Chapter 11 (Ian)

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  I let her win the bet. I knew exactly what was gonna happen during that game but seeing the excitement and competitive side of her i decided letting her win would be more fun. I also wouldn't feel right taking any money from her and i knew if i did win then she would not let me refuse the cash. It was easier to have her win for now.

  Next time we have a bet i will definitely put something more interesting on the table. Sex? Oh maybe we will play strip poker sometime. Truth or dare could get me some answers she wouldn't plan on telling me. The ideas flooded my mind but i needed to focus on our upcoming date first. What was i gonna do with her?

  I decided to put any of those ideas and thoughts on hold cause Skye, Brett, and Kaitlyn were still here. It was nearing midnight at this point and I didn't know what exactly the night had left in store. I could offer them to sleep over but Brett and Kaitlyn fucking in my place? Couldn't they do it somewhere else? I got my own place two years ago with my fathers bank account because of the secret he was keeping. I got the place so I didn't have to deal with other people and i could handle the house how i pleased.

" Skye what do you wanna do tonight are you planning on spending the night or something? Its almost midnight on a Thursday so I wouldn't want to piss off your father or anything. Being the amazing a sexy girl you are i assume he is even more protective then Kaitlyn is." I saw her smile phase after the word father and i got a little worried. Was it rude to make a comment like that?

" My father is not in my life. He is dead to me and doesn't deserve to be called my father. Please just don't mention him ever again. It's not worth your breathe. As for sleeping over i would but it is Thursday and we haven't even been on a proper date yet so i think its a bit soon. Maybe we could do it next time when my sister isn't here ready to bang Brett maybe?" I smiled when she said next time so i knew she enjoyed tonight.

" Okay that sounds like a plan i could drive you home if you would like and about tomorrows bonfire, your gonna come right?" 

  I really wanted to show her off to every guy in school since everyone went to the bonfire. I was the quarterback of the football team so i needed to keep my image by showing up to this. Also i wanted to make sure every guy knew Skye wasn't up for grabs. I also wanted to show the girls around school that i am not up for any one night stands anymore cause i was happily taken. It was weird saying i was taken though. I haven't said those words in a long time but I wouldn't want it any other way.

" Oh i should get going. My mom wanted me home sometime tonight and as for the ride me and Kaitlyn can just take the jeep back cause that's how we got to the bar. My mom didn't expect me to go anywhere after words considering we don't really know anyone yet so yeah. I had fun tonight though. Thank you."

  She was so hot and cold within five seconds. I could easily tell that the father topic was not gonna be easily discussed so i decided to drop it from my mind. All i knew was that he had to be an ass to piss off Skye in a way. I didn't want her to go but what could i do. I had to be happy just knowing there was a next time.

" Kaitlyn we gotta get home. The game ended and mom didn't have any reason to think we would be home after cause we don't really know many people yet. we need to be able to go out often so we cant piss her off. Lets get going now."

" Okay fine. Brett can i have your number so we could continue this another time. Just remember if you want me in your bed i better be the only one in that bed. I don't want to be one of your on call whores. Don't fuck with me really. You will live in hell if you do."

  Damn these girls were so ballsy. I liked it though. I respected how they wanted to be treated. I also wondered what made them this way they seem so guarded but why? I had to find out but not today. Today was to perfect to mess with and i still had to much to think about so lets just let it be.

  They headed out after Brett plugged his number into Kaitlyn's phone and he was smiling so big once the door shut that i wondered if more then just making out happened. I cleaned up the empty beer bottles and the wings that were completely gone. I had to laugh cause i got a ton of them assuming i would get some leftovers but i guess not. Small price to pay for tonight though. It was one of the best i have had in a long time so why spoil it with the petty details.

" So you and Kaitlyn?" He looked at me and smiled.

" She is everything i ever wanted in a girl. Athletic, sweet, smart, ballsy, and so many more things. Not to mention the rack and ass on her. She was perfect and didnt want to get walked all over which i respect. I could care less that Jenna is with Drew now. He could have her she is not with my time. We only made out tonight but next time i plan to take things to my place instead. I know how you like to keep your place a friend fuck free zone so your welcome."

" Thanks man and if you were to busy to notice i got it in with Skye tonight. Dude she is a goddess. Sex was so amazing with her i cant go back from that. She is perfection and i have a date with her on Saturday so we need to come up with something good to do. Also Daddy talk is a sore subject so watch out for that." He deserved a fair warning about that shit.

" Good to know thanks for the warning. I am gonna head out though cause tomorrow is a early practice and i want to sleep. I know i will sleep good thinking about Kaitlyn in bed with me soon so i should get going. By the way did you pick up the condoms i told you to get cause we were all out and i needed a few to keep in my room in case anything transpires with Kaitlyn."

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

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