Chapter 6 (Skye)

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" Friday night is the schools bonfire for the beginning of the football season. Are we gonna go together or not?" Kaitlyn and I were home from school talking about the day and plans for the year.

" Who else would I go with? I mean you on the other hand have a certain wide receiver that has been openly flirting with you since Monday when school started."

"How about Ian? He already asked you out and you said yes! I am happy for you but a little worried about this. Is he really the kind of guy you want to get mixed up with? I am not sure what you want from the relationship but I am not sure if he wants something long term.

" I don't need something long term. I would be okay jumping into his bed a few times and just walking away. Ian really isn't my type anyway. He seems like an airhead. Don't worry about me I will be fine." I could see the concern in Kaitlyn's eyes, so I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Whatever you say, but if you need me I am here for you. I would love to fight him if I need to." I laughed because she has been saying this stuff since we were little and I can't wait to actually see it happen.

"Hey, isn't the Steelers vs Panthers game on tonight? You wanna head to a bar and order some wings and see it? It won't be Lenny's but we can't fly to San Francisco just to see the game" I thought back to Lenny's and got a bit sad. I really miss him and the bar.

"Sure let's go, but I think we need to dust off the fake ids cause I don't think the bar is gonna be as friendly and hand out beers to anyone. I will grab mine and then we will head out maybe even change into something more revealing. We need to look a bit older." I rolled my eyes at the comment and yet agreed with her so I went to my closet to find something.


"Why the hell is this bar so packed!" I found myself yelling to try and communicate with Kaitlyn.

" I don't know. Maybe there is just a really big urge to drink tonight since school just started?" We squeeze our way through the bar trying to find a screen playing the actual game worth watching.

  Me and Kaitlyn usually would sit at the bar with some buffalo wings and a beer and talk to Lenny about the game while he was serving drinks. As we got older we always went to Lenny's for every game we could see. Being a father figure and all he would drive us home if we had to much to drink and he cared for us.

"Come on, I see two seats right at the bar. We could ask the guy to change the channel if we flash something."

  Kaitlyn would always get what she wanted using something sexual I had to keep her in check at times because sex shouldn't be on the table for creeps. As we go to sit down I hear the voice of the guy that is suppose to be bringing me on a date at some point. I turn to get a glimpse of him as I see some skank wrapped around him like a rag doll. He looks happy. He's laughing and talking with people. I guess that's what I get for trusting a football player from this shitty town. I took a seat at the bar and asked for the strongest drink they had.

  "Hey Mr. I need you in my bed tonight, I was wondering if you would mind changing this TV to the Steelers vs panthers game. Please I will do anything." As she talked she leaned over the counter showing more and more cleavage to this creep.

"Sure. Anything for a little lady like yourself. And I plan to take you up on that offer tonight. I am in the mood for some young ass tonight." This bartender is a dick. I can tell that his intentions are less then desirable and I am worried.

  There was this time she had made a similar offer to a random bartender back in Cali and it looked like the guy was gonna rape her if Chris hadn't interfered with it. He was like a big brother towards us since we grew up together. At one point he wanted more then I was willing to give and I didn't want to loose him. I decided it was safer to pretend to date him and not let things go to far then to ruin the friendship with rejection. Things would have stayed the same if I wasn't moved to Kentucky. I never told him I was leaving.

" And what would you like to drink Ms. Sweet Lips?" I looked at the creep and was ready to punch him straight in the jaw but at that moment a hand was set on my hip and I heard deep breathing in my ear.

" And what is a gorgeous girl like you doing alone at a bar? If you would like to get out of here and to somewhere more private I could keep you safe from the bad people around here." His breath that sliced my neck like a sharp blade reeked of alcohol and creep.

  I went to turn around to punch him in the chest. I saw events happen in a flash. At first all I saw was Ian and then his face was a blur. I look again to see blood on the ground. I also hear a scream. Then I realize the scream is from me. What the hell just happened. I go to do a double take when someone pulls me away. Finally when I look up I see a horrified look on my sisters face.

" What the hell did that scum-bag say to you? It had to be bad if Ian came from out of no where to defend your honor. Should I hurt him too? I am always up for a good fight." Ian really would put himself in danger to defend my honor? That was so sweet!

" The dick decided that he wanted to take me to his place to fuck even though I didn't do anything to bring him over or want to get away. What happened to coming here just to watch the game? Then next thing I know, all I see is Ian and then blood. I should be asking you what the hell just happened. Care to tell me?"

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