SEVEN | questioning

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Scarlett was having a normal morning, which was shocking to her, her life wasn't normal anymore

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Scarlett was having a normal morning, which was shocking to her, her life wasn't normal anymore. She and Jake sat in class, talking about their scene, until a police officer walks in.

"Hello officer, what can I do for ya?" Branson said, smiling at the man while standing in front of him.

"We need to ask two of your students a few questions," the police officer paused, looking at the class. "Scarlett Warren and Audrey Jensen."

Scarlett looked at Jake with confusion, as he looked at her worried, before getting up and following the officer out of the class.

* * *

"Hello Scarlett, I just have a couple of questions about the murders that are happening." Detective Lorraine Brock walked into the room, sitting down in front of Scarlett.

"I'll answer them, I have nothing to hide." Scarlett answered, knowing that she didn't do anything.

"So you and Riley were close?"

"Yes, we were." Scarlett felt her heart ache for Riley, but she kept it together to talk to the Detective.

The detective was leaning forward a bit, her face normal. "And you and Nina were not?"

"Well not really, I was only in her little group because of Riley."

"Where were you on the night September 30th?"

"Um, at home." Scarlett started to grow confused, why would she think she killed Nina, Tyler, and Riley?

"Was anyone with you? Any parents?"

Scarlett shook her head, "no, my dad was at work. I was alone."

"So, you're saying you have no witness of you being at home?"

Scarlett silently scoffed, "why would I kill Nina? I mean I didn't like her that much, but she didn't do anything that would make me kill her."

"Oh, so you weren't being blackmailed by her?"

Scarlett suddenly went quiet, how would she even know about any of that? "How do you know that?"

"We got into Nina's laptop. We saw that she was blackmailing you and why she was doing it."

"That video will probably make everyone hate me, including the person she was blackmailing me for. She knew that I like Jake, and she didn't want that, she wanted to be the center of attention, be the perfect couple, so she made sure, I wouldn't ever get together with Jake. She was even trying to tear Will and Emma apart. But I did not kill her."

"Do you have a witness for when Riley was killed?"

"No, but I was here, where me and Riley were staying here to be safe from the killer. The police here were supposed to keep us safe, and they did a lousy job of that."

"So, you killed Nina and Tyler to get away from blackmail, and Riley found out about it, so you had to kill her too, am I right?"

"Why would I kill my best friend!"

"Only you can answer that question."

"But I didn't kill her!"

The door opened before the Detective could answer, and in came Cole Warren. "That's enough, Detective."

"Dad, thank god."

"I have been told my daughter can now be released because you have no real evidence she did anything," Cole motioned for Scarlett to get up, which she did and she stood next to her dad, "now, good day to you, Detective."

Because her Dad worked a couple blocks away from the station, Scarlett had Emma pick her up.

"So, where are we heading?" She asked, sitting in the middle of the back seat.


* * *

"When I said, 'oh hey Emma, can you come pick me up and we could hang out for a bit, cause we need a break,' this is not what I had in mind!" Scarlett sighed, as Emma broke the glass on the door to get inside.

All three of them ran up the stairs, and into Audrey's room. "Where does she keep her SD cards?"

"What do I look like, her personal assistant?" Noah answer Emma.

"No, but you look like someone who would know where she puts her SD cards."

The three of them kept looking, before Emma found a locked drawer, grabbing the weird looking knife off the desk.

"Wait," Noah stopped her, making Scarlett look at both of them, "that's Elvish."

"Great," Emma said, before using it anyways to open the drawer, revealing the SD cards. "woah, here they are. Got it."

A car door closes from outside, making Scarlett and Noah look out the window. "Oh, frak. We got the police, we gotta get out of here. Now, Emma."

"Who says she files them neatly?" Emma said, before walking away from the drawer.

They try to go out the door, but the police start coming up the stairs so they hurried, jumping out the window.

* * *

Scarlett was feeling nervous, as Emma pressed play on the video.

"Stop filming me."

"No you need to see yourself, you don't even know if Nina did this."

"Of course she did it! She has been torturing me my entire life, not anymore."

"If you do this, we are even worse than Nina."

"So what? I'm just supposed to keep taking it? Screw that! People like Nina dump on everyone and you know what happens to them? Nothing! They marry billionaires and wear Prada because karma doesn't just happen! Sometimes you have to take it into your own hands."

"Audrey, please."

"Tonight I'm Shiva the Destroyer and I'm coming for that sorry bitch! When I'm done I'll make sure she can't bully anyone ever again! I said turn that off!"

"Oh my god, Audrey."

𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐅𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒. [J. FITZGERALD] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now