Chapter 25

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The plan was simple. Go into Shurli after dark and take it over. Though, like all plans, this one wasn't as simple as Karma would have hoped. Guards roamed the walls that surrounded Shurli. Hidden in the shadows, Karma and her team waited for an opening. Across the way, Karma could see Wiltin's team and little more over ways, Dagner and his team. Omar had decided to stay with Karma. Loyal until the end, Karma thought. Then loyal even when the end does come. Suddenly, in the shadows, Karma saw the figure of an arrow fly into the night and strike one of the guards. The guard went down with a silent cry.

Shouts could be heard on the city's walls as the guards ran to their fallen comrade. That's it, Karma thought, with her heart pounding. The signal. Karma felt Omar's hand on her shoulder. He gave her a look that said, are you ready? Karma nodded. She whistled to her team, signaling that is was time to move. Karma raced on with her team following close behind her. The cold stone of the wall touched Karma's bare arm as she pressed against it. They raced along the wall until they came to a crack. Karma smiled. She remembered when she found it some years ago, Karma slid through the crack with ease. Karma and the rest of team were now in the city. They crouched low in an alley of city, waiting for the signal to move on.

More shouts ranged out throughout the city and soldiers ran from all directions. They ran from their post on the wall from their post in the city and in the castle and ran toward the city's gate. "We're under attack!" A guard shouted.

"Arm yourselves!" Yelled another. Now! Karma thought as she brought her team out of the shadows of the alley and toward the castle. Just as they reached the castle doors, they were met by soldiers. Karma unsheathed her sword and fought them off with her team. She was surprised by elves fighting skills, then yet again, she could never defeat Omar in a single battle.

Karma moved on along with Omar further in the castle, only few of her team stayed behind to fight the oncoming soldiers. "Are you ready?" Omar asked as he slashed at a nearby soldier.

"Ready as I ever be," Karma answered, and swung around at a soldier behind her. But she missed by an inch and the soldier swung down at her. Karma dodged it just in time as Angel jumped the soldier and bit his neck. "Good, girl." Karma said, breathlessly. Angel responded with a happy yelp.

Karma reached up for Omar's out stretch hand and they continued. By the time, they reached the doors to the throne room, it was just the two of them, including Angel and Shari. The saber-tooth ferret had blood dripping from his saber teeth, he licked them hungrily. Karma pushed the door open, ready to fight. And just as she predicted, the king's guards awaited them. They fought off the guards quickly and gracefully, while Termis sat on his throne watching with amused eyes. Karma managed to fight her way through the mob of soldiers and met Termis at the base of his throne.

There was no sign of fear in eyes, there was nothing but amusement. He stood up from his throne and clapped his hands slowly. "Oh, wonderful!" He declared. "How wonderful! Our dear creator had made it through nearly all of my men." Termis looked down at her with darkness in his eyes.

"It's over, Termis," Karma growled. "I have your city surrounded by thousands of elves and dwarves. There is nowhere you go and nowhere for you to run." The threat though, didn't work. Termis started to laugh. It was wicked and loud.

"AH-HA!" Termis laughed. "You think you can threaten me? Me?" Then his smiled died along with the amused look in his eyes. "I tried to be nice, Creator. Oh, I did. But now I fear, your time on this land is over with." Reaching down his shirt, he pulled out the chain with key on it. "By the way," he said taking the chain off his neck and throwing it on the ground. "Nice trick." Termis as quick as a rabbit drew out his sword and swung it down at Karma's head.

Karma just barely got out of the way. She rolled away and watched as specks of her hair float through the air. Missed me by a hair, literally. Karma thought. The sound of a battle cry bellowed through the room as Omar charged at Termis, but more guards had appeared, and Omar's fighting turned toward them. Termis tilted his head to the side as he watched Omar fight off the soldiers along with Angel and Shari. He then jumped off the stairs that led to his throne and strode over toward Karma, sword in hand.

Karma quickly stood up and gripped her sword tightly. She charged at Termis and their swords collided. But, Termis took charge as he parried her blow and swung down at her legs. Karma easily dodged it and swung at his chest. To her surprise, it ripped his shirt and drew blood. Termis staggered back, also surprise by her blow, then he laughed and swung at her. "You think that will stop me? You just got lucky." He said as he parried another one of her blows.

Their swords collided again, and Termis took the upper hand once more. His sword swung around hers and Karma's sword flew out of her hands. She felt a blow to the chest and fell hard on the marble floor. Karma's vision blurred for the moment and she tasted blood. She tried to sit up but found she couldn't.

Termis towered over her and laughed. He pressed his boot on her chest and pointed his sword at her neck. "Like I said, Creator, you can only get lucky." Termis lifted his sword and prepared to swing down when he suddenly cried out in pain. He staggered off Karma and tumbled over with Shari on his back. The saber-tooth ferret's razor-sharp claws began to dig into Termis' back. With as much effort Karma she could mustered, Karma sat up then stood on weak legs.

"That's enough, Shari." She said, drily. The ferret obeyed and looked at Karma with a bloody muzzle. Karma crouch down beside Termis, who was still crying out in pain. "And like I said," Karma whispered to him. "You will pay for this crime." She then stood up and glanced around the room. It had recently been filled with elves and dwarves who were wounded and breathing hard. "Take him to the dungeons." Karma said to a couple of nearby elves, who looked like they still had some strength left in them.

As the elves took Termis away, a dwarf shouted somewhere in the crowd, "we did it! Hoorah!" Everyone joined in the cheering, even Karma, who still ached from the fighting. She then looked down at the little saber-tooth ferret, and for the first time in the months she knew the critter, she admired him.

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