Chapter 1

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Karma Windale watched the little hand on the clock as it ticked around the white and black surface. Time could not go any slower. Ten minutes until two o'clock and time can't go faster. Science was her last class of the day and she hated it. She didn't need to pay attention in this class, because technically she didn't need the credits to move to college with. So, what she did in this class was stare at the never moving clock, waiting for class to finally be over with. Karma looked down and continued to sketch in her book. It was the only thing she could think of that could pass the time.


The sound of the school bell made Karma jump. "And remember class," her teacher, Mrs. Yurling, says. "This will be on your final exam, so you better study. Miss Windale a word please." Karma paused in her seat at the sound of her name. Once the class was empty, she walked up to the teacher's desk and stared straight at Mrs. Yurling's beady black eyes. "I know you don't need the class credits to graduate, Ms. Windale, but when I see a student failing my class, it highly concerns me." Her beady eyes went to Karma's book that she held in her hand. "May I see what has distracted you from not paying attention in my class, mm?"

Karma gave the book to Mrs. Yurling's outstretched hand. Snatching it away, Mrs. Yurling flipped through the pages of Karma's book. She looked up from the book with raised eyebrows. Handing it back, she cleared her throat. "Well," she said. "Those might be good drawings, but that does not give you the right to doddle in it whenever you decide to lose interest in my class. Next time I'll take that away from you if I catch you doodling. Understood?" Karma nodded and ushered out the door.

The hallways were flooded with students as they tried to get their belongings and rush toward the buses. Karma on the other hand, liked to take her time, but she had a mission to get to, so there no taking time here. Rushing to her locker, she accidently bumped into the one of many of the school's bully. Marge Holler. "Hey look!" Marge said as she grabbed Karma's arm. "It's Karma. Let's see if anything bad happens to us." When Marge laugh so did her wannabes. Marge was tall with blonde hair that was often in a ponytail and had brown eyes. No one ever told Marge what to do, or how to do it. She was the queen of the school and everyone knew it. "Oh! What's this?" Marge snatched Karma's book from her and flip through its pages.

"Give it back, Marge." Karma growled. Marge look up from the book with a sneer.

"You want it?" She asked. "Go get it." With a suddenly swift move, Marge tossed the book into the trashcan. Karma gasped and ran to the trashcan, trying to get her book out. "Hey look, a raccoon is digging through the trash." She laughed along with her wannabes and walked away. At this moment, Karma didn't care about all the stares that other students were giving her, she needed her book back. Finally, she retrieved it. It was a little moist and it had an awful smell to it. Karma flipped through the book to make sure that nothing was ruined, thankfully it wasn't.

The buses had already left when Karma came out of the building, but she didn't care, she liked walking, it beats the bus any day. Karma lived in a small town in Georgia called Lake Side. And like all small towns, everyone knew you. But in Karma's case, few people did know her. Karma was always the quiet one, she stays in the shadows where no one can find her, and she liked it that way. Her parents always worry that she was never going to find someone or will never do anything successful. Though Karma had told her parents a thousand times that she would be fine and that her life will go smoothly. In reality though, she already planned to make herself completely disappear once high school was over. School was over within three weeks! And she's a senior, the situation happening in the other world couldn't make this anymore perfect.

Karma turned a left toward the bridge that went across Lake Side's famous lake, Lake Jerome. During fishing season, this place would be booming with fisherman. And during the nice hot summers the lake was good if you wanted to take a dip. Crossing the bridge, she took a right after a mile or so and went down the street that led into the suburbs. Karma's house was little way from the entrance on the right. Her house, like many of the others, was built in front of the woods. It was the one place in this town that Karma loved to visit.

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