Chapter 7 (Ian)

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All I saw was black after hearing what that scum-bag whispered into Skye's ear. I was going to kill him. There was no way he deserved to live and breathe the same air as Skye. I would end him.

Once I made the first jaw connection with my fist I was in control of the situation, but not myself. It was like every issue I have ever had in my life was put on him so I let it all out on him. The cheating parents, the lies from everyone, and trusting all the wrong people. I wasn't gonna stop fighting him till he was dead. It was like if he was dead all my problems would go away. Was it really that easy?

I heard a scream and I looked up and didn't see black anymore. I saw a horrified face of the girl I wanted. She was screaming but the cry never met her eyes. Did I do this to her? Scare her so much that it didn't matter what that waste of space said?

I got up off the guy and gave him some recovery time so that she knew this guy was alive. In that moment all I was thinking about was Skye's safety. What if she went with the guy? What if he tried to have sex with her? There were to many what-ifs that I could not even think of them all so I didn't. I had to say something that would keep him away from Skye.

" Drew Danforth, son of the mega millionaire Dominic Danforth of which is so close to my father. I don't think daddy would want a law suit filled against his son right as football season has just begun would he? Even if your found not guilty of any crime you still would be suspended from the season. Coach doesn't want any players involved with lawsuits of misconduct so I guess your done. Unless you swear on your god damn life that you will never go near Skye OR her sister ever again. You got it? The choice is yours either way you are screwed." I whispered it just loud enough he could hear me loud and clear but Skye couldn't hear.

" Consider it done I wouldn't want to be around any whore that is okay being near you. Fuck you by the way because I think you broke my nose. I mean you really think I was going to fuck her because she is hot? I knew you wanted her and i don't want you getting what you want so..."

At that moment I kicked him square in the nuts. He groaned and I laughed and had one last thing to say.

" Fuck you and all of your future we shall see what I want to do. I will mark my words ruin you. I will have no mercy and I will pull you apart piece by piece. So just watch out cause your world is gonna come crashing down" With that I grabbed Skye's hand and Kaitlyn followed in toe.

We weaved our way through the crowd and I stared down any guy that glanced twice at Morgan cause I didn't give a fuck who they were. Nobody is allowed to look at her. We finally got outside and I looked at the girls and had no idea what to say to them. Sorry I scared you guys to death? That guy was gonna assault you? Nothing seemed correct for this.

" Sorry about what happened in there. That guy is bad news and he had bad intentions. I hope I got there before he scared you to much. I care about you Skye so its okay that your sister hates me. I wouldn't have let that guy do anything to Kaitlyn either. I wasn't gonna hurt him to bad. Just enough to keep him away from you. So what brought you to a bar?"

" Well if you must know me and Kaitlyn came to bar to watch the Steelers vs Panthers game and order some wings because that is what we do every game. As for the guy I think he deserved what happened to him honestly. If you didn't do that Kaitlyn would have and it could have been worse. She has no mercy when it comes to douches especially when they are involved with me. Back in California she once was arrested for extreme battery at some club in the hills. I think you honestly went easy on him."

I looked behind Skye at Kaitlyn that firmly placed herself on the curb facing the moving traffic. I was starting to like this chick. She had balls if I ever saw a girl with them. I also respected her allegiance and trust in family. If she was protecting Skye then I don't see why I need to fuck with her. But she doesn't need to anymore cause she has me for protection now. But if they wanted to see a game with some beer and wings I could help them out.

" If you want to watch the game with wings and a few beers I could help in the department. I happen to own the sweetest bachelor pad in all of Kentucky and I could even give you guys a lift if you want. All I need is to grab Brett and tell him to find a ride cause my car is only a two passenger. Kaitlyn you need a ride too unless you want to be on Skye's lap." Skye looked like she was contemplating the situation but then I came up with a great plan for me and Brett

" Actually if it wont be a problem Skye you can come with me in my car and Kaitlyn you could take your car and since I don't want you all alone Brett can ride with you cause you never know when you would need some muscle. My place has a giant flat screen and recliners in the movie room. We could watch the game there I have beer in the fridge and we could order wings."

Before either could object I ran back into the bar to grab Brett so we could head out. The faster we get away the less time the girls have to object to the idea. I couldn't help but get excited about the evening ahead because if luck was on my side I would end up in bed with the girl of my dreams tonight. Wow did I just say that? Times have changed I was always the guy girls dreamed about not the other way around.

" What do you mean I have a opportunity to sleep with Kaitlyn tonight? Bro how did you swing that? Actually don't bother telling me I will leave it at your the best and remind me to put condoms on the list of shit I need more of. If tonight goes well we both will need more. Good luck with Skye though your really the best. Let me know if you need me to talk you up to her cause I do owe you one."

He looked even more excited then me about this but I can see why both sisters were the whole package even though I thought Skye was hotter. Who did he think he was talking to though? Talking me up like that was necessary? Has he met me I am a god! Whatever I will let it slide cause tonight is all about Skye. Getting laid too.

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