Chapter 8

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The Umber Forest was the place that separated the clans and humans. No human ever dared enter the Umber Forest unless they were dumb enough, or smart enough to outwit the creatures that roam the forest floor. The forest lit up like the night sky. Every mushroom, moss, flower, and trees glowed an eerie blue light. Karma had seemed to forget what the Umber Forest looked like, for she looked around in awe. The scent that she breathed in was fresh and wet. Too be honest when she first created the Umber Forest, she looked up a book on the rainforest and added that to her world. But when she read a book on mythical creatures, she found a picture of a forest with a unicorn on it. The forest that surrounded the creature glowed a blue light.

From that, she added a lot more to this forest than anything. When it was done, she couldn't help but squeal in excitement. Karma had to admit, she enjoyed the Umber Forest a lot better than the Shurli Woods. The Shurli Woods didn't have what the Umber Forest does, but it is where most of the game is. Hunters use those woods; they prefer it a lot better than the Umber Forest.

Omar and Agla seemed to be also awed by the beautiful forest that surrounded them. Agla bowed her head, muttering a thankful prayer. Karma knew better than to question the sprite's actions. If anyone knew the Sprites Clan, it was that they liked to pray to their gods. No one knew exactly why, but it's never wise to question one's faith.

The forest grew dark as the sun began to set, and Karma was thankful for the break. She couldn't take another hour riding. Her thighs ached and her bottom hurt. Omar made the fire and cooked the meat that was bought from Arkum. Karma unsaddled Pepper and Jack, then tying their reins on a log to keep them from wondering off. She rejoined her group by the fire. Upon coming back, Shari was laying down on Pepper's saddle.

"Hey!" She yelled at the ferret. "Off, that's my spot!" The ferret seemed not to hear her, he just laid there with a sleepily expression on his face. Omar chuckled, finding it amusing that his companion is arguing with the ferret. "Off I say!" Karma said again, which made Omar only laugh harder. She gave him a deadly look. "You get him off then, wise guy." Omar stopped laughing and leaned back on his horse's saddle.

"Fine," was all he said. Omar cleared his throat and clucked his tongue loud and clear. Shari's ears perked up. His small head lifted looking in Omar's direction. Stretching, the ferret bounded off the saddle. It scurried across the campground and into Omar's outstretched hands. Omar stroke Shari's back as it ran along his arm and laid around his neck. Its small head poking out of Omar's white hair. Omar gave Karma a small smiled. She rolled her eyes, unamused, and sat down at her spot. Agla also smiled, she thought it was very funny to watch.

After Agla had fallen asleep, Karma risk getting her book out. Using her key, she unlocked it, placing the lock safely in her satchel. She opened the book, then flipped through the pages until she came to the one she wanted. Omar watched in fascination as his friend started sketching in the book that started it all. He was always curious to see what Karma would create next. "So," Omar said. "What are you creating now?" Karma glanced up from her drawing.

"Don't know," she answered honestly. "It just popped in my head one day. So, I've been sketching it ever since." Karma sighed as she flipped through the empty pages. "You'd think after all these years, I would get to the end of this book." Omar tilted his at her waiting for her to say more. "I mean, it's just tiring. Whenever I think I'm at the last couple of pages, the book adds like a hundred more pages! I don't think I'll ever be done with this." In truth, the book had been a pain to Karma during the twelve years she's had it. The book had also made Karma draw more and more until Arula was created. The book still demanded more. And now, it has been driving Karma crazy.

"I think," Omar said after a while. "That this world has a lot more to offer. It's still very new and it needs more than just a few villages and creatures to keep it thriving." Karma consider his words, then shook her head.

"I hope you're right," she muttered as she locked up the book and put it away. Sighing, Karma leaned back on the saddle and stared up at tree canopy above her. Slowly her eyes closed and fell asleep. 

The next day of traveling was long and hard. They could no longer ride their horses through the forest terrain. They dismounted the horses and walked them instead. The forest floor was filled with fallen logs, critters, and tree roots that Karma kept tripping over. Agla was almost giddy with joy as she continued to walk the forest floor. She knew that she was almost home and could not wait any longer to see her family and friends.

"Oh, they would be so surprise to see me alive and well again," Agla said, her wings flittering with exictment. "I can't wait to see the look on their faces." Agla literally beamed with joy.

"Well we're happy to help," Karma said. "It is my job to make sure that every creature in Arula are living happy lives." Agla tilted her elvish head at Karma, but she said nothing. After many moments passed, Omar spoke up.

"You know, Karma," he said. "Back at Arkum, I couldn't help but notice that you seem little out of practice." Karma stepped over a root and stared at Omar.

"Meaning...?" She asked, confused.

"Meaning that you lost your skills. Being gone for five years had put you out of practice." He said with a devilish smile. Karma gaped at him. She switched sides to where Omar was walking, stopping him in his tracks.

"Excuse me, mister," she fumed. "Is that a challenge? Because I am not out of practice." Her eyes narrowed at Omar as she spoked. Omar seemed unfazed by her threat.

"Oh?" He said leaning down toward her face, smirking. "Prove it."

Karma narrowed her eyes at the elf. "Oh trust me, I will."


When the sun had set and the fire was made, Karma unsheathed her sword, pointing it at Omar as he unsaddled his horse. "Prepared to be defeated, because I do not lose." She said waiting impatiently for Omar to grab his sword. Agla sat little ways from them, watching with interest. Shari sat on her lap, enjoying the back scratch that he was receiving from Agla.

Omar took his sweet time, taking of Jack's saddle, watering him, and giving him an apple. Finally, he unsheathed his sword, swinging it a couple of times before getting into a fighting stance. "Ready?" He asked her. Karma nodded, determination in her eyes. The two fighters circled each other, carefully avoiding vines and tree roots. Omar made the first move, which Karma quickly blocked. They swung at each other and block one another. Omar swung down as Karma block his shot. The two swords clash in one big clang. Omar brought his sword up, quickly twisting Karma's sword out of her hands and gently pointed the sword end at her neck.

Breathing hard, Omar said, "Dead." Karma, also breathing hard, put her hands up in surrender. Omar sheathed his sword and picked Karma's up, handing it to her. She snatched her sword, sheathing it. "Now," Omar said. "I do believe I deserve an apology."

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