Chapter 3

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Does that thing have to come with us?" Karma asked as they rode through Unra Valley. The saber-tooth ferret called Shari, sat on Omar's stallion's neck. It sat there with his head held up high and its chest puffed out. Karma looked at the ferret with disgust. Omar happily rode on his horse with a smile painted on his face.

"Oh, come on, Karma," he said. "We could use an extra traveling companion." Omar reached over and petted Shari on the head. Shari scurried up Omar's arm onto his shoulders. Karma rolled her eyes; she was clearly not liking the little ferret what's-so-ever. They had been traveling for almost a day now, and they were heading west, toward the Clan's territory. It would take at least a week in a half or two, depending on how many times they stop or go a supply run.

The nearest village, Arkum, is only a day and a half away from where they are. In the Unra Valley, few villages are built here due to the low resources that grow in this valley. The main resource in the valley is the small river that cuts through the land, Unra River. Besides Arkum, the only other village that is built on this valley is Bergen, and it lies on the other side of Unra River, only a few hours away from Arkum. Arkum is built along the Unra River and is the most popular village throughout the valley. Many travelers go there to get Numberries, a type of berry that rarely grows in this world.

Numberries were found by the villagers, and they used the berries to make several delectable such as ale, pie, cake, and other unique foods. Karma had never created the berry before, she guessed since the world was starting to thrive so well without her, it began to create resources of its own. She had tried the berry once before and she would not have any other berry except for the numberries. Arkum was also good for the inn they have there, it's the one of the largest inns in the land. The inn included many things that suited travelers in different ways, something Karma has yet to visit.

The journey was long and hot, summer was on its way. The seasons in Arula were always something to behold. Karma's favorite was spring. She just loved the colors as life began to start all over again. She smiled at the thought of the season and began to think about spring in Abaddon, the Elven capitol. It was always so beautiful there during that time of the season, Karma had always loved visiting Abaddon during spring.

With summer approaching, Karma thoughts went to the Sprite Clan. With their sheltered homes, Yunalla was the place to be. Summertime was always the season where the sprites liked to come out into the sun and show off their wonderful colors. It also during the summertime where the sprites held their summer festival. A festival that Karma has been to many times before.

The fall season jumped into Karma's mind, and she immediately thought of the dwarves. Fall was the season for the dwarves. They always celebrated during the fall, performing one of their most beautiful rituals yet. It involved using all the fallen autumn leaves, stringing them together and displaying the leaves through the village. It was a way to celebrate the end of an old life and preparing for the new one that laid ahead.

Lastly, the winter season passed through Karma's head and the Goblin Clan came to mind. The goblins worship the winter season, they made the most beautiful things with just using icicles and snow. Ertum was the place to go, but the goblins aren't too keen on allowing outside visitors into their village.

The sun began to set above the two travelers. The day started to cool and a nice breeze blew nicely against Karma's face. She placed a hand above her eyes, squinting them. "How much farther until we reach Arkum?" Karma asked as she kept squinting ahead. Omar glanced at the sun, then he glanced around his surroundings.

"I say we'll be there by nightfall, but not before," Omar answered. "If we just keep heading west, we shouldn't miss it." Karma nodded, letting her hand drop to her mare's neck. Her mare had a white coat with black freckles covering the rest of its body. Karma called her Pepper because of the mare's coat. Omar's horse was a light brown stallion with white ankles and a white strip running down the front of its face. Omar named him Jack. "A simple name for a simple horse." Omar had once said.

An hour had passed, and the sound of water rushing through the valley caught Karma's ears. The Unra River. Karma loved the sound of moving water; it was like music to her ears. Omar clucked his tongue, motioning Karma to follow. Soon they were on the banks of the river taking a short break. The horses gladly drank the river's cool water. Karma took out her water skin canteen and filled it up. She took a long swig from it, then refilled it. Omar did the same. He fixed Jack's saddle, making sure it was tight and comfortable for the horse. Karma followed suit. She watched as Omar jumped on the horse's back and flipped his hood up over his head.

"What's with the hood over your head?" Karma asked, jumping onto Pepper's back. Omar's hazel gaze landed on her.

"We'll be nearing Arkum here soon," he said. "I think it's best if no one knew if I was an elf. That could end badly for the both of us." Karma could only stare in disbelief. For a brief moment, she had forgotten that Termis had broken the treaty, a treaty that allowed peace to be set within the land. It allowed the Human Kingdom and The Clans to move freely throughout the land. It allowed trade routes and gave safety to both the Clans and the humans.

Learning that Termis would even dare break such treaty angered Karma. She couldn't believe that she let this happened to her world. She closed her eyes tightly, taking in deep breath. She opened her eyes when she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. Omar was looking at her with a small smile. "Do not blame yourself for this. It is not your fault." He said, giving her a small squeeze.

"But it is," she whispered. "I'm the one who put my world into the wrong hands. I trusted Termis, and he betrayed me."

"Blame won't get you nowhere," Omar said. "Now come on, Arkum awaits."

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