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[this is an alternate ending. Kieran wasn't Piper's helper, and Jake and Scarlett didn't die. I hope you enjoy.]

Scarlett opened her eyes slightly, turning around and laying on her side, staring at Jake's features. He hasn't changed a bit, she thought, smiling. Apart from the stubble on his face, he looks the same as he did ten years ago.

She glances at her hand, staring and smiling at the ring that always rested on her finger, a silver infinity sign that rested on top of the ring. It was perfect.

Scarlett giggled quietly as she heard the small pattering of footsteps in the hallway, before the small children jumped onto the bed, waking up Jake.

"Mommy! Daddy! Come on, we gotta go see Aunt Emma today!" Their six year old daughter, Riley was jumping up and down, before Jake grabbed her and hugged her tightly, attacking her face with kisses, making her giggle.

"Are you excited, Evan?" Scarlett smiled at their eight year old son, who was nodding violently and smiling, before hugging his mom.

* * *

Emma sat on her bed in her home, reading Scarlett's book she had written about the whole experience ten years ago.

When I tell people this story, they think it was made up because I seem like someone who has a creative mind, and the person reading this right now probably thinks it's made up, but it's not. Me and my friends had experienced lost and heartbreak in such a small period of time, and we won't ever forget it. Many of us almost died, including me, I almost bled out at Brooke's party.

Most of you are probably wondering, where are all of us now? and, are they still in touch? Well, of course we are still in touch. A dramatic experience like that brought us closer than we already were, and we've still been the best of friends for the past ten years, living only a couple of miles from each other, some of us in the same neighborhood.

Emma and Kieran ended up getting married, and have a newborn beautiful baby girl. Brooke fell in love with the new sheriffs son, Gustavo, and they're getting married in August. Noah and Audrey ended up together, which was a big shock for all of us, but they are together.

Me and Jake? Well, Jake proposed to me when I turned twenty, the day before I told him I was pregnant. We now have an eight year old son, and a six year old daughter.

"Emma!" Kieran calls, as a smile falls onto Emma's face. "Everyone's here!" Emma ran down the stairs, greeting her friends.

This is Scarlett Rose Fitzgerald, and thank you for reading Terrified Screams.

𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒. [J. FITZGERALD] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now