Chapter 3 (Ian)

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" Dude just get in the damn car!" I always picked up Brett before school so we could go home from football together.

Brett was always dressed in very preppy attire compared to the average high schooler. I always stuck to athletic muscle t's and basketball shorts, just casual nothing fancy. Girls were generally drawn to me when they saw me with my football jersey on because everyone saw me as the high schools football star and nothing more. Brett always had rights to my female leftovers because he was my best friend but he deserved better and that's why i love that he found Jenna.

I always thought that cheerleaders were always airheads and nobody on the face of this damn earth could force me to love one of those dipshits. Jenna knew I thought cheerleaders were complete idiots and she never cared what I thought about her since she was with Brett. If I was to even consider dating someone they would have to be athletic and into football of course. They had to be sexy as hell with a nice ass too. When I find that girl god knows I will fight for her.

We arrived at school just before the bell and I hopped out of the car when I bumped into someone.

" The fuck get out of my..."

There I was face to face with the most gorgeous girl in the world. God please say she isn't a cheerleader. But oh my god I am starting to stare I gotta say something before she runs away from me. I go to say something when some tiny bitch walks up from behind her.

" Excuse me you son of a bitch but you bumped into her! I will rip your balls off if you think she is in the wrong here. Now take your dumb ass and walk away."

Damn this girl is a firecracker. What the fuck am I suppose to say to this little shit without making her friend walk away with her. I needed to say something cause this tiny pixey was gonna ruin my chances with this girl.

" Why hello to you too. I am Ian Sanders and I believe you guys are new? Have you met me before? Obviously not because I would be in your pants by now so something must be new or wrong with you guys. I am the schools first string quarterback and the best thing to ever happen to Ridgewood."

" Hi I'm new and there is no way in hell I would fuck your ass even if you're hot, so fuck off. By the way I am Skye James and this is my sister Kaitlyn *aka the girl that will remove your balls if you create a problem with us*. And who are you?" She pointed that damn finger at Brett behind me.

"Why hello my name is Brett Danforth the guy of every girls dreams yet in only in one girls pants. I know you two are knew and very beautiful and would be honored to give you the tour if you need it. I am happily in a relationship so you wouldn't have to worry about being eye fucked by me and I definitely am not jumping into anyone's bed other than Jenna's any time soon."

As he spoke with ease to the two fine specimens, I was plotting how to get that Morgan girl into my bed tonight. Usually seeing that I am the quarterback and I mean look at me I am fucking hot they usually volunteer to fuck me. What was this girls deal. Guy back home? Gay? There had to be a reason she wasn't showing interest.

" That sounds very nice thank you Brett. I would love to meet your girlfriend. I presume hopefully I have a class with her because your very handsome, so I would love to see who tied you down. Would you mind showing us around before first block?"

Skye was definitely flirting but there was a point where she was just talking but not even looking him in the eye. Was she just doing this to piss me off? Most likely but making here fall for me would be way sweeter if she didnt want it to happen. What was i gonna do with this girl. Something was with this girl and i wanted to know what made her tick. She seemed so guarded yet was open to mess with guys.

" Sure no problem I would love to. Just let me check in with my homeroom and tell them i am taking Skye and Kaitlyn James on a tour of Ridgewood High home of the wolves. Mr. Michealson wouldn't mind i show you two around considering i am top of the class and the starting wide receiver for the team."

I just found my in. Brett needed to stay on these girls good side because he was gonna get these girls to fridays bonfire and Skye into my bed. Jenna better not cause problems with these two but she would be two dumb to start shit with these two. Just as I snap out of my trance of staring at Skye's ass I realize that ass is walking away with Brett. Oh shit I gotta catch up with them.

" Guys wait up I can help give the tour. I am Ridgewoods finest so I think I should help out." Brett rolled his eyes as I approached.

" Dude you are ridgewood finest dumbass and bottom of the class so good luck getting out of homeroom with your record for ditching school. I will show you to your homeroom and Kaitlyn you happen to have homeroom with me so we will take the tour and head to class together. Jenna is a junior so we wont be seeing her until lunch. Let me see your schedules so I can see what classes we have together."

As he was showing them through the school I glanced over Brett's shoulder to see the schedule so I could see what classes we had together. Oh yes we have PE together along with Science and it looks like Kaitlyn has PE with us also. Damn why cant that little shit go away. But gym was gonna be my way of showing her I am a football god and she wont be able to keep her hands off of me.

" And this is your homeroom Mrs. Emerson. She is a bit harsh but she has no reason to hate you so just steer clear of being friendly with her because she doesn't like kids. Its senior year also so there is no reason to start shit on your way out of school." Damn Brett was smooth with these girls what am I suppose to do.

" Why thank you, I appreciate you showing me and my sister around and I look forward to seeing you around." And with that she flipped her hair and pranced her way into homeroom where I plan to find her every morning until she finds me first.

" Now we are headed to homeroom together which I think we should do everyday because being so beautiful you can't be alone in these halls. Our school is full of man whores so I want to make sure you don't end up groped by any guy around here"

This was gonna be the year for me. Brett headed into homeroom with Kaitlyn and I pulled out my schedule to see where I was headed. I made a left at the end of the hallway and that was when I realized what I wanted this year. I wanted Skye James and nothing was gonna stop me not even that little shit sister of hers.

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