Chapter 5 (Ian)

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   I was all giddy inside because I finally got a yes from Skye. We had a date and I needed to sweep her off here feet. How was I suppose to do that? Ehh I will consult with Brett later cause god knows he knew what to do.

" Brett and Ian to the ten yard line please." This devil of a teacher is gonna piss me off so much this year. Mrs. Meyers was the gym teacher from hell who decided that pissing off kids was fun.

" Brett you are gonna be the red teams captain and Ian your the blue teams captain grab pinnies and get ready to pick teams. Brett since you are the more intelligent of the two you will pick first." Of course she had to bring up academics in the one class that didn't require intelligence. I rolled my eyes and slung the blue pinny over my head and jogged to the ten yard line.

" I pick California's finest, Kaitlyn James as my starting quarterback please." She jogged over to the pile of red pinnies and rolled her eyes as she passed me and I gave her a devilish glare. Then she went over to Brett and whispered something in his ear.

  I didn't want appear at all desperate so I decided it was safe to pick any of my football buddies first just so that I could weigh out Skye's reaction. Then I saw Skye turn around because some girl tried to say something to her and I was left with an amazing view of that fine ass of hers. I think getting aggressive with her could be really fun. Fuck the touch in touch football I needed to claim her as mine so I needed full on tackle for this.

  "I choose Grant Mason as my starting wide receiver." I looked over to judge Skye's reaction but she seemed not the smallest bit phased by the pick so I was left a bit annoyed. That feeling soon turned to pissed off when I hear the next thing that came out of Brett's mouth.

" My next choice will be Cali's finest other half Skye James as starting tight end." What the hell was Brett doing! I said Kaitlyn was all his but why take Skye too. She was mine and once again that fine ass was walking towards Brett and away from me. This goes to show that you cant always trust everyone.

" My next choice is Jenna Young as starting tight end." Two could play at this game and I am the best at games so who knows this could be a lot of fun. So much for staring at Skye's ass on my team at the end zone cause now she can't touch that ball.

  Teams were chosen and we started the game of course i was the quarterback because what else was i made for if only i had a more favorable wide receiver. Grant was a second string wide receiver behind Brett so he wasn't as good but if my throw is always perfect how could he screw this up. The game had begun and i had possession of the ball and i called hike and the ball was in my hands then...

" Bam!" I look up at the gorgeous face of the next girl to take up residence in my bed straddling me on the turf. How the hell did this happen. I sit up and see behind her is Kaitlyn with the ball sprinting to the end zone with the ball that WAS in my possession. Then i focused my attention on the giggling Skye on top of me and then realize how hot it is that she actually could play.

" Ms. James this is touch football not full on tackle, help Mr. Sanders up and please don't do that again."

" Oh please Mrs. Meyers I do not mind at all let it happen. Maybe he have found a replacement tight end for the team this season." I laughed it off because it was honestly so sexy that she could do things like that.

  Then Heather came up from behind me and whispered some derogatory shit in my ear that I didn't care to pay attention to so I headed back to receive the punt. I really wish Skye was on my team right now, but I didn't mind the tackling.


  I was ready to do what I just did again after completely tackling him. He appeared stunned yet into it. I think that he wasn't expecting it cause he was about ready to throw the ball before I tackle him grabbed the ball before it hit the ground tossed it to Kaitlyn to sprint to the end zone.

" You know that was incredibly sexy." I heard from a familiar brunette with piercing hazel eyes so I turned and Ian was smiling at me.

  That damn smile could drop any girls clothes but I had to stay strong, what the hell is happening. I just left Chris back in Cali and haven't even contacted him since. Why am I eyeing this guy up at all. Who cares I will figure something out later.

" Well, I thought you were a little easy for a quarterback of a 16 time state championship team. I would have expect at least a little fight."

" I didn't want to hurt a pretty girl like yourself, but if you want to play hard ball lets go. If only there were someone I wouldn't mind hurting on your team. I guess I will settle for the guy who decided that you were gonna be on his team instead of mine. Do I have him or Kaitlyn to thank for that?" He gave me a look and then looked like he was prepping for a fight to be honest it looked a little intense but not scary.

" I guess both of them but honestly Jenna was low blow on your part maybe you should have just chosen me first and then we wouldn't have this problem." That comment left him sort of speechless but not enough to stop and walk away he needed the last word so he went for a terrible pick up line.

" Fair enough, but after our date we will go to my place, where the couches may not pull out, but I will." And with that I was summoned by my other hand and Brett smiled at the interaction.

  We continued the game and I was able to witness a very aggressive side of Ian. He completely destroyed Brett one play at a time and even Jenna was worried and she was already in another guys bed. After the game ended I headed into the locker room and I spotted Kaitlyn.

" So you and Ian are getting ready to become Ridgewood's hottest couple?" The look on her face made me laugh and I knew exactly how to counter that comment.

" Didn't know we were on the ballot considering you and Brett. He decided to choose you because he thought you were hot and not Jenna. He is totally into you."

" You're deflecting the comment. I heard that there was a date scheduled without my approval. Brett told me to warn you that he hasn't been serious with anyone in a long time so be careful. And I am not in the mood to be a rebound of some idiot football player from this school. At least you and Ian are not rebounds for each other."

" Maybe not but I see that football games would be way more fun if we both had someone to cheer for like back home. Anyways the date that was mentioned was just to talk. Something about him intrigues me so I wanna see what makes him tick. I don't plan on jumping into his bed so just chill out. I know better then others and from experience cheating is not worth it."

  On that note Kaitlyn turned away and continued to change and get ready for forth block and to go home. Today was long but I learned I may actually enjoy Ridgewood. Having gym with Ian was a definite plus and athletics was a strong suit so I looked forward to facing off with him. I grabbed my bag from the floor and walked with Kaitlyn to last block and when I passed Ian in the hall, I smiled. He was gonna be an experiment for me so lets see what happens. Will he survive the dissection?

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