Chapter 11

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Later that morning, after they had a warm bowl of porridge, made from the finest grains, the healer had told them, Karma and Omar were out on the ground packing up their materials. Karma had made sure that Pepper's saddle was nice and tight, while making sure that the materials were also nice and packed up. Omar did the same with his horse Jack. Taking his water skin, he took a couple of sips from it. Karma watched with complete interest. After elven years of knowing the elf, it interests her on how little water he drinks. Omar caught her staring and smiled.

"Do I fascinate you?" He asked.

"Actually, you do." Karma said, which made Omar raised an eyebrow at her saying, 'oh, really? Do tell.' "How in all of Arula do you only drink so little water? It drives me crazy!" Omar couldn't help but laugh. He combed his fingers through his long white hair.

"It's because I train myself to drink water when it's most desire," he said and Karma gave him a look saying he was crazy. "As weird and insane as it sounds, it's actually good to do so. It saves on water and helps keep me hydrated." Again, Karma gave him a look. "In training myself to go without water for long periods of time, it allows me conserve more energy and use less of it. Like our swords lesson couple of days ago. I used a lot of energy; therefore, I need to drink. But traveling on horseback doesn't, so I don't drink, unless it's most desire... now do you get it?"

Karma blinked at him a couple of times before shaking her head and continued to pack. Just then, Agla came skipping toward them. She hugged Karma around the neck. "Safe travels, my friend." She said, before hugging Omar.

"Are you sure you'll be all right?" Omar asked. Agla nodded rapidly.

"Oh yes!" She said. "Boran as agreed to guide me to my village! Isn't wonderful!" Omar only smiled at the sprite as she twirled in a circle. Shari, who was sitting on Jack's saddle, chattered at Agla. She gasped and held the saber-tooth ferret in her arms. "Oh, goodbye, Shari. I'll never forget you! You saved my life!"

"Well if you like the darn ferret so much, why don't you just take it," Karma said rolling her eyes. Agla tsked at Karma and placed Shari back on Jack's saddle. Just as they were about to head off, Agla went to Karma and whispered, "I know who you are," Karma stared at Agla for a moment and before she could say something, Agla whispered to her again, "don't worry your secret is safe with me. Just promise me that you'll stop that evil king's doing." Winking, Agla stepped back and watched them go. Karma looked behind her as Agla and the sprite village became small. Soon they were back on path toward Abaddon.


Just as Agla had said, the Dwarf Clan was only a week ride away. By the time the sun had sunk low beneath the trees, a sudden cool breeze hit them, making Karma shiver. It had been nearly six years since Karma has been in the Dwarf Clan. She actually missed it. She never got tired of the dwarf greetings she always got, it filled her with joy. But this time, she doubted she'd would get such a greeting. They traveled a little longer into the night before they decided to set up for camp. As they did so, Karma's head began to viciously start pounding. It felt like a bunch of horses stomping on her head.

She glanced down at her satchel where her book laid. Gritting her teeth, she ignored the demand. "Are you okay, Karma?" Omar asked, tilting his head at her, concern.

"I'm fine," Karma said through clenched teeth. Omar wasn't convinced, but he didn't press. The next day travel was even worse than last night. The pounding increased until Karma couldn't take it anymore. With a frustrated growled, she pulled out the book, quickly unlocking it and opened to the page where she last stopped on. The pounding decreased slightly. Omar swung Jack in front of Pepper, making the mare stop in her tracks. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Now do you wish to tell me what's going on?" He insisted and Karma nodded weakly. With a shaky breath, she spoke.

"A year ago, I've been getting these awful headaches. And no matter how many Tylenols I take it won't go away." Karma took another deep breath. "So, one day I decided to sketch in the book, hoping it would distract me from the headache. It turns out that when I don't draw in the book for a long time, it gives me these terrible headaches until I open it and start to draw."

She cast her eyes down at the page with a picture of a fox like creature drawn on it. Sniffing, she shook her head. "It sometimes wakes me up in the middle of night and I'm forced to draw in it until the pounding stops," she continued. "And I don't know how to make go away." Omar stared at her deep in thought. Never had he seen his friend suffer because of the book. Seeing her like this broke his heart.

Without really thinking, Karma began to sketch in the book. She looked Gods awful tired and stressed. Omar has notice in the recent two months of traveling how tired and stress Karma looked. And now that he knew what was going with her, he didn't know what to do. Omar placed his hand over Karma's book where she was sketching. He looked at her dead in the eyes. "I don't know what think at the moment. I do not know what to do, but I can you this, I will help you. And that a promise that I won't break. You can put your trust in me."

Karma smiled shyly. She knew that Omar was one to never to give up and help to those need, but she doesn't think that he'll be able to help her in this situation. Karma only nodded, saying a small 'thank you'. As she closed the book and locked it back up, the pounding started to begin again. Karma desperately tried to ignore it. Putting on a brave face, she clucked her tongue and Pepper trotted ahead. Omar on Jack followed in pursuit.

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