Chapter 13

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Karma's eyes widen as the dwarf in front of her took his axe from his back. Omar was quick to react as he brought out his sword, ready to fight. "Furich!" *1 Called a familiar voice. A dwarf on a light grey wolf with dark gray patches on it came trotting a head of the hoard of dwarves. The dwarf was short and stocky with a white beard and bald head. His green gleaming eyes sprinkled. "Ha-ha! Well isn't it my dear friend the Creator and my elven friend Omar!" Karma couldn't feel more relief when she saw her dwarf friend Dagner. The dwarf was jolly as always.

The black bearded dwarf stared at Karma for a moment, unsure what to think. "Dagner, what is this, who is this?" The black beard dwarf said. Dagner grunted at the dwarf.

"Marne, this is the Creator of Arula! You dare slaughter the all mighty Creator! May Odin shame you!" Karma smiled. Let Dagner be the one to make a big dramatic scene. Looking back at them, Dagner motioned them to follow. "Come, old friend, for we shall celebrate for your arrival! Ha-ha!" Turning to his Clan he said dwarfish, "A-nochd,mo charaidean, bidh sinn ag òl!"*2 Thedwarves cheer and just like that, Karma and Omar followed Dagner to the dwarf village, Humbridge. It was a small village that was on the edge of a waterfall. Houses went up on a hill with wooden decks throughout the village.

Dagner led them to the stable where the wolves were put, much like horses. "The wolves won't hurt ye horses, so don't worry." Dagner said as he put his wolf in one of the stables. He motioned the stable dwarf there to take care of Karma's and Omar's horse. "Now take good care of these horse ye hear, boy?" The dwarf-boy nodded. "So!" Dagner said clasping a hand on Karma's lower back. The dwarf went up to Karma's waist, like most of the dwarves here. "What brings you back to Arula? Not that it isn't great that ye here."

Karma sighed. "Termis," the name made Dagner growl. "Omar contacted me saying that Termis had become power crazy. And now I need to overthrow him... somehow." Dagner nodded.

"Yes, yes. Sadly, that has happened. And as ye can tell, we're taking the human enslaving us a little too serious. But who can blame us?" Omar nodded in agreement.

"They took my Mika and Hope," Omar said and Dagner shook his head.

"Sorry to hear that, old friend," then the dwarf's mood changed. "But hey! That doesn't mean we can't celebrate! We'll dance and drink as much ale as we want, ha-ha!" Dagner laughed. "What do you say, Creator?" Karma smiled. It would be hard to say no. She couldn't. The dwarf was hard to say no to.

So, that night, lights filled up the village and music began to play. Children laughed and ran around. Men drank ale and gambled, while the woman talked and made sure their children didn't get into mischief. Karma and Omar sat on a bench aside, watching the center of the village as dwarves were dancing about. Dagner came stumbling toward them with a cup of ale in his hand.

He hiccupped and sat down on the ground. The dwarf shook his head as he gazed up at Karma and Omar. Shari sat on Omar's lap as the elf stroke the saber-tooth ferret's back. "Now, where ye get that vicious be—hiccup!" Karma and Omar looked at each other and smiled.

"At Orina Field near the Shuri Woods." Omar explained.

"Ah, that would expla—hiccup! It. Never seen those creatures in the Umber For—hiccup! Before." The dwarf took his mug and chug the rest of his ale.

"I think you need to lay off the ale, dear friend." Karma laughed. Dagner bellowed a laughed.

"Me! Lay off the ale! Ha—hiccup!" Everyone began to laugh until tears filled their eyes. When they settled down the music suddenly changed to an upbeat tone and Dagner jolted right up. He then bowed to Karma and extended a short chubby hand. "Milady, may I have this dance?"

"No, I don't da—ahh!" Karma started to say as Dagner grabbed her hand and dragged to where every-dwarf was dancing. Omar burst into laughter as Karma danced with Dagner, well, at least tried to. If you ever danced with a dwarf then you knew what it felt like, but for Karma it was very difficult, since she didn't know their dances. When the song ended, Karma went back to sit next to Omar, who had the widest grin on his face. "Oh, shut it." Karma grumbled. Omar said nothing as his smile grew wider.

Dagner came wobbling back and sitting down on his bottom. "Well that was fun eh, Creator! Ha-ha!" Karma rolled her eyes as Omar laughed. "So," he said getting a little serious. "What's your plan for defeating Termis?" Dagner took a sip of his ale that he had refilled.

"We're heading to Abaddon, and I'm going to try to convince King Curlus to insist me in this battle." Karma said as Dagner rubbed his beard.

"Mm, you're taking a big risk asking an elf for help. But I think for what's happening to his people that he'll more than willing to help." Dagner said.

"And you?" Omar asked. "Will you help us?" Dagner spat out the ale he was drinking and jump to his feet.

"By Odin's axe I will!" He declared. "What kind of question is that! I will even gather every dwarf that is willing to help fight! Ha-ha!" Taking his mug, Dagner drank the last of his ale and fell to the ground. Drunk. Karma and Omar only laughed.

*1 "Fuirich" ~ "Wait"

*2 "A-nochd, mo charaidean, bidh sinn ag ol" ~ "Tonight, my friends, we drink"

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