EIGHT | bowling alley

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Scarlett sat on her living room couch in her pajamas, binge watching Supernatural while eating, since she was taking the day off of school, until a knock on her door interrupted her

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Scarlett sat on her living room couch in her pajamas, binge watching Supernatural while eating, since she was taking the day off of school, until a knock on her door interrupted her.

She opened the front door, revealing Jake. "Jake? What are you doing here?"

"Are you ready to go somewhere? Like, clothes wise?"

"Jake, I'm in pajamas, of course I'm not ready."

"Well get ready."


"The psycho killer took Will and now we have to find him."

* * *

"Spotty cell signal, but this is definitely the area." Noah said, holding up his phone to try and find some signal.

"Okay, creepy building, psycho killer. Time to weapon up. I got a skinner and a gut hook." Jake says, bringing the knife out of his bag.

"Wait, why, exactly?" Noah asked, before Emma's cellphone rings.

"To skin and gut things?"

Emma leaves, answering the phone. "But what do you skin and gut?" Scarlett asks.

"I don't know, you guys need to shut up."

Emma comes back, as Brooke walks towards her. "We gotta find a way in."

"Okay, you guys go that way," Emma points to Scarlett and Jake, "Noah, Brooke, and I are gonna go this way, and we'll meet you around back."

Noah looks at her worried, "that sounds like the first of many bad decisions."

"Write your blood type on your boots, and leave letters to your loved ones. Let's shake n' Jake." Jake clapped his hands together, as the group split.

* * *

"I just had a thought,"

"Wow, Jake I'm so proud of you."

Jake scoffed at her remark, before continuing to speak. "We're out here in the middle of nowhere, and we don't even know what we're walking into. All because Nerd HQ led us here?"

"Are you saying Noah's the killer?" Scarlett glances up at him, shocked of his thoughts.

"I'm just saying, on every cop show, there's always that one harmless guy that's usually the vic's roommate or her manager at the coffee shop that's like 'Susie's dead? That's horrible!'" He explained, walking up the stairs to the door they found.

𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒. [J. FITZGERALD] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now