Omar and Dagner shielded their eyes. Shari hissed and bolted, disappearing into the underbrush. Nearby animals scattered in fright.
Even the horses grew restless, whining and stomping their hooves. Hanley's fur bristled, but she stood firm behind Dagner, watching intently. Finally— The light faded. Karma collapsed beside the book, drained. And before them stood a magnificent fox.
But it was unlike any fox they had ever seen. Its body was pure white, but a streak of blue ran from the tip of its nose, over its head, and down its spine, ending at the fluff of its long tail. Each paw was dipped in blue, as if it wore tiny socks. Its tongue was long—long enough to touch the ground.
Its ears were cupped, swiveling in every direction, picking up every sound. And its brilliant blue eyes gleamed as they scanned its surroundings— Until they landed on Karma. The fox stilled. Then, without warning— it pounced.

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