Chapter 18 (Ian)

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  Kaitlyn and Skye arrived at the concert about 8:45. They were both buzzing with excitement and couldn't wait to see the band perform. After what happened at the house Skye was still on edge about the whole thing with seeing Wade and Tyler. Skye had called Ian to say that he and Brett should come to the concert to be "protection" if anything would happen. Ian knew that what she said was totally a lie because she would never admit she needed any "protection". At that point she had to come clean and admit that Wade was making advances at Kaitlyn and that Brett needs to protect her. He said he was on his way so I could calm down.

"Tonight is going to be so lit! Skye thank you so much for bringing me here!"

Her smile made me feel so much better then i did earlier because there is the plan to stop all the issues that could occur tonight. Me and Brett made our way through the crowd to meet up with Kaitlyn and Skye so as we weaved through the crowd we searched for them. The place was buzzing with excitedment for whatever this band was. All I knew was I could care less who the fuck they were as long as they left our girls alone. Brett was grunting a lot on the way to the girls probably because all the signs around here were saying vulgar words like "Fuck me Wade!" and "Have my Babies Tyler!" the signs alone were enough to make me wanna throw up. Finally as we move into the crowd deeper I feel Brett tense and stop short. I didn't know why so I got a bit worried. Then I looked up and saw why the fuck he stopped. 

  Our girls looked like hooker groupies! We never had an issue with them looking hot but now that it wasn't just for our eyes only I can see me and Brett's primal side emerging. No guy should be able to look at our girls when they look as sexy as they do right now. I was a second away from cutting every guy in the crowds dicks off when the girls spotted us and they start waving frantically and smiling. It was hard to be angry when I saw the light in Skye's eyes when she sees me. Just knowing that my baby is inside her makes me content enough to said fuck it and ignore the other douches in the crowd.

  I see Brett pick up the pase and get to Kaitlyn. She smiles up at him loving at him and then start sucking face. Typical teens. I get to my girl and do the same and she tenses against me when we hear frantic screaming. The shows about to start I presume. Then I see another guy who needs his dick cut off. God this band is chock full of pricks honestly. They all are covered with tattoos and piercing and I can't stand any of them. I wanna punch their cocky grins straight off their faces. I glance over at Brett and he looks as if he senses my rage.

  At first I didn't think I had a reason to hate them but then the drummer winks at someone in the crowd and then mouths something that almost made me see red. He mouthed Skye at me girl with a kiss! That mother fucker is dead meat. I am about to jump the barrier but then look down at my girl and know I can't leave her alone here where other creeps can get her. I try not to let it bother me and keep my cool. That's my baby in her and not this dicks. They start rocking out which I think their crap sucks but everyone else seems super into it. The play some punk rock stuff and I am shocked as Kaitlyn and Skye are hanging on to every word and singing along. God these guys make me was break something.

  They play a few songs and then the lead singer drinks some water off stage and saunters back to the mic with asshole smirk on his face. His eyes soften when he starts searching the crowd for someone and then his gaze settles on Kaitlyn.



Fuck No!

  The leads singers starts grinning at my girl and I start to his and grunt at him. Kaitlyn tenses against me and I am just about done with this whole concert. Why the fuck does this guy get any reaction from Kaitlyn. After all that's been going on around here we need to make sure everyone leaves Kaitlyn alone. Kaitlyn waves and then all of sudden he speaks into the mic.

"I have some close friends from back in the day in the audience. My girl Kaitlyn and Tyler's girl Skye were definitely the girls that got away but not this time. Security can we help the girls to the stage we have a little something special for them. Don't be shy Kaitlyn cause I know you weren't before." He licks his lips at the end and I am done for.

  I must be paralyzed because I don't move. I can't cause I am so in shock. What the fuck is happening! Who does this prick think he is! The girls make their way to the stage and Kaitlyn whispers something into his ear and I hope it was something like "Go fuck yourself" it with the grin he flashes I doubt it. He steps back up the mic and he says something to cool my nerves.

"Don't worry ladies we are still very much on the market so please do seek us out after the concert. These girls are just some good friends from back home. No worries and big apology to Ian and Brett."

  I relax a bit cause then Kaitlyn takes the mic and says she loves me so it's all good. The concert goes on and the girls dance on the stage. I would be jealous but I have been jealous enough tonight so let her have her fun and I know she is coming home with me anyways. She looks like she is having the time of her life as well as Skye so let's not ruin it. The concert comes to an end and the band says they are gonna come back to Kaitlyn's after they hang backstage for a bit. I would have said no but Kaitlyn kissed me before I could refuse.

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