Chapter 16

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Omar and Dagner drew their weapons and advanced toward the creature. But the foxlike creature jumped over Karma and dashed into the trees. Karma, who had her arms over her head, relaxed. She gazed in the direction from where her creation had disappeared. Disappointment flooded over her, for she was hoping that the creature would stick around. As Omar and Dagner sheathed their weapons, a rustle came from the trees and once again, the elf and dwarf redrew their defense. The fox creature suddenly reappeared, carrying something in its mouth.

It pounded over to Karma and dropped a dead squirrel next to her. Tilting its head, the creature waited for some type of command. "Thanks." Karma said, picking up the dead squirrel by its tail. The fox smiled broadly and let its long blue tongue hit the ground. Karma reached out to pet her new creation. The fox, at first, winced away. Then it smelled Karma's hand and gave it a lick, finally allowing Karma to pet it on the head. Karma rubbed its ears as it released relaxing sigh.

"What is that thing?" Dagner asked, strapping his axe to his belt then taking his flask of ale and gulped a big sip.

"This, my drunken friend, is a long-tailed fox." Karma said, petting the long-tailed fox on the back, scratching its tailbone as the fox arched in pleasure. "And since foxes are one of my favorite animals, I decided to put one in Arula, but in my own weird twist." Then holding up the dead squirrel, she tossed it to her new companion. The fox caught it and gobbled the small creature down.

"What are you going to call it?" Asked Omar.

"Her," Karma corrected. "And I'm going to name her... Angel." At the mention of the name, the long-tailed fox poked up her ears and looked over at Karma.

"Looks like she knows her own name already." Omar laughed, as Karma rubbed Angel's head. Hanley, Dagner's wolf, eyed Angel suspiciously, with her hairs still standing on her back. Dagner patted his wolf on the head.

"Worry not, old girl, this creature is simply just new here. She'll won't be as superior as you." He gave the wolf a wink as Hanley huffed. There was another rustle coming from the trees and both Hanley and Angel growled. Shari, the saber-tooth ferret, came waddling back to Omar, but not before inspecting Angel. The ferret hissed at Angel and quickly scurried over to Omar, where he ran up the elf's arm and hid under Omar's long white hair, only his head could be seen. 

Karma rolled her eyes as she grabbed her book, closing and locking it. Angel looked at the book with complete curiosity. She sniffed the book thoughtfully, then her ears went back and released a low rumble from her throat. Karma looked over at her companions, who shrugged. "Don't ask me," Omar said. "But it looks like to me that your new friend doesn't like that book." Karma snorted.

"Don't blame her," she said, as she put the book in her satchel. Looking at the sky, she continued. "If we are to reach Abaddon soon, I think it would be best if we rest. Don't want to be tired when we get there."

"Especially you, Lass," Dagner said. "You look like you're going to pass out any second, not counting you're as pale as the moon itself." Omar agreed and decided that he and Dagner will take the night watch as Karma rested. Karma would have complained, but to be honest, she was exhausted. So, she curled up on the ground and watched as the fire danced before her eyes. Angel yawned, her tongue rolling out of her big mouth and onto the ground. Then the long-tailed fox joined her creator on the grassy forest floor. Karma wrapped her arm around Angel's furry neck, feeling every detail in the fox's fur and skin. It reminded her of her German Shepard, Buster, from back at Earth, her birth-home. With the thought of home in her head, she closed her eyes and fell fast asleep.


Something wet and warm had awoken Karma from her dreamless sleep that morning. Opening her eyes, she came face to snout with Angel. Her radiant baby blue eyes staring into Karma's grass green ones. As Karma stared into those eyes, she saw something more than just an animal that she had just created into this world, no, she saw the very soul of this beast, the very soul that reflected off hers. Angel opened her very large mouth and with her long tongue, she licked Karma over her nose and eyes. "Belch!" Karma said, wiping the slobber from her face. Getting up from her pile of woolen blankets, Karma saw Omar fixing breakfast. He rotated the spit over the fire, watching it intently. "What's for breakfast?" She asked, joining the elf by the fire.

"Rabbit," he said, after a while. His voice, Karma could tell, was filled with sorrow. She knew how much he missed his wife and child; they meant the world to him. Karma met Mika two years before she left Arula, in the wrong hands of course. She was a tall elf, even an inch taller than Omar. She had raven hair with the most beautiful light purple eyes Karma had ever seen. With fair skin, it shone like diamonds in the bright sunlight. Mika and Omar fell in love at first sight, so would Karma say. It reminded her of that Shakespeare play she read in ninth grade, Romeo, and Juliet, except for the never-ending deaths at the end. So, Karma did everything in power to bring them together and finally when she convinced Omar to ask her out, Karma literately squealed with joy. And since then, Karma had never seen them apart.

"I know you miss them, Omar, but trust me, I am doing everything I can. All I need is an army to defeat Termis and we will find Mika and Ho-" 

"Karma, Karma," Omar said, making his hands do a downward motion. "I know, I know you're doing your best. I do not blame you for what has happened to my Mika and Hope, not at all. I just... I just-"

"Can't stop thinking about them?" Karma finished for him. Omar nodded. Sighing deeply, he went back spinning the rabbit. The smell of cooked meat reached the noses to all the companions, including Dagner, who was fast asleep. Jolting up from laying on Hanley, he sniffed the air with a big whiff.

"By Thor's Hammer! Is that rabbit, I smell?" The dwarf said, stumbling his way toward the fire. Omar and Karma traded smiles.

"Your nose is as wonderful as your fighting skills," Omar said, taking his dagger, and cutting into the now cooked rabbit.

"Aye! And may the Gods know it, ha-ha!" The dwarf took his share of the meat and ate it down like a rabid dog. Karma also took her share of the rabbit but ate it like a civil person. She chewed ever so softly, letting the juicy meat melt in her mouth. Closing her eyes, she let out a moan.

"Omar, I do not know how you do it, but this is the most delicious rabbit I've ever ate." As she said this, Karma licked her lips, hoping to grab any more of the delicious taste of the rabbit. Omar just shook his head and smiled.

"Just something I learn throughout the years." Omar said, while cutting out a small piece of meat for Shari. The saber-tooth ferret gobbled up the meat and licked his long slender teeth in satisfaction. Happily, Shari curled up on Omar's lap. Angel, who had gone out hunting, came back with a rabbit of her own. "Well, at least she can hunt." Omar said, eating his meat in elfish delicate way.

"That's good that her survival instincts had kicked in this quick." Karma said, stroking Angel's back as the fox ate her breakfast. After their most delicious meal, the companions began to pack up and started off to the Elf Clan and then to Abaddon. "Only five more days," Karma muttered to herself, as she swung over Pepper's side. Omar, on Jack, came right beside her.

"You ready?" He asked her. She nodded.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

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